Gotta Eat! - Crash Course Kids 1.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Gotta Eat! - Crash Course Kids 1.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Gotta Eat! - Crash Course Kids 1.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:10 we all eat , right ? But have you ever
00:12 wondered why we eat ? I mean , some animals
00:17 only eat plants , others just eat other animals .
00:21 And some creatures eat both plants and meat . But
00:24 the thing is all animals , including humans , eat
00:28 , and we don't just eat because we're hungry or
00:31 bored or tired or it tastes good . Although I
00:35 could really go for a slice of pizza right now
00:37 . We eat because we need food to live more
00:40 . Exactly . We need the energy that food gives
00:42 our bodies to grow , move and stay warm .
00:44 You've probably figured this out already from the things you've
00:47 heard about how and when we eat , like you've
00:49 probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of
00:52 the day or you might know that runners will carb
00:54 load before a big race , but food is necessary
00:57 for all living things all the time . You may
01:00 have noticed that your collection of cool rocks that you
01:03 have under your bed never needs a lunch of club
01:05 sandwiches and baby carrots . That's because they're non living
01:08 things . But food is most definitely a necessity for
01:11 animals and plants to even though we don't think of
01:14 plants as eating because they don't have mouths , they
01:18 still need food to grow and repair themselves just like
01:21 we do . In fact , plants make a nifty
01:23 model that can help us understand how the energy from
01:25 food affects living things . To see how food affects
01:28 plants . We can test what happens when they get
01:30 more or less food . Plants get most of their
01:33 food from the sun , water and carbon dioxide in
01:35 the air more on that another time . But to
01:38 test how food affects plants for yourself , you can
01:40 use liquid plant food that way you can control how
01:43 much food or nutrient supplant gets . So consider this
01:46 little investigation . So you have two little plastic cups
01:50 filled with potting soil and you planted a lima bean
01:53 seed in each one . Then you give each plant
01:56 a different amount of food . Plant . Number one
01:57 would be your control . That means you don't give
01:59 it any additional food at all . Just a little
02:02 water and sunlight and it'll do what plants do all
02:05 on its own . Then you can make plant to
02:07 your extra food plant , Ask your parents for some
02:09 liquid plant fertilizer and add the recommended amount to plant
02:13 two . Now if you kept watering and feeding your
02:15 plants the same amount for say four weeks , what
02:18 do you think would happen ? Would you expect both
02:20 of the plants to grow the same amount or would
02:23 one grow more than the other ? If so which
02:25 ones ? Well what you find is that plant to
02:30 grow bigger than plant one Because living things need food
02:33 to give them energy so they can repair themselves and
02:36 stay healthy . And in this case , grow so
02:39 with more food plant to got more energy , and
02:41 that allowed it to grow bigger now , go eat
02:43 your vegetables .



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