Land and Water: Crash Course Kids #16.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Land and Water: Crash Course Kids #16.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Land and Water: Crash Course Kids #16.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 you know who we haven't hung out with in a
00:11 while , This guy , What's up , son ?
00:13 You remember that the sun provides the Earth with energy
00:15 or warmth and you know that the Earth's surface is
00:18 made up of different types of land and water .
00:20 Now , it would probably make sense that these different
00:22 landforms and bodies of water would absorb or soak up
00:25 the sun's heat at different rates . Right ? Well
00:27 you're right . It does . But which one absorbs
00:29 more of the sun's energy ? Land or water ?
00:32 And more importantly , why ? Let's start with a
00:39 refresher course on the sun . We know the sun
00:41 as the star at the center of our eight planet
00:43 solar system that provides us with heat . We also
00:46 know that heat is a kind of energy that warms
00:48 things . This energy starts in the sun's core .
00:50 It travels very slowly to the sun's surface before it
00:53 takes a super speedy trip to earth in the form
00:55 of light and heat you and I can see and
00:57 feel that energy as sunlight , but how much of
01:00 all of that energy that the sun cooks up actually
01:02 makes it to us and the land and the water
01:04 on Earth ? I know it will help us figure
01:06 this out . A delicious pie graph , essentially 100%
01:09 of the energy that warms the earth comes from the
01:11 sun . About 20% of that energy is absorbed by
01:14 the Earth's atmosphere and clouds . Nearly 30% never makes
01:17 it to the Earth's surface and instead is bounced back
01:20 out to space by clouds and different gases and particles
01:23 in the atmosphere . But about half of the sun's
01:25 incoming energy , just over 50% is absorbed by the
01:28 Earth's surface . That is its land and water .
01:31 Well , when that 50% of sunlight gets to earth
01:34 , the land and water absorbed or soak up its
01:36 warmth . But like I mentioned before , they absorb
01:38 this heat at different rates . So which one absorbs
01:41 more of this heat ? It's time to play land
01:44 versus water . Okay , let's think of a place
01:46 somewhere on earth where land meets water , Is anyone
01:49 else thinking beach . Let's take a look at how
01:51 the sun's energy is absorbed by both the land and
01:53 the water on our little beach . Mm mm .
01:58 The land is all of the sand you see right
02:01 up to where the shoreline starts and the water is
02:03 the shoreline and all of the ocean behind it .
02:05 So what happens when the sun's energy hits the land
02:08 ? Well , the sunlight is absorbed by the sand
02:10 , making the sand warm or even hot to the
02:12 touch . The longer the sand is exposed to the
02:14 sun , the more heat it absorbs . Now ,
02:16 let's take a close look at the land . It's
02:18 darker in color than the water and generally darker colored
02:21 objects absorb more heat than light coloured objects . So
02:24 when the same sunlight that warms the sand hits the
02:27 water next to it on our little beach , the
02:29 water doesn't soak up quite as much of that energy
02:31 as the landed . Instead . The water reflects more
02:33 of its reflection is the opposite of absorption . Instead
02:36 of being absorbed by the water , some of the
02:38 sun's energy is bounced or reflected off of the water
02:40 in a different direction and lighter colored things tend to
02:43 reflect more heat than darker colored things . This is
02:45 why the water that's been under the same sun as
02:47 the sand all day , doesn't feel quite as hot
02:49 as the sand . So when you get hot after
02:51 playing around on the sand all afternoon and I really
02:54 hope you've been wearing sunscreen . You can wait off
02:56 in the water to cool off . That's what the
02:58 beach is all about , right ? So it looks
03:04 like team land winds . By which I mean ,
03:06 it absorbs more of the sun's energy and the land
03:08 absorbs more energy because darker colored objects absorb more heat
03:11 than light coloured objects and light colored things like the
03:14 water reflect more of the sun's energy . Hey ,
03:17 for the sun go , oh , right outside .
03:20 Sounds like a plan to me .



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