Wellbeing For Children: Motivation - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Wellbeing For Children: Motivation - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Wellbeing For Children: Motivation - By

00:01 Yeah , yeah . Do you ever find yourself feeling
00:23 lazy with no drive to finish your homework ? Or
00:28 perhaps you just don't feel like doing things you've been
00:30 talking about for ages . If this is the case
00:35 , you might be experiencing a lack of motivation .
00:39 Motivation is the feeling inside us that drives us to
00:45 get things done or to take action to achieve our
00:48 goals . Think about what you like to do .
00:52 Do these things feel like a chore , or can
00:54 you get started on them right away ? If you
00:57 get excited and driven to complete tasks or are keen
01:01 to try new activities , there are signs that you
01:04 are motivated . Some people find motivation within themselves based
01:11 on feelings and emotions , like wanting to do really
01:16 well at sports team tryouts because it makes them feel
01:19 confident and happy . This is called internal motivation .
01:24 Mhm . Others find motivation from things happening around them
01:30 , like getting a sticker or house points from a
01:33 teacher for picking up rubbish . This is called external
01:37 motivation . Everybody is different . Some people are motivated
01:43 by themselves and their own desire to succeed , while
01:48 others may feel most motivated when they receive rewards or
01:52 praise from other people . But sometimes it can be
01:57 difficult to get motivated to do something , regardless of
02:01 where the motivation is coming from . Other times ,
02:04 emotions such as fear can get in the way of
02:07 our motivation . Maybe when you've tried something and being
02:11 hit with fear , you found yourself thinking , I
02:14 want things to stay the same If I succeed ,
02:19 What if I have more responsibility ? I'm probably not
02:24 going to be very good at it . And overcoming
02:29 your fears can feel amazing and can also supercharge your
02:34 motivation . When you stop worrying about what could go
02:38 wrong , you open yourself up to some fun and
02:41 exciting opportunities . Here are a few super easy tips
02:46 you can do to develop your motivation . Pair it
02:50 up , pair something you don't like doing with something
02:55 you love doing . Do you hate folding your clothes
03:00 or making your bed ? Mm . Try pairing these
03:03 activities with something you really enjoy . Like listening to
03:07 your favorite song and dancing . You will start to
03:11 use the natural motivation . You have to do what
03:13 you love to help complete those slightly less fun tasks
03:21 . Reward yourself . Yeah . Mm . Is there
03:28 something you can treat yourself to after doing something you
03:32 don't really like to do , it might be reading
03:35 your favorite book , playing outside with your friends or
03:39 doing any of your favorite activities . Mhm . Mhm
03:47 , yeah , create a habit . The more you
03:51 do something , the more it becomes a habit and
03:55 the more you will want to do it . Think
03:57 of a walking track filled with weeds and grass .
04:00 The more times you walk along it , the clearer
04:03 the path becomes and the easier it is to get
04:06 through it . Your brain works the same way when
04:09 creating a new habit . The more you do it
04:12 , the easier it is for the brain to become
04:14 motivated to complete that task and finally take small steps
04:22 . Sometimes tasks can feel overwhelming or too hard ,
04:27 and this can be an instant motivation stopper . The
04:30 best tip is to break tasks down into mini steps
04:34 . Do you have to write a story for your
04:36 English class ? Start with writing a list of steps
04:40 you need to take , like writing the title ,
04:44 mhm , coming up with the main character and creating
04:47 an introduction . This will be way easier than jumping
04:52 into the deep end and tackling the whole task in
04:54 one go . Once you start taking off easy things
04:58 at the beginning , you'll find that the ball starts
05:00 rolling and the other parts of the tasks are easier
05:03 to handle . Motivation is a really important quality to
05:09 have . It's the energy that drives our actions and
05:14 can encourage us to keep trying and to improve ourselves
05:18 . Yeah , if you have trouble getting motivated for
05:21 particular things , it could be a sign that you
05:24 need a little practice so it becomes easier or that
05:27 you need to start taking smaller steps . Either way
05:33 , the key is to keep at it and not
05:35 give up .


Do you ever find it hard to get started on task? Maybe you struggle to find the drive to get things done? This might mean you have difficulties with motivation. This Miniclip follows Layla as she explores the difference between internal and external motivation, different reasons behind her lack of motivation, and how she can kick-start her motivation by following four simple tips!


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