SUMMER WRITING ROUTINE - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

SUMMER WRITING ROUTINE - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12


00:0-1 Hello , everybody . My name is Natalia Lee ,
00:02 and I'm the author of the young adult novels High
00:04 Born and Way of Spears . And today I am
00:06 super excited to share with you my typical summer writing
00:10 routine . Let's get started . So first thing is
00:14 first . After I wake up , I get dressed
00:16 and ready for the day , and then I head
00:18 into the kitchen to make my coffee . So I
00:21 know that a lot of people drink coffee in the
00:23 morning for that kind of caffeine boost . But I
00:26 actually drink decaf , and the reason I enjoy my
00:29 coffee in the morning is one because I love the
00:32 flavor of it and to it's definitely my routine .
00:35 Making myself a good cup of coffee and then sitting
00:38 down and getting to work is just my regular morning
00:41 routine . So if I don't have the coffee ,
00:43 then it disrupts that routine , and I usually don't
00:46 get as much work done . Now . After I
01:45 have finished making my coffee , I head into my
01:47 office to get to work . But before I sit
01:50 down to write , I like to quickly tidy everything
01:53 up because I cannot work in a space . If
01:56 it is messy and cluttered around me . Now ,
02:24 if you do not follow me on Instagram or Twitter
02:27 , you probably don't know this , but I have
02:29 started a new planner , and I do plan to
02:33 make a bunch of planner videos and organization videos and
02:37 my monthly spreads . So keep an eye out for
02:40 those because they will be coming shortly . Now ,
03:03 after I have finished tidying everything up , it is
03:06 time to sit down and start writing . But before
03:08 that , I always like to light a candle .
03:11 And then I like to have my little chunk of
03:13 amethyst near me when I write as well , because
03:17 the amethyst crystal is supposed to stimulate creativity . And
03:21 I do find that having it near seems to help
03:24 while I'm working . Yeah , now the first thing
03:39 that I do when I finally sit down at my
03:41 desk is kind of go over what happened the day
03:44 before ? So I will start responding to YouTube comments
03:48 . I will check my email , and I'll just
03:50 get caught up before I actually opened my Scrivener document
03:54 and start to write . After I have finished responding
04:20 to emails and comments , I will go ahead and
04:22 open up my scrivener document , and the first thing
04:25 I will do is read over what I wrote the
04:28 day before just to kind of remind myself of what
04:31 I was working on . Mm mm . After I
04:42 finished reading over the previous day's work , it is
04:45 finally time to start writing . I aim for a
04:47 minimum of 1000 words a day , but my daily
04:50 word count Berries . I typically work for a few
04:52 hours and then have to wrap it up around 12
04:55 o'clock to go visit my pet sitting clients . Mhm
05:17 . So they have in my friends . That is
05:19 my typical summer writing routine . It's a little bit
05:22 different from my winter riding routine in that I do
05:25 not stay in bed and right any longer . So
05:29 in winter , I like to cuddle up and stay
05:31 warm and right in bed . But in the summer
05:33 it's way too hot . It's bright and beautiful out
05:36 , and I feel like I have to get up
05:38 and get working and get moving . Also , I
05:41 moved . I am no longer in the same house
05:43 that I was in when I filmed the winter writing
05:45 routine , and I actually have this office now .
05:48 When the other house . I didn't have an office
05:50 , so I either wrote in bed or I went
05:52 out to the kitchen and I wrote there . But
05:54 if I was going to write in the kitchen that
05:56 I had to clean the whole kitchen first because I
05:58 don't like writing where things are cluttered around me ,
06:01 as you would have seen , because I have to
06:02 tidy up my whole space before I get to writing
06:05 . So now that I have this office that I
06:07 keep pretty organized and clean relatively , I really enjoy
06:12 working in here rather than laying in bed or working
06:16 in the kitchen . So after I finish up writing
06:19 in the morning , I typically hit a minimum of
06:22 1000 words . Sometimes it's more like 1500 or 2000
06:25 , just depending on how much time I have and
06:28 on kind of how inspired I am to write that
06:30 scene or that chapter . So after I finish writing
06:33 , I have to go and do my errands ,
06:35 my pet sitting in grocery shopping and all that adult
06:37 kind of stuff . When I am back in the
06:40 evenings or late afternoon , I typically don't write anymore
06:44 because I write best in the mornings when I don't
06:47 have anything else on my mind , and that's just
06:49 my routine . I just write in the mornings for
06:51 that big chunk of time . So then once I
06:53 get home in the afternoons , I usually work on
06:55 my other projects . And I have three other projects
06:59 that I'm working on right now that I am super
07:02 excited to share with you . I have one that
07:04 is coming out . Hopefully this week or next week
07:08 . I have one coming out at the beginning of
07:09 September and one coming out at the end of September
07:13 , so you have a lot of fun stuff to
07:14 look forward to . I will be giving you kind
07:17 of sneak peeks and hints along the way , but
07:20 just know that I have some really awesome , exciting
07:23 stuff in the works for you . So thank you
07:25 guys so much for watching this summer writing routine .
07:29 I would love to know what your summer writing routine
07:31 is . Let's go ahead and just pop it in
07:33 the comments down below . Also , I know that
07:35 I had an influx of subscribers recently , and I
07:39 just wanted to say hello to everybody . Welcome to
07:41 my channel . If you are new here , and
07:43 I am so , so happy to have you please
07:45 feel free to ask me any questions or leave any
07:48 comments down below . And I really look forward to
07:51 seeing you in my next video . Bye , everybody
00:0-1 .


Today I'm giving you a behind-the-scenes look into my typical summer writing day. I usually write 4-5 days a week, and this is the routine that I stick to in order to be my most productive self.


SUMMER WRITING ROUTINE is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.It helps students in grades 8 practice the following standards 8.SP.1,8.SP.2,8.SP.3.

This page not only allows students and teachers view SUMMER WRITING ROUTINE but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. 8.SP.1 : Construct and interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data to investigate patterns of association between two quantities. Describe patterns such as clustering, outliers, positive or negative association, linear association, and nonlinear association..

2. 8.SP.2 : Know that straight lines are widely used to model relationships between two quantitative variables. For scatter plots that suggest a linear association, informally fit a straight line, and informally assess the model fit by judging the closeness of the data points to the line..

3. 8.SP.3 : Use the equation of a linear model to solve problems in the context of bivariate measurement data, interpreting the slope and intercept. For example, in a linear model for a biology experiment, interpret a slope of 1.5 cm/hr as meaning that an additional hour of sunlight each day is associated with an additional 1.5 cm in mature plant height..





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