Planetary Plants: Crash Course Kids #45.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Planetary Plants: Crash Course Kids #45.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Planetary Plants: Crash Course Kids #45.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 last time we met you and I were wondering if
00:11 there might be creatures on other worlds , Parts of
00:13 otherworldly food webs , looking up into the sky and
00:16 wondering if they were alone in the universe to .
00:18 But what about plants ? I mean , alien plans
00:21 aren't out there wondering about anything probably . But I
00:25 wonder if plants here on earth have plant like buddies
00:28 somewhere out there . Plants on other planets . It's
00:30 not that big of a stretch why food webs ,
00:33 Dude on earth , plants form the base of the
00:35 food web . Animals can't exist without them . After
00:39 all , plants take light energy and turn it into
00:41 chemical energy . And when animals eat the plants or
00:43 eat the animals that ate the plants , they're consuming
00:46 that energy . So plants are vital to the survival
00:49 of almost everything on earth . That means that if
00:52 you can believe there are creatures on other worlds ,
00:55 you might as well believe that there are plants out
00:56 there too . But how could plants exist on other
01:00 planets ? Well , think about what plants need on
01:06 earth to survive . First . They need energy from
01:09 light around here , they get that from the sun
01:11 , But on other planets outside our solar system ,
01:14 they could get it from their planets near a star
01:16 . Alien plants could then use that Starlight to power
01:19 photosynthesis the system , Earth plants used to create sugar
01:22 from lights , but they need a few other resources
01:24 for photosynthesis to like water and air specifically . They
01:28 need a gas called carbon dioxide and a little bit
01:31 of oxygen to help them use the energy that they
01:33 make from photosynthesis . Plus plants need nutrients to make
01:36 the chlorophyll that they have in their leaves , which
01:39 they used to carry out photosynthesis and they usually get
01:42 these nutrients from the soil . But if you're a
01:44 plan , you can get by without soil . Remember
01:47 in an earlier episode , we talked about hydroponics ,
01:49 which is a way to grow plants without dirt .
01:51 Instead , the plants get the resources they need from
01:54 the water and the air . So we know what
01:56 plants need . Light water , gases and nutrients .
01:59 Now let's check out some potential alien plants . Let's
02:07 start with a neighbor . Could plants grow on a
02:08 planet ? Like MArs , mars gets a lot of
02:11 light from the sun . That's crucial . We've met
02:13 the plants first need and Nasa has recently reported that
02:16 mars likely has liquid water flowing on the surface from
02:19 time to time to great . Another plant need met
02:22 martian soil is also good for plants . It contains
02:25 many nutrients that plants need , like oxygen , hydrogen
02:28 , carbon , nitrogen and potassium looking good . What
02:31 about those gases ? Mars has a lot of carbon
02:33 dioxide , which is great because that's an essential ingredient
02:36 that plants need to grow . But hold up ,
02:39 there are some other major issues on MArs that plants
02:42 would have to overcome . For one thing , mars
02:44 has a very thin atmosphere , about 100 times less
02:47 dense than Earth's , and it's very , very cold
02:50 for these . And other reasons , we haven't found
02:52 any plants there , but plants growing in distant Galaxies
02:55 might be perfectly adapted to environments that are totally different
02:58 from either Earth or mars . How well maybe they
03:02 have different tricks for capturing light . For example ,
03:04 on earth , plants appear green because they absorb all
03:06 the other colors from the light that comes from the
03:08 sun . But what if an alien plant was on
03:10 a planet orbiting a different star ? Not a medium
03:12 sized yellow sun , but a small , dim red
03:15 dwarf plants there could look red , blue , yellow
03:18 , purple , or even grayish black in order to
03:21 best absorb the light from that kind of star .
03:23 Now , what if that planet is way too close
03:25 to the star ? Well maybe it's plants would thrive
03:29 under rocks or in shadows to protect themselves from too
03:32 much light . What about plants on the planet with
03:33 low gravity ? In that case maybe plants could float
03:36 like hot air balloons far above the surface , High
03:39 flying hydroponic plants . So conceivably plants could be adapted
03:43 to all kinds of alien environments and like all living
03:46 things , they would affect the environments they live in
03:49 on earth . When plants photosynthesize , they produce oxygen
03:53 . That's right . Plants aren't only the base of
03:55 our food chain , they also provide the life giving
03:57 oxygen we need to breathe . So plants on other
04:00 worlds could create an environment that's able to support alien
04:03 creatures . Just like how earth plants support us .
04:10 We know what plants on earth need . So we
04:13 think that plants could possibly change and adapt to get
04:16 similar things depending on the special conditions of other worlds
04:20 . And I mean without plants , how would aliens
04:22 be able to eat salad ? These are the kinds
04:26 of things I wonder about ?



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