Big Changes in the Big Apple: Crash Course Kids #38.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Big Changes in the Big Apple: Crash Course Kids #38.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Big Changes in the Big Apple: Crash Course Kids #38.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 when people talk about the environment , they're usually talking
00:12 about what we generally call the natural environment . You
00:16 know the outdoors , nature , the wild . But
00:19 for most of us are everyday environment looks a lot
00:22 like where I am in this room . My environment
00:25 is this space around me , my home , the
00:27 crash course studio and the city I live in .
00:29 And even when I'm outside I'm in a space that
00:32 has been engineered by other people . Obviously these spaces
00:35 aren't exactly natural . I mean the grocery store didn't
00:38 pop out of the ground like a spring daisy .
00:40 No the grocery store , my home this room .
00:43 These places are made by people to make our human
00:46 environment . We've taken resources from other parts of the
00:49 world . And in the process we've altered the environment
00:51 that used to be there . These are examples of
00:54 humans changing the space around them . So today let's
00:57 explore the many ways that humans change their environment .
01:01 Yeah . Our effects on the environment are almost so
01:06 obvious that we might actually miss them , but they're
01:09 important to consider think about your life what pieces of
01:12 it are a result of human intervention . Let's walk
01:15 through your day in the morning , you wake up
01:16 in bed in a home that's made from natural resources
01:19 like wood taken from other parts of the world and
01:21 shaped by people . You go to brush your teeth
01:24 and the water coming out of your tap is a
01:26 result of humans changing the water flow . Your water
01:29 probably came from a river or an aquifer a few
01:31 miles away . Trust me that water didn't naturally flow
01:34 into your home . It was directed there by people
01:37 . Now it's time for breakfast that food was grown
01:39 on land that was altered by human hands . Maybe
01:42 some forest was cleared to make space for the farmland
01:44 . Wild animals were pushed off of that land and
01:47 some new ones probably came in . The crops were
01:49 probably watered by irrigation . Again , the action of
01:52 moving water from one place to another and the plants
01:55 themselves wouldn't be there . If it weren't for people
01:58 , then you ride your bike to school on the
02:00 sidewalk . The pavement is an alteration of the environment
02:03 . When it rains , water slides across its surface
02:05 and down into drains instead of sinking into the ground
02:08 where it would replenish aquifers and water plants that once
02:11 grew there , wow ! You haven't even really started
02:13 your day and already you've totally changed the world .
02:16 Here's the thing though , people change the environment that
02:19 they live indefinitely , but everything that's alive changes its
02:24 environment . All of the plants , animals , even
02:30 tiny bacteria have an effect on their environment to .
02:33 It's just that people do it in a particularly intense
02:37 way , wherever there are people , there are changes
02:39 to the environment . For an extreme example , let's
02:42 take a look at a familiar place . Do you
02:44 recognize it ? Probably not . This is what scientists
02:47 think this place looked like over 400 years ago .
02:49 What does it look like today ? That's right .
02:52 It's new york city baby . About nine million people
02:54 now live here , but it wasn't always this way
02:57 before 16 oh nine , the island of Manhattan was
02:59 inhabited by the letter P . A native american tribe
03:02 , the letter P eight oysters and clams and burned
03:04 parts of the forest to clear space for crops .
03:07 They change the environment to of course , remember every
03:10 living thing has an impact on its environment . But
03:13 when Europeans first came to new york in the 16
03:15 hundreds , it began an incredible transformation . At first
03:19 the settlers carved roads into the landscape , then they
03:21 built farms and fortifications . These seemingly small changes to
03:25 the geo sphere affected the ranges of animals in the
03:28 area and change the plants that grew there . And
03:30 eventually , after a couple 100 years and a whole
03:33 lot of development , what was once mostly wilderness ,
03:36 forests , wetlands , grasslands and beaches , became paved
03:39 with over 9600 kilometers of streets . Once a habitat
03:43 for beavers , elk , turkeys and black bears has
03:46 become home to people , rats , cats , dogs
03:49 and pigeons . People didn't just change the landscape By
03:52 altering the landscape , they changed what animals could survive
03:55 there . More than 160 km of streams once flowed
03:58 through Manhattan . Today , New York City's water supply
04:00 system , delivered to the city through a network of
04:02 tunnels and aqueducts stretches over 200 km , delivering more
04:06 than 3.5 billion liters of drinking water every single day
04:11 . Want to think about something crazy . Times Square
04:13 was once a swamp , but we changed . That
04:20 new york city is an extreme example of humans ability
04:23 to change an environment , but you don't have to
04:25 travel to the Big Apple to see it . The
04:27 changes are all around you . Almost everything you touch
04:30 is a result of human innovation , acting on the
04:32 world's natural resources . It's a lot to take in
04:35 . But remember we're living things and we're part of
04:37 the natural world and every living thing changes its environment
04:41 . Next time we'll look at ways that other living
04:43 things make their own kind of changes .



Big Changes in the Big Apple: Crash Course Kids #38.1 is a free educational video by Crash Course Kids.

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