Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy - By

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01:29 it a personal favor , but we're gonna get everyone
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In this video, Darcy gives you a walkthrough of Lumos Reading Buddy. This revolutionary online oral reading fluency program allows children to enjoy engaging stories while gaining confidence, improving vocabulary, acing reading comprehension, and reading fluently. The online program integrates speech processing technologies with machine learning to provide empathetic oral reading fluency support for children. It relies on research-based methodologies such as independent reading, repeated reading, teacher modeling, rigorous vocabulary practice, and reading comprehension quiz! The fluency data from the repeated reading cycles are immediately accessible to both parents and learners for measurement and positive reinforcement. Subscribe to the Lumos Reading Buddy Program today and turn your kids into successful readers!


Improve oral reading fluency for children with Lumos Reading Buddy is a free educational video by .

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