Who Needs Dirt?: Crash Course Kids #27.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Who Needs Dirt?: Crash Course Kids #27.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Who Needs Dirt?: Crash Course Kids #27.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 How much dirt isn't a whole ? That's two m
00:11 long , one m wide and one m deep .
00:14 Give up none . There's no dirt in a whole
00:18 won't wall . But speaking of dirt , you're probably
00:21 pretty familiar with how dirt plays an important part in
00:23 growing plants . After all , flowerpots would be pretty
00:26 empty without it . But if we ranked all of
00:28 the things that plants need in order to survive dirt
00:30 would actually be at the bottom of the list ,
00:33 which seems kind of weird , right ? If that's
00:36 true , then it makes me wonder how do plants
00:38 get what they need to survive ? You already know
00:45 that all living things need resources , useful materials they
00:48 can draw and when needed . And animals like you
00:50 and me have organs , special body parts that perform
00:53 a specific function to help us get and use those
00:56 handy resources , for example , are stomach and intestines
00:59 . Are organs . These organs help us get the
01:01 energy we need by breaking down the food that we
01:03 eat and we use our other organs , our lungs
01:06 to get the oxygen we need . And plants have
01:08 organs . To true fact , most plants have three
01:11 main organs roots , stems and leaves and they don't
01:14 look like stomachs or lungs . But they do help
01:16 the plants get what they need from their environments .
01:19 Let's pick out a few of the resources that plants
01:21 need to survive first . You already know that plants
01:23 need sun or another source of light . That's because
01:25 they use the energy from the light to drive photosynthesis
01:28 which they use to create energy . And of course
01:31 in addition to light , plants need some other things
01:33 for photosynthesis like water and air . More specifically ,
01:36 they need a gas called carbon dioxide and a little
01:39 bit of oxygen to help them use the energy that
01:41 they make in photosynthesis . Now , plants also need
01:44 some nutrients to for example plants use nutrients to make
01:47 the chlorophyll in their leaves that they use for photosynthesis
01:49 . So plants need resources like light water , carbon
01:53 dioxide and oxygen and nutrients . But how do their
01:56 organs help plants actually get those things ? Well let's
01:59 have a look at a plant and take it from
02:01 the top leaves are the organs where most of the
02:03 plants photosynthesis takes place . They contain a lot of
02:06 chlorophyll and are often thin and flat so they can
02:08 soak up a lot of sunlight . Leaves also have
02:11 openings and allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to flow in
02:13 and out stems have two main jobs . First they
02:16 carry water , sugar and nutrients between the roots and
02:19 the leaves . They also hold up leaves so they
02:21 can catch as much light as possible . Roots act
02:23 as anchors to help keep the plant in place .
02:26 And they also help the plant absorb resources like water
02:28 and nutrients . And when we think of roots ,
02:30 we think of dirt but dirt's not on our list
02:33 of resources . So let's see if dirt is really
02:36 necessary to grow a plant , mm hmm . If
02:42 you take a bean seed , place it in a
02:43 paper cup along with a wet paper towel and put
02:45 it in the light . What happens in a few
02:48 days ? You'll have the beginnings of a baby plant
02:50 and it'll grow pretty well for a while . That's
02:52 because we're making sure it has water and light and
02:54 it could get the gases it needs from the air
02:56 and the seat itself provides enough nutrients to get things
02:59 going . Plants can grow without dirt . Through hydroponics
03:02 , we can grow beans in a setup that looks
03:04 like this one . As you can see , we've
03:06 given the plant the water that it needs , but
03:08 it's not growing in dirt because nutrients have been mixed
03:10 in with the water . So the plan still needs
03:12 with all other plants need , it just gets them
03:14 in some different ways . People often use hydroponics to
03:16 grow food like tomatoes and lettuce , especially in places
03:19 where the dirt doesn't have a lot of nutrients .
03:21 In fact you may have enjoyed the results of hydroponics
03:24 in your lunch and not even known it . So
03:30 plants have specialized parts called organs to get the resources
03:33 that they need to survive . And plants manage to
03:36 snag that stuff using their leaves . Where most photosynthesis
03:39 takes place stems which move the materials like sugar ,
03:42 water and nutrients between the roots and leaves and roots
03:46 which keep the plant in place and soak up water
03:48 and nutrients . And using hydroponics , plants can grow
03:52 without soil , which is totally cool because as long
03:55 as the plant can get the resources it needs ,
03:57 it's able to grow into a happy and healthy plants
04:00 . So there's no dirt just like in that hole



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