Home Is The New School: Significance of Goal Setting For Every Student (Webinar for Parents) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Home Is The New School: Significance of Goal Setting For Every Student (Webinar for Parents) - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Home Is The New School: Significance of Goal Setting For Every Student (Webinar for Parents) - By Lumos Learning

00:06 It's my pleasure to introduce the next speaker . We
00:10 have Dr Newton Miller . That's a really great picture
00:15 of him . Um , and , uh , Dr
00:18 Miller is an expert and experienced administrator and educator ,
00:23 and , uh , he's kind of focus on the
00:27 goal setting process , which sort of fits in perfectly
00:30 with what Maureen was talking about . Two . So
00:34 , Doctor Miller , whenever you're ready , this is
00:37 your platform . Fantastic . I am assuming everyone can
00:41 hear me . Oh , I see the Green square
00:43 . So , yeah , it's kind of weird when
00:45 you do these things . It's like you either start
00:47 talking and no one hears you , you know ?
00:49 Or you have to say , Can you hear me
00:51 ? Either way , it's It's like , you know
00:53 , awkward . But nevertheless , here we are .
00:55 So I was a long time math and science teacher
00:57 in urban school districts , you know , um ,
00:59 mostly in the secondary arena . Then I was a
01:02 principal for many years now , um , a college
01:05 professor , and I lead some teams that are university
01:07 where we actually build the teacher prep program . So
01:10 we teach teachers to be teachers . Um , so
01:12 I like to speak , uh , with this whole
01:15 thing and animal grandfather . My wife does some homeschooling
01:18 things and provide some videos for folks . Um so
01:23 I think one of the things if we go to
01:25 the next slide that is missing is in this whole
01:29 covid and an arena where we're home schooling is is
01:33 a , you know , a mandate in sometime in
01:36 in some ways , uh , his goal setting .
01:39 And so your goal is a thing , uh ,
01:41 to which all your effort is directed . And I
01:44 think as Maureen was saying , one of the most
01:46 positive things that's coming out of this era is that
01:50 now we're with family , so we have time to
01:52 communicate . We have time to talk . We have
01:55 time to learn about , you know , our Children
01:57 and them about us in different ways . Um ,
02:00 so this whole goal setting process and I'm going to
02:02 present to you today I think it's it's super powerful
02:05 for you and your Children , whether it's elementary or
02:08 secondary , whether you're talking about short term goals or
02:11 long term goals . But it's all about pointing towards
02:14 some some all your effort towards something that's direct ,
02:18 directing your effort towards something we can go to the
02:20 next slide when we talk about goal setting . I
02:23 always like to talk about these three gentlemen . So
02:25 these three gentlemen , African American gentleman grew up in
02:28 the urban arena didn't have a lot of visible ,
02:31 visible model role models , but they wanted to be
02:33 doctors . So here's what they did . Their dream
02:36 wants to be a doctor , and they shared that
02:38 dream with each other . And then what they did
02:40 was they researched all the steps , all the milestones
02:43 , all the things that it would take to become
02:45 a doctor . They researched them together , and they
02:47 made a list backwards from being a doctor to where
02:51 they stood at that given point in time in their
02:53 life . And then they made a pact with each
02:56 other to hold each other accountable to working through those
03:00 milestones and those steps so they can become a doctor
03:02 . Now , despite the fact that all three of
03:04 them went to different colleges , they stay held to
03:06 their pack . They helped each other , and all
03:09 three are now successful doctors . This is the first
03:12 book that they wrote is called the packets about 15
03:14 years ago , and they travel across the country speaking
03:18 to young people to help them learn the importance and
03:21 how to set goals so they can accomplish their dreams
03:24 , goals and aspirations as well . If we go
03:27 to the next slide , Um , in that slide
03:30 were , um , addressing . I'm sorry I lost
03:34 lost track for a second , where if we're working
03:38 with goals , we need to understand why goals are
03:40 important , and we need to make that clear to
03:43 our Children as well as we go through this process
03:45 . And it's really two reasons . One is just
03:46 give us direction . Where are we pointing ? Where
03:49 are we trying to end up ? Um , and
03:51 so we could be more deliberate , you know ,
03:53 And how we , uh , distribute our our our
03:55 resources and our time and our talents . And the
03:58 second one is just to keep track . You know
04:00 , we need to keep track of of the ,
04:02 uh , accomplishments and the growth and the development that
04:06 we , you know are are experiencing along the way
04:11 as we're moving towards that journey to accomplish that goal
04:14 . In other words , we need to know if
04:16 all the time we're winning as we're moving for the
04:20 next slide if you want , you know your goals
04:23 are important . You kinda have to understand your role
04:27 as a parent , so it's really two separate roles
04:29 . You're either going to facilitate or monitor , So
04:31 if you're in the elementary level , you're more of
04:33 a facilitator . So you're not doing the work yourself
04:36 . You're not giving the child the goals are saying
04:39 it to them . Basically , your role in this
04:41 whole thing , as as an elementary parent , is
04:45 to facilitate , to speak , to guide , to
04:47 ask , leading questions and guiding questions . Uh ,
04:50 you know , And on the secondary level , you
04:52 move back a step from that facilitator to a monitor
04:55 , because now you're you're hoping that your child is
04:58 learning , becoming more responsible , becoming , uh ,
05:01 more , uh , proactive and what it is that
05:05 they need to do . So now you're monitoring ,
05:07 but on both levels , you're making sure that your
05:10 child is on task on Target and that all their
05:14 needs are met . They have everything that they need
05:17 . So there's no delay , whether it's a resource
05:19 of question , a setting , whatever it is they
05:23 need . But most of all , most of all
05:26 , you are the greatest source of positive reinforcement that
05:30 your child can have . I know you think they're
05:32 not hearing you when you're praising them . But you
05:34 are the greatest role model , so you're the greatest
05:38 source of positive reinforcement . So lay it on thick
05:41 , make sure it's authentic and make sure it's for
05:43 good things . But lay it on thick if we
05:46 go ahead and run to the next slide . The
05:49 goal of goals is to establish what we call a
05:52 growth mindset in education . So some of Carol Dweck
05:56 says work Dwight D W D W E C K
05:59 . If you like to , uh , look up
06:01 things , she has a whole , uh , set
06:05 of research around something called the growth Mindset . Now
06:08 the growth mindset me simply this if there is a
06:10 task that you might not have encountered before or what
06:13 that you did encounter before and you struggle with that
06:16 , that that task you're thinking or your frame of
06:19 mind is I don't care if I've never done it
06:22 or if it's difficult , I can accomplish it with
06:26 some diligence , with some perseverance , with some hard
06:28 work , you know , with some responsibility , I
06:30 can accomplish that task . And guess what ? Not
06:33 just accomplish it difficulty , you know , just just
06:35 a little I can eventually master it . I can
06:39 get better at a thing . That's what the growth
06:41 mindset is about . Now , in order to make
06:44 sure that that goal of goals of establishing a growth
06:47 mindset happens , you have to first identify . Be
06:50 honest with yourself and identify your ability level . You
06:54 know what were my what's my strength ? What's my
06:57 weaknesses and be okay with that ? But then ,
07:00 secondly , you have to challenge yourself . Now when
07:04 challenging yourself , you need to set those targets appropriately
07:07 , meaning this . You don't want to make them
07:09 so easy that you know you can just do them
07:12 in your sleep . You're not growing from that .
07:14 That's no challenge that that you're just coasting . That's
07:17 not good for you . But at the same time
07:19 , you don't want to make them so difficult and
07:21 way up here that you get frustrated because they're not
07:24 attainable and you give up and quit and then you
07:27 just create a plan and then some system to assess
07:30 yourself along the way as you're accomplishing your goals to
07:33 make sure that you you you reach the finish point
07:36 , we're going to the next slide . One way
07:39 to do this , and I hear a lot of
07:40 people talk about the difference between attention spans with Children
07:43 and adults . And there's some research that goes both
07:46 ways with that . And I got to let you
07:47 know that I'm super a d h d . So
07:50 my attention span is not that great . I have
07:53 found ways that I've gotten older to , you know
07:56 , make myself pay attention and do different things coping
08:00 skills , I call them . But this method ,
08:02 the Pomodoro method , is something that will work across
08:05 the board . I do it myself all the time
08:08 , and basically what you do is you might have
08:11 100 tasks . But you focus on one , just
08:14 one , not the other 99 out . And for
08:16 25 to 30 minutes , you focus in on that
08:20 task and give all you have to it . After
08:23 that , 25 to 30 minutes , you take a
08:25 break . Small break 2 to 5 minutes . Get
08:27 up . Take a walk . Uh , go tell
08:29 a joke . You know , text somebody check your
08:32 social media , get a drink . Whatever it is
08:34 that you do . Two of the five minutes and
08:36 you come back and you jump back on that task
08:38 for that 25 to 30 minutes . You repeat that
08:41 cycle four times the fourth time that you get you
08:44 accomplish that cycle , you put a check on your
08:46 paper on your calendar or wherever . And at the
08:49 end of the day , here's what happens . You
08:51 have found that , uh , you can you have
08:55 a visual representation of your time on task for that
09:00 day and you will have found it . Not only
09:03 has your time on task increase and you've been more
09:06 productive , but you'll also see that you have been
09:09 more effective , more , more on point because you're
09:12 only focusing on that one task at a time .
09:14 So that Pomodoro method is something . And I slowed
09:16 down a little bit to explain that that I think
09:19 will work for you , whether you're an adult ,
09:22 whether you're a child and it's something you should look
09:24 at adopting and you can adjust that modified in whatever
09:27 it works for you . The next slide . So
09:30 now I'm talking about goal setting you guys , so
09:33 whenever you are setting a goal in any area of
09:36 your life , you these are the four essential questions
09:39 that you must be able to answer . So as
09:41 you're speaking with your child and this whole goal setting
09:44 process and working with them and building relationship and bonding
09:48 with them and helping them to parse out their goals
09:51 . They need to know . First of all ,
09:53 why do they want to accomplish that goal ? You
09:55 know , what obstacle are they trying to move ?
09:58 What problem are they trying to solve ? They have
10:00 to be able to answer that . And then exactly
10:02 what is the goal ? What do I want to
10:04 do ? Be able to define it , say it
10:07 really quickly and one quick sentence . And then ,
10:09 you know , how will I , uh how will
10:12 I get that gold done ? You know what ?
10:15 What are the steps ? What What are the ,
10:17 uh , the milestones ? What are the things required
10:22 to accomplish ? The goal . And then finally ,
10:24 when do I want it done ? How do I
10:26 want you ? So what is my schedule ? You
10:28 know , it's just something's going to happen in a
10:29 month . A week ? You know , by the
10:31 end of the day , is it five years ,
10:34 10 years , some system of accountability . So you
10:37 can make sure that you're moving along your path to
10:39 accomplish that goal . We go to the next slide
10:42 . Now there's different ways you can do this ?
10:44 Um , I call them E visual Systems , because
10:47 remember the goal setting process that I am proposing to
10:50 you . It's a partnership between you and your child
10:53 , right ? So if electronic ways of accounting or
10:58 or or tracking that goal is good for you ,
11:02 then great , there's some free apps out there .
11:05 And I know that you most learning offers a lot
11:08 of things , and there's some free stuff out there
11:10 as well . Classroom dojo seesaw . Um , Google
11:14 assistant has something called Family Bell . All of these
11:18 are apps you can download on your device . You
11:20 can set schedules . You can attach the links to
11:25 resources . You can answer questions . You can send
11:29 alarms and reminders . You can do all these things
11:33 in these free apps to help uh , your child
11:36 stay on track with what it is that they have
11:38 to do , uh , and for you to be
11:40 able to help monitor that and facilitate that process as
11:43 they go , Um , so that they're the visual
11:46 systems are available to you . And if we go
11:49 to the next slide , if you're like me old
11:52 school , then use those old hard copy visual systems
11:56 . So you can go on Google and type in
11:59 , you know , goal setting charts or something like
12:01 that . You'll find hundreds of them . You can
12:03 take one off of Google or you can create your
12:05 own . Now it doesn't have to be pretty .
12:07 It just has to have these things have to have
12:10 the category of the goal . It has to have
12:12 the actual goal statement itself . What is the goal
12:16 ? Why do you want to accomplish to go ?
12:17 What are the steps and how it's measured ? Somehow
12:20 on those that system , you need to have that
12:22 . I'm gonna share a few systems with you ,
12:24 but I want to tell you why it's important for
12:27 you to have that hard copy visual system . Uh
12:29 , it's important because if you're dealing , especially if
12:33 you're dealing with pre teens , middle school , high
12:34 school , um , the conversations , as far as
12:38 as growth and accountability as they move through their developmental
12:40 stages , they're hormonal processes can get a little difficult
12:45 . So sometimes if a thing is not out in
12:48 front of them in their minds , they don't think
12:52 that that is a viable or valid conversation . So
12:57 when you post that that the goal and the steps
13:01 of the goal and accountability system on a wall on
13:05 a closet door on a mirror on the refrigerator .
13:08 If it's somewhere visual to be seen all the time
13:11 , it makes the conversation about accountability of those goals
13:15 valid conversation in the minds of your teenager . Now
13:19 they or your middle schooler . Now the other thing
13:22 that it does is it creates a culture of goal
13:25 setting in your household . Not only does it help
13:28 your household run smoother and be more productive , you're
13:31 setting your child up for success after high school after
13:35 they leave you while they're in college , far into
13:38 their career and when they have Children of their own
13:41 . So that's something that I really , uh ,
13:44 recommend for you . Let me let me show you
13:46 just a couple of these systems and get out of
13:48 your way because I don't want to take too much
13:49 of your time . We can go to the next
13:51 slide . See , when I was a principal ,
13:54 uh , in the middle school , excuse me .
13:55 In high school we started something called a freshman academy
13:58 and urban school and one of the things that was
14:01 lacking in that community with goal setting and forecasting because
14:04 a lot of times in urban or at potential arenas
14:07 you work on a survival mindset , which means you're
14:10 dealing with here and now . And I don't want
14:12 to die aggress . You can tell that that's probably
14:14 my favorite topic to talk about . So we established
14:17 in that freshman academy a goal , a goal setting
14:21 portion of the curriculum . It was common for every
14:23 freshman , and we came up with something called the
14:25 Four square Gold system , kind of like the foursquare
14:27 writing system . So you divide your paper up in
14:30 the four , uh , parts and you can see
14:32 there's four squares up there . So on this particular
14:36 , uh , sheet , the four areas of categories
14:40 of goals where family , friends , health and schooling
14:42 career now you want to have your your Children ,
14:45 um , create goals in different areas of their lives
14:49 . The reason for that is so that you can
14:51 teach them that they are a multifaceted person and that
14:55 they have to have a holistic view to themselves and
14:59 that they are responsible for maintaining for growing and accomplishing
15:04 in all the areas of their lives . So the
15:07 sports Square goal system kind of brings attention to that
15:10 . So in that square , you write the category
15:13 right , and then inside the square you write the
15:16 actual goal statement , but you're going to write it
15:19 as an affirmative , meaning this you're going to write
15:22 it as I can , or an I will statement
15:25 , right ? And then , underneath , outside the
15:27 circle outside the square , you're going to go ahead
15:29 and write why , you know , 5 to 7
15:32 words really short . Why I want to accomplish this
15:34 goal . And then , you know when so you
15:37 can have some system of accountability or timeline , we
15:40 go to the next slide . There's a sheet that
15:42 we used along with the four square gold system that
15:45 we call the gold staircase , and you can create
15:47 these on your own . I mean , it's just
15:49 it's not hard to do so that gold staircase ,
15:52 right ? Here's what happens . You take one of
15:55 the goals from the four square gold sheet and you
15:57 write it right there in that square , says Gold
16:00 statement or rectangle . It says gold statement , Right
16:03 , so now we're focusing on that goal for this
16:05 staircase . Now what you do is you do with
16:07 the three brothers from the pack . Did or three
16:11 gentlemen from the pack . Did you go ahead and
16:13 you research what it takes to accomplish that goal ?
16:17 Now ? We could be passing biology class . It
16:20 can . It can be anything . For instance ,
16:22 I'll use I want to become a doctor right now
16:24 . Let's just use a long term goal , right
16:25 ? So I want to become a doctor and I
16:28 research what it takes . So that means , um
16:30 , I have to do a residency . Well ,
16:32 that's one milestone . If I have to do a
16:34 residence , you have to get into med school .
16:37 That's another a milestone if I want to get in
16:40 med . So I got to take the Cats .
16:42 There's another milestone . Take the make the Make the
16:45 Cats and getting into med school . I had to
16:48 , uh , you know , get an undergraduate degree
16:50 . There's another one . You know , Maybe there's
16:52 some testing . There's some other courses I have to
16:54 take throughout high school . So you get all these
16:56 milestones written now ? It can be five milestones .
16:59 It could be 25 milestones . However many you come
17:02 up with you create that on your sheet . And
17:05 then now that you know what it takes to accomplish
17:08 that thing from the point of being that thing to
17:10 where you are now , you start walking forward and
17:14 accomplishing milestones from where you stand right now in life
17:18 . And every time you accomplishing milestone , you give
17:20 yourself a gold star or whatever it is that you
17:24 want to put on their , uh , to show
17:26 that you've accomplished that thing and you celebrate yourself and
17:29 you celebrate with your child for for that instance and
17:32 then you get them back on the horse and they
17:34 keep moving towards that next milestone . So that's ,
17:37 uh , that sheet quick story . Um , we
17:41 had the freshman would do this as a freshman and
17:45 I several of them when they did their senior project
17:48 , and I was standing there as a principle ,
17:50 they would come to me very proud . Say ,
17:53 Mr Miller , Mr Miller , I did my senior
17:55 , probably . Look , it's milestone seven on my
17:58 seat . Can you sign it off from me ?
18:00 So my signature was their gold star . But anyway
18:04 , just show you that it's a powerful thing that
18:06 , uh , students can use if we go to
18:08 the next slide , show you one more strategy that
18:11 you can use , uh , for goal setting with
18:14 your your youngsters . Now , this is super powerful
18:17 middle school and high school students . Um , superpower
18:21 . It's great for elementary , too , but this
18:22 is super powerful for middle school and high school and
18:25 especially if they come from an app potential or marginalized
18:29 population . Um , this here is what we call
18:32 a vision board . So this one is one of
18:35 the actual ninth grader . Uh , we pulled out
18:38 and on the left hand side , they just kind
18:39 of write their goal statement what it is they want
18:42 to accomplish now . We didn't make them really get
18:44 into a lot of details of writing their their focus
18:47 or the gold statement . We just had them do
18:49 it so it could be in their mind . But
18:51 on the right hand side , you see some pictures
18:55 . What we had those students do was draw a
18:58 picture of what it looks like when they have accomplished
19:03 that goal that they wrote on the left hand side
19:07 . So what it does , and just to give
19:09 you some educational talk , it takes the right brain
19:12 the right side of your brain and the left side
19:14 of your brain , and it forces them to work
19:17 together . on one specific , uh , focus task
19:21 . It takes all the modalities and multiple intelligence .
19:24 It forces them to work together and listen as a
19:27 human being , Whenever you can connect your right brain
19:29 in your left brain together to focus on a specific
19:32 task , you are unstoppable when it comes to that
19:35 test , whether it's a positive thing or negative thing
19:38 . When that happens in the human mind , man
19:41 , you're unstoppable . So this vision board does that
19:44 for for , uh , for your Children . So
19:47 in essence , it makes them have to see themselves
19:50 where they want to be , and it makes them
19:53 actually physically draw that thing . So now they touched
19:58 it . They thought about it , you know ,
20:00 it's now attainable to them . So all you have
20:04 to do is revisit this visit vision board with them
20:07 . You know , often quarterly monthly , however you
20:10 want to do it and see , uh , so
20:13 they can see the progress and remember what it is
20:16 that they're trying to accomplish . So if we go
20:19 to the next slide as I get out of your
20:21 way , you guys , um , one thing that
20:23 I think we need to understand his parents and we
20:26 need to make sure our Children understand that there's a
20:29 difference between dreams and goals . She dreams . They're
20:32 like an arrow that's meant to hit some target off
20:36 in the distance and the desire that your child has
20:40 that dream . The desire to , you know ,
20:42 to accomplish that , uh , that dream . That's
20:45 the bow that's meant to project the arrow . But
20:48 if you have an arrow in one hand and a
20:51 bow in another hand and you never put them together
20:54 and make them function , then they're basically useless .
20:57 And that's where the goal setting process comes in .
21:00 That's why you have to make the time to run
21:03 through this process with your child . It just just
21:06 make it part of your culture with the goal with
21:09 the goal , uh , setting process does it actually
21:13 puts the arrow in the bow and draws back on
21:17 it to give it the power that it needs .
21:19 So when you let go of that string , that
21:21 arrow , that dream shoots down , uh down the
21:26 field and hits its target . So , in essence
21:28 , for the next slide , the only difference between
21:32 dreams and goals if we go to the next slide
21:35 , the only difference between dreams and goals is action
21:39 . So , uh , what I am , um
21:44 , saying to you is simply this , Um ,
21:47 as you go to that goal setting process with your
21:49 child , it's so important because it is the difference
21:52 between whether you're going to raise a well functioning dreamer
21:58 . Well , if you're going to raise a world
21:59 changer , So I am finished with my piece right
22:03 now . If I have questions , you want to
22:05 wait to the end for questions ? Yeah , I
22:07 think so . This is fantastic . So I think
22:12 for parents to know that they're managing a process and
22:17 these are tools to manage that process to help their
22:20 child achieve their goals , state their goals , achieve
22:23 their goals . Fantastic . So you know , Dr
22:26 Miller , thank you so much .



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