Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy - By Lumos Learning

00:0-1 Hi , This is Darcy from Lamos Learning . Did
00:03 you know the National Assessment of Educational Progress reports that
00:08 32% of 3rd and 4th grade students read below the
00:12 basic level . Fluency refers to the ability to read
00:16 a text accurately , quickly and with good expression .
00:20 Reading fluency is an essential measure of overall reading ability
00:25 . Much research around reading fluency indicates that failing to
00:29 read before the third or fourth year of schooling may
00:32 mean lifelong problems and skills central to literacy . Fluent
00:38 reading leads to more success with writing better vocabulary skills
00:42 and a greater understanding of what is being read Today
00:46 . I'll share information about a revolutionary online program that
00:50 allows your kids to enjoy engaging stories while doing sustained
00:55 , ongoing practice and improving oral reading . Fluency over
00:59 time . Introducing Lou Most Reading Buddy , a groundbreaking
01:04 online oral reading fluency program that integrates speech processing technologies
01:10 with machine learning to provide empathetic oral reading , fluency
01:14 support . It includes engaging Children's stories that match the
01:19 learners reading level and creates an immersive experience through innovative
01:24 learning tools , combining reading skills with listening and speaking
01:28 skills . The one of a kind programme relies on
01:32 research based methodologies such as independent reading , repeated reading
01:37 and teacher modeling . The first step is cold reading
01:42 . The student gets an opportunity to read and recorded
01:44 engaging story . It is followed by students undertaking rigorous
01:49 vocabulary practice with luminous flash cubes . Then they get
01:53 an opportunity to hear the story read by an expert
01:57 teacher , this teacher modeling improved fluency as well as
02:01 expression . In the next step , the students get
02:04 an opportunity to repeat the reading . Finally , they
02:08 are asked to answer an interactive quiz that measures reading
02:11 comprehension . It doesn't stop there . The fluency data
02:16 from the repeated reading cycles are immediately accessible to both
02:20 parents and learners for measurement and positive reinforcement . Subscribe
02:26 to the Reading Buddy program today and Turn Your Kids
02:29 into successful readers .


In this video, Darcy gives you a walkthrough of Lumos Reading Buddy. This revolutionary online oral reading fluency program allows children to enjoy engaging stories while gaining confidence, improving vocabulary, acing reading comprehension, and reading fluently. The online program integrates speech processing technologies with machine learning to provide empathetic oral reading fluency support for children. It relies on research-based methodologies such as independent reading, repeated reading, teacher modeling, rigorous vocabulary practice, and reading comprehension quiz! The fluency data from the repeated reading cycles are immediately accessible to both parents and learners for measurement and positive reinforcement. Subscribe to the Lumos Reading Buddy Program today and turn your kids into successful readers!


Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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