Free Educational Videos for Students in K-12

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Use the Polynomial Remainder Theorem to analyze factors of polynomials

By Khan Academy

Sal finds the remainder of (-3x^3-4x^2+10x-7) divided by (x-2) using the PRT (Polynomial Remainder Theorem).

Radical equations

By Khan Academy

Sal solves the equation������������3+������������������(5x+6)=12.

Special right triangles

By Khan Academy

Using what we know about 30-60-90 triangles to solve what at first seems to be a challenging problem

Ratio tables

By Khan Academy

In this example we'll plot points on the x and y axis to reflect the given ratios.

Unknown angle algebra problems

By Khan Academy

Given two intersecting lines and the measure of vertical angles, watch as we solve to find the measure of the remaining angles.

Sample spaces for compound events

By Khan Academy

Explore the notion of a sample space. See a sample space represented as a tree diagram, table, and list.

Solve systems of linear equations with substitution

By Khan Academy

Sal solves the following system of linear equations using substitution: -3x-4y=-2 and y=2x-5.

Solve any system of two linear equations

By Khan Academy

Sal solves the following system of linear equations using substitution: -3x-4y=-2 and y=2x-5.

Solve systems of linear equations with elimination (advanced)

By Khan Academy

Sal solves the following system of equations by manipulating it and then eliminating y: 5x-10y=15 and 3x-2y=3.

Approximating square roots

By Khan Academy

Learn how to find the approximate values of square roots. The examples used in this video are √32, √55, and √123. The technique used is to compare the squares of whole numbers to the number we're taking the square root of.