Earth's Rotation & Revolution: Crash Course Kids 8.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Earth's Rotation & Revolution: Crash Course Kids 8.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Earth's Rotation & Revolution: Crash Course Kids 8.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 you've seen the sunset , right ? And if you
00:11 get up early enough maybe you've seen it rise to
00:13 . But have you ever wondered if the sun rises
00:15 every day and sets every night ? Where does it
00:18 go when we can't see it ? Well no where
00:25 it's actually us that goes somewhere because we're on the
00:28 Earth and our planet is always turning or spinning on
00:31 its axis . Imagine a line passing through the center
00:33 of the earth that goes both through the north pole
00:35 and the south pole . We call that invisible line
00:38 the axis Earth spins around on this axis like a
00:41 top . This spinning movement is called the Earth's rotation
00:44 and the Earth's rotation is what gives us day and
00:46 night every day , all year . If you're on
00:49 the side of the earth that's facing away from the
00:51 sun as the Earth is spinning it's night . If
00:53 you're on the side facing the sun it's you guessed
00:56 it day now hold on tight because the Earth is
00:59 actually moving in more ways than one at the same
01:01 time that the earth spins on its axis . It
01:04 also orbits or revolves around the sun . This movement
01:08 is called its revolution wonderful orbit . All the way
01:10 around the sun is one revolution and the Earth takes
01:13 365 days or one year to complete a revolution .
01:17 So have you got all of this so far ?
01:18 The Earth is rotating on its axis , creating day
01:21 and night and the same time it's revolving all the
01:24 way around the sun . Now here's the thing as
01:26 the Earth is both rotating and revolving , it's not
01:29 sitting straight up and down . Its axis is actually
01:32 tilted just a little . It's not all that much
01:34 , but this tilt causes one part of the Earth
01:36 to lean towards the sun while another part of it
01:38 is leaning away . This means that different parts of
01:41 our planet surface gets different amounts of sunlight and heat
01:44 . So why am I telling you all of this
01:46 ? Well as the Earth travels around the sun ,
01:48 it creates a pattern throughout the year . This pattern
01:51 happens over and over again and I'm sure you've noticed
01:54 it at certain times of the year . You see
01:56 the northern hemisphere leans towards the sun and the southern
01:58 hemisphere leans away and at other times the southern hemisphere
02:01 leans towards the sun and the northern hemisphere leans away
02:04 that pattern , my friend , is what makes seasons
02:07 when the part of the world that you're living in
02:09 is leaning towards the sun . It's warm and the
02:11 days are long summer when you're on the part that's
02:14 leaning away from the sun , it's cold and the
02:16 days are short winter in between its spring or autumn
02:20 . If the Earth weren't tilted , we would have
02:22 the same season all year long . So revolution ,
02:26 rotation orbit is your head spinning ? Let's do a
02:29 demonstration to shed a little light on these concepts .
02:34 Mm Okay , you're gonna need a globe in a
02:37 table lamp without a shade plus a table to put
02:40 them both on . Put the lamp in the center
02:42 of the table and turn it on . Put the
02:43 globe on one side of the table now hit the
02:45 lights . The globe is Earth makes sense Right ?
02:48 The lamp at the center of the table is the
02:50 sun at the center of the solar system . Now
02:52 slowly spin the globe as the Earth rotates , the
02:54 sun lights up one side of the planet better than
02:56 the other . It's day where the light is shining
02:58 more brightly on the globe and night where it's not
03:00 . Now , let's see what the Earth's revolution around
03:02 the sun looks like . Give the globe a few
03:05 spins with one hand while slowly pushing the globe in
03:07 a circle around the sun or the lamp with your
03:10 other hand . So do you notice how the earth
03:12 keeps rotating as it revolves around the sun ? If
03:14 this were the real sun and Earth , by the
03:16 time you get back to where you started , the
03:18 globe would have completed 365 rotations or days and that's
03:22 another year gone by . So what does all this
03:24 show us ? It shows that what looks to us
03:31 to be the motion of the sun in the sky
03:32 is really caused by the motion of the Earth .
03:35 So now , you know , when you look up
03:37 and see the sun setting or rising , it's not
03:39 going around us , it's sitting pretty much at the
03:41 center of the solar system while we and the seven
03:44 other planets go around it , that son always got
03:47 to be the center of attention .



Earth's Rotation & Revolution: Crash Course Kids 8.1 is a free educational video by Crash Course Kids.

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