Fixing Failure Points: Crash Course Kids #42.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Fixing Failure Points: Crash Course Kids #42.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Fixing Failure Points: Crash Course Kids #42.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Hey , future engineers , I see you successfully made
00:12 it back so we can learn more about why it's
00:14 so important to fail when we're testing a solution to
00:16 a problem . Last time we discovered that when a
00:18 solution to a problem doesn't work anymore , it's called
00:21 a failure point . But knowing the definition of a
00:24 failure point isn't enough , engineers have to be able
00:27 to spot failure points and then try to fix their
00:29 solution . So those failure points won't be a problem
00:32 anymore . So we got to ask , how do
00:34 engineers find in fixed failure points in a solution they're
00:37 trying to develop . Yeah , Well for one thing
00:43 , when they're testing a solution , engineers don't just
00:45 jump in randomly . They make a plan that is
00:49 an organized series of steps used to accomplish a goal
00:51 which in this case is a successful and safe solution
00:55 . Now , at this point , you won't be
00:56 too surprised to find out that this plan will include
00:59 isolating a variable and then doing a series of trials
01:02 or tests changing that variable each time until you find
01:05 a solution that works . That's what we did at
01:07 the bowling alley . Remember we isolated the angle of
01:09 the ball ramp as a variable and then changed it
01:12 until we got a strike success . But engineers don't
01:15 stop there . They try to find any and all
01:17 possible failure points that might come up so to see
01:19 how we can sniff out any possible failure points .
01:22 Let's go back to our little wooden bridge in the
01:24 forest . I remember when we needed that bridge to
01:30 cross the stream , we decided that the bridge could
01:32 take us safely across the water , but not us
01:35 and our bulldozer . But just guessing that the bridge
01:39 can't support a bulldozer isn't good enough . Engineers would
01:41 need to make a plan to test the bridge and
01:43 see if they can find failure points . First .
01:45 One way that engineers test the solution in its early
01:48 stages is to build a small model of it first
01:51 . So say we have the materials , we need
01:52 to make a model of a bridge . Once we're
01:54 done building it , we need to plan to test
01:56 whether our bridge can hold a certain amount of weight
01:58 or not . So let's keep track of how much
02:00 weight the bridge holds as we pile weights on its
02:02 deck , we'll keep adding , waits until we find
02:04 the amount of mass that makes the bridge collapsed and
02:07 down it goes . Now that amount of mass was
02:10 less than our goal weight , which we need the
02:11 model to support if the real life bridge was to
02:14 hold up our bulldozer . So , guess what ?
02:16 We've just identified a failure point . We have a
02:19 specific weight at which the bridge is no longer a
02:21 good solution . But before we dump our bridge idea
02:24 and start again from scratch , let's see what happens
02:26 when we change the existing design . Let's build the
02:29 bridge again and this time add some extra support .
02:32 Now , let's follow the same plan as before and
02:34 keep adding weights to the model to see how it
02:36 holds up . In this new trial , we see
02:37 that the bridge holds our goal weight . In fact
02:40 , the bridge holds even more than that . So
02:41 far , it looks like our design could be a
02:44 successful solution , but there are more possible failure points
02:47 than not being able to support enough weight . Remember
02:49 when we talked about the Tacoma narrows bridge , it
02:52 was a perfectly fine solution to the problem , getting
02:54 people across , puget sound at least until the wind
02:57 picked up and hit the bridge at a certain angle
02:59 . Then the bridge became good old galloping . Gertie
03:02 twisting in the wind until it collapsed . So in
03:05 that case the speed and angle of the wind made
03:07 up the bridges failure point . So even though we've
03:09 determined that our bridge can carry enough mass , we
03:12 should still pick out and test other variables and try
03:14 to find other failure points to make sure we've built
03:17 the safest bridge possible . So let's review some of
03:19 the steps that engineers go through when they're trying to
03:22 find and fix failure points to figure out whether solution
03:29 is successful , they make a plan or an organized
03:32 series of steps to accomplish our goal . And part
03:34 of this plan includes isolating a variable and then changing
03:37 that one variable in a series of trials or tests
03:40 , and once their solution fails , one of those
03:42 trials , they found a failure point . So if
03:45 you actually plan to fail , then you're not really
03:48 failing . You're making your solution better .



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