Moral Stories - Cleanliness of Your Surroundings - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Moral Stories - Cleanliness of Your Surroundings - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Moral Stories - Cleanliness of Your Surroundings - By Lumos Learning

00:0-1 cleanly nous of your surroundings . Mm hmm . How
00:23 was your day today ? It was great . My
00:26 dance class was interesting today . I learned some nice
00:30 steps for the song . If you're happy and you
00:33 know it , clap your hands . That's nice .
00:40 Okay , Now finish this . How about you issue
00:45 ? It was a good day for me as well
00:48 . Today we learned to make some decorative items out
00:52 of the waste materials . The creatives out of waste
00:56 . That sounds cool , Mom . I'm done with
01:00 Ms Snack issue . Let's go out to play .
01:04 I'm done too . Let's go . Mm hmm .
01:13 What shall we play now ? Hey , the What
01:18 are they doing ? Granny must have lost something .
01:22 Grandpa , what are you doing ? Grandma , Have
01:27 you lost something ? My puppy is good at tracking
01:31 lost things . Mhm feeling . Oh , hey ,
01:48 that's mine . It's damning . We have lost nothing
01:54 . We are picking up all the waste papers scattered
01:58 all over the ground . Look , these damaged toys
02:03 can be repaired to Oh , Grandpa , You should
02:07 have asked me for some newspapers . I have so
02:10 many lang at home . Yeah , very sweet of
02:15 you , but we don't need them . We are
02:19 picking up all the waste papers as we have to
02:23 maintain this around us . Look how clean it looks
02:28 now . Oh , yes . We are taught the
02:31 same in school about maintaining cleanliness in our surroundings .
02:37 Exactly . We are just doing the same . Great
02:43 . Now let's play a game . I show and
02:46 me are a team nanny . And Siri , you
02:49 both make a team . We will come from the
02:51 left of the street and you come from the right
02:54 . All we have to do is pick up the
02:56 waste from the road and dump it into the bill
02:59 . Let's see who cleans up faster . Yeah ,
03:03 I'm in . What about puppy ? Well , he
03:06 will assist both sides . That's the spirit . I
03:10 have some surprise for you all . Once you are
03:14 done . Yeah , well done . All of you
03:36 . Wherever you are , always keep your surroundings clean
03:42 . First , wash your hands and come . Your
03:45 surprise is waiting . That here are your surprise Candies
04:10 . Three . This is my favorite like shit .
04:19 Let's kwab


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