Vacation or Conservation (Of Mass): Crash Course Kids #23.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Vacation or Conservation (Of Mass): Crash Course Kids #23.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Vacation or Conservation (Of Mass): Crash Course Kids #23.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:0-1 even the most dedicated scientist needs a break , right
00:01 ? And in my world , break time means settling
00:03 down with a nice cool drink . Well I let
00:16 the glass full of water here a while ago and
00:17 look at it now . It's only half full .
00:19 Half full . I'm an optimist . But what happened
00:24 to the rest of the matter ? The water that
00:25 is that was in this glass ? It looks like
00:27 it went away . But can that happen ? Does
00:30 matter ever ? Just go away . You already know
00:37 a lot about matter . Like how it can change
00:38 between different states like solids , liquids and gases .
00:42 You also know that matter can be part of mixtures
00:44 called solutions and in solutions . The particles that make
00:47 up matter become equally distributed in a container , like
00:50 the sugar and water molecules in our picnic , sweet
00:52 tea . And even though we didn't know it then
00:54 that sugar went through what's called a physical change .
00:57 A physical change is a change in the shape or
00:59 form of matter . Physical changes do not form a
01:02 new substance and they can usually be undone . Like
01:05 how we were able to separate the sugar from the
01:06 T . When we heated the T . So that
01:08 the water evaporated . You also know that matter can
01:10 go through . Chemical changes changes that occur when the
01:13 particles that make up two or more substances are rearranged
01:16 to form a new substance like Jose pancakes or cupcakes
01:19 or shortcake . I like cake is what I'm saying
01:21 here the matter and what cake batter turns into a
01:23 new substance , fluffy yummy cake . There are clues
01:26 that a chemical changes occurring like the production of gas
01:29 bubbles and that delicious smell . And like all chemical
01:31 changes . We can't undo that change . The process
01:34 by which chemical change occurs is called a chemical reaction
01:38 . Scientists being organized , types give special names for
01:40 the substances involved in a chemical reaction . The reactant
01:44 are things that react there would get changed during the
01:47 chemical reaction . And the new substance that's made .
01:49 That's the product in our chemical change . The ingredients
01:52 of the cake contained the reactant . And the cake
01:55 was one of the products . So matter can change
01:57 . But what matter can't do is just appear or
02:01 vanish . And since all matter has mass . This
02:04 means that mass can't appear or vanish either . Scientists
02:07 have been experimenting with this idea for hundreds of years
02:09 . Lots of experiments have provided evidence of what we
02:12 call the conservation of mass . The conservation of mass
02:15 is the scientific rule that says the mass or the
02:17 amount of matter in an object is never made and
02:20 never lost . So what about the water from my
02:23 glass ? Well , it didn't just disappear as the
02:26 water evaporated , its molecules became mixed in with the
02:29 air molecules . So what went through a physical change
02:32 ? It's still there , but we just can't see
02:34 it anymore . Let's try making a solution like we
02:41 did on our picnic . So you mix five g
02:42 of sugar into 10 g of water . Remember that
02:45 grams are the unit of mass . Then you stir
02:47 your mixture until the sugar looks like it disappears .
02:50 We started with 15 g of materials , the five
02:53 g of sugar and the 10 g of water .
02:55 And when you weigh the new solution sure enough ,
02:57 you'll get 15 g . There was no change in
03:00 the amount of mass that you have . Even though
03:01 we don't see the sugar anymore , The sugar didn't
03:03 vanish . It just went through a physical change .
03:06 It dissolved . But if you could gather up all
03:08 the dissolved parts of sugar and weigh them together ,
03:11 they still equal the five g that you put in
03:13 . And we find the same thing If we measure
03:15 the mass of the water in my glass , if
03:17 we measure the mass of water that's left in my
03:19 half full glass , and we are also able to
03:21 catch all of the water molecules that escaped into the
03:23 air and weighed them together . They would weigh the
03:26 same amount as the water in my glass when it
03:28 was full conservation of mass . So the scientific rule
03:36 called the conservation of mass , tells us that matter
03:39 is never made or lost . It just changes .
03:41 We showed this by creating physical changes in which matter
03:45 just changes its form . In this case , whole
03:47 sugar into dissolve sugar . The conservation of mass also
03:50 applies in chemical changes to in which a new substances
03:54 made . But that's a topic for another day .
03:56 See you next time .



Vacation or Conservation (Of Mass): Crash Course Kids #23.1 is a free educational video by Crash Course Kids.

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