Solving Biology's Mysteries with Plants (Science Out Loud S2 Ep2) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Solving Biology's Mysteries with Plants (Science Out Loud S2 Ep2) - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Solving Biology's Mysteries with Plants (Science Out Loud S2 Ep2) - By MITK12Videos

00:0-1 Paclitaxel is a compound that can treat cancer . Salicylic
00:03 acid reduces headaches and fevers . Carotenoids can turn your
00:07 skin orange and miraculous changes your sense of taste .
00:10 What do all of these awesome compounds have in common
00:14 ? They all come from plans . More than 100,000
00:28 natural compounds occur in plants and we barely explored them
00:33 . These small molecules are called metabolites , just like
00:36 how all the DNA in an organism forms the genome
00:39 . All of the metabolites formed the metabolism . Even
00:42 though each metabolite can be made from only six elements
00:45 , there are so many possibilities that it would take
00:48 scientists thousands of years to make each one and figure
00:51 out its usefulness . Luckily plants have already done this
00:55 for us . Plants have the disadvantage of being rooted
00:59 to the ground . So over time they've trial and
01:02 aired making lots of compounds to see which ones help
01:06 them survive and thrive best . And because they've been
01:09 interacting with other species like us for hundreds of thousands
01:12 of years , some of their chemicals turn out to
01:15 be really useful both inside and outside our bodies .
01:19 But to use plans to their full potential , we
01:21 have to know what chemicals they make and how they
01:24 make them . Instead of studying every chemical one x
01:26 1 . What if we could study all of them
01:29 at once . We could start by mapping the huge
01:32 network that connects metabolites in any living organism . Molecules
01:36 are always on the move , being converted and shuttle
01:39 decomposed and built back up again and greased . It's
01:42 just like nobody system accepted biology . The people are
01:46 the chemicals and the train is the enzyme that converts
01:49 and moves them . Mhm . If you look at
01:52 a city from above , how could you map the
01:54 whole subway system ? Similarly , if we look at
01:58 a plant , how can we figure out the entire
02:00 metabolism network to figure out a path in the system
02:04 ? What we actually need to do is break it
02:07 . If we mutate or disrupt a pathway and see
02:09 how the metabolite quantities change , we can figure out
02:12 the connections between them , let's say the train from
02:15 central to MITt breaks . We wouldn't see students arriving
02:19 at MIT and would instead see them building up at
02:21 central , but not only that anyone else traveling along
02:25 the red line would also be affected . So it's
02:28 the redistribution of people which reveals the red line subway
02:31 path and tells us where the train broke . We
02:35 can use this systems thinking to uncover the plant metabolite
02:38 network . For example , we know about a compound
02:41 called Cinema Mill which protects the plant from UV damage
02:44 by interacting with UV light , making the plant glow
02:47 green . But without it the plant would glow red
02:51 . So if we see a red plant , it's
02:53 like seeing no people at the cinema My late station
02:56 . But we wouldn't yet know where the train broke
02:58 or what other stations are along the route . To
03:01 do that . We can mutate a lot of the
03:03 seeds . Plant them and choose the red one ,
03:08 mm hmm . Now we can analyze these samples by
03:15 using the mass spectrometer . It measures how much of
03:21 each metabolite is present in the sample . Then we
03:24 can use a program to see which compounds were affected
03:27 and map that part of the network . It's like
03:29 revealing the red line . Once we figure out how
03:33 the entire metabolism works , we can use it to
03:35 engineer plants to create new bio materials , medicines and
03:38 clean energy . We might even discover the plants have
03:41 the secret to living forever . We just need to
03:44 unlock their chemical mysteries .



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