Free Educational Videos for Students in K-12

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Exponential growth and decay word problems | Algebra II | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Watch these examples of constructing exponential growth and decay models from the description of a relationship between two variables.

Area - Area Of A Circle

By mrmaisonet

Once you know what 'radius' and 'area' mean, watch this video to learn how to calculate the area of a circle. Pay attention to the common mistakes, such as using an incorrect order of operations.

Basic trigonometry | Basic trigonometry | Trigonometry | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

How to find sine, cosine and tangent using right triangle definition. Also you will learn how to locate hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite side in a right triangle.

Law of Cosines, Example SSS

By PatrickJMT

The Law of Cosines, Example 4. Here we use the law of cosines to help deduce an angle between the flightpath of two planes!

The Law of Cosines and the SSS Case

By mattemath

This video contains an example of solving a triangle using the Law of Cosines. The video illustrates the case of solving a triangle in which all three sides are known (the side-side-side case).

Continuous or Discrete? - YouTube

By Mathceratops

Here's how to tell when a data type is continous or discrete, and what kinds of situations you'd use each data type in. This is more fun than a barrel of monkeys -- which, by the way, would be an example of discrete data.

Simple Sentence

By pattheprofessor

In this video professor Josh Stein explains what makes up a simple sentence. Examples of simple sentences are provided.

Parallel Structure Flipped Video

By EnglishI PLC

This video explains parallelism as the same pattern of words that show the same level of importance for two or more ideas. It gives examples of correct and faulty parallel sentence structure for words, phrases, and clauses.

Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers

By EnglishI PLC

This instructional video demonstrates how to correct dangling and misplaced modifiers.