5 Things You Wouldn't Expect a Nuclear Reactor To Do - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

5 Things You Wouldn't Expect a Nuclear Reactor To Do - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

5 Things You Wouldn't Expect a Nuclear Reactor To Do - By MITK12Videos

00:0-1 here at the M . I . T . Nuclear
00:00 reactor lab . We have vision reactions going on in
00:03 our core . And that means that there are uranium
00:06 2 35 atoms that are splitting into neutrons . Heat
00:09 energy and other smaller atoms . Power reactors use the
00:12 heat energy to generate electricity . But it turns out
00:15 that there's so much more that you can do with
00:17 the fission reactor like measuring tiny amounts of a bunch
00:20 of different elements . We can even measure arsenic in
00:22 a sample of hair to do this . I take
00:25 my hair sample place it in this container , put
00:29 the lid on and put it in this tube here
00:34 . Yeah , From here the hair gets sent through
00:37 the pipes into a chamber that's right next to the
00:39 reactor core where it absorbs some neutrons which makes some
00:42 of the arsenic and the hair radioactive . After 12
00:44 hours in the reactor in a few days of decay
00:47 , I take the sample put it in this lead
00:49 container to protect me from the radiation and I go
00:52 analyze it . I put the hair sample in this
00:55 detector , which is very sensitive , so sensitive .
00:58 It measures radiation from individual arsenic atoms in my hair
01:03 . The area under this peak tells us how much
01:05 arsenic is in the sample . So our reactor can
01:08 tell us if someone's been exposed to things like arsenic
01:10 just by analyzing their hair , it can measure very
01:13 small amounts of a lot of different elements in materials
01:17 that are difficult to measure otherwise . Cool . Thing
01:19 number two is that we're using the neutron beam produced
01:22 in our reactor to see the microscopic structure of materials
01:26 . The nutrients produced by the fission reaction come out
01:29 as a beam and they hit the sample , which
01:31 is positioned right here . When the neutron beam hits
01:34 a sample , the sample acts like a mirror reflecting
01:36 the neutrons in all different directions Inside this drum there's
01:39 a detector that measures the different directions . A number
01:42 of neutrons reflected in each direction , and this can
01:44 actually tell us how the atoms are positioned inside our
01:49 sample . So on the X axis here is the
01:51 angle of the detector with respect to the sample and
01:55 on the Y axis is the number of neutrons of
01:57 the detector sees . So at this position there are
02:00 a lot of neutrons , almost 1400 per second .
02:03 And over here There are about 600 down here .
02:06 There are almost no neutrons . So using these numbers
02:09 , we can figure out how atoms are arranged inside
02:11 of the material . Scientists and other reactors want to
02:14 use this method to see how the atomic structure of
02:16 different nuclear fuels change while they're used in a reactor
02:19 , seeing these changes can help us develop new ,
02:22 safer and more efficient types of nuclear fuel . And
02:24 using neutrons is the only way that we can see
02:26 these changes in atomic structure . You wouldn't be able
02:29 to see the same thing with the regular microscope or
02:31 any other method . Number three . We can turn
02:33 gold into tools to fight cancer . We start by
02:38 loading tiny seeds of gold into a holder that we
02:40 call a rabbit . So I'll take the rabbit over
02:43 to one of our shielded work areas where we can
02:46 insert the rabbit into the reactor . Not not um
03:03 Mhm . And now I'm gonna send the gold seeds
03:10 next to the reactor core . They go in there
03:13 where they will absorb neutrons and become radioactive after they
03:17 stay in there for a few minutes , we send
03:18 them back out and package them up . We package
03:21 them up and move the gold seeds into a lead
03:23 container . The gold seeds are now radioactive . And
03:26 the fact that it's radioactive is actually a good thing
03:28 because doctors are gonna take those gold seeds and inject
03:31 them into a tumor . And it's the radiation from
03:34 the goal that's gonna kill those cancer cells . #
03:36 four . Another cool thing our reactor does is we
03:39 help create electronic components for things like airplanes , train
03:44 stations and hybrid cars . So right now this silicon
03:47 does not conduct electricity , but I can change that
03:50 by loading it into the reactor . What ? Mm
04:02 mm . Okay . So what's happening behind me ?
04:04 Is that silicon piece that just loaded is traveling through
04:07 a tube that runs underneath the reactor core . Once
04:10 it's under the reactor core gets bombarded with neutrons from
04:13 the fission process . Some of the silicon atoms absorb
04:16 a neutron and transform into phosphorus . It's this phosphorus
04:20 that makes the material a really good semiconductor . This
04:23 is what the silicon looks like before it goes into
04:25 the reactor and this is what goes into electronics .
04:29 The reactor turns the silicon into a semiconductor and a
04:32 super precise and controlled way which I control from over
04:34 here . That's why we use these semiconductors and mission
04:37 critical components like the power grid and not your cell
04:40 phone . And last but not least , we test
04:42 materials that can make safer and better reactors in the
04:45 future . This morning we put an experiment into our
04:47 reactor with a special type of salt . So our
04:51 reactor , like almost all reactors in the world uses
04:54 water to cool it . The special thing about this
04:56 salt is that it can run at much higher temperature
04:59 than water and still be a liquid . It doesn't
05:01 boil . So a reactor using salt as coolant instead
05:04 of water can go too much higher temperature . And
05:07 the efficiency of a reactor gets better the hotter it
05:09 runs . And because there's no water there's no steam
05:13 , which means you don't need to have thicker walls
05:15 and bigger pipes to keep the reactor safe . So
05:18 the salt in our experiment is down in the reactor
05:21 core and this experiment is gonna let us take that
05:24 salt heated up to the same temperatures that would be
05:26 inside the core of a full size salt reactor and
05:30 then hit it with the same kind of radiation that
05:31 it would see in the core of assault reactor .
05:33 And as you hit the salt with radiation , does
05:36 it produce different products that come out of the salt
05:38 ? Or does it change the salt in certain ways
05:41 ? This salt experiment is going to be in our
05:43 reactor for about 1000 hours , but that's not the
05:45 only thing we study . We also look at different
05:48 materials , fuels and even sensors to go inside the
05:51 core of reactors . All of this research is working
05:55 towards making reactors safer and more efficient in the future
05:58 . Yeah .



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