Food Chains Compilation: Crash Course Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Food Chains Compilation: Crash Course Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Food Chains Compilation: Crash Course Kids - By Crash Course Kids

00:0-1 Are you a living thing If you are , we
00:01 should totally talk because we have a lot in common
00:04 . In fact you and I both have a lot
00:06 in common with all living things . Your teacher trees
00:09 , your pet parakeet , bumble bees , everything .
00:12 And one of the most important things is we all
00:15 eat . Everyone needs food , which is why one
00:17 of the best ways to learn about life on earth
00:20 is to follow the food , see where it comes
00:23 from and where it goes while living things are eating
00:26 and being eaten . So here are the basics about
00:28 the flow of food and the energy it contains ,
00:31 making life possible . Let's start with a simple question
00:34 . Why do we have to eat in the first
00:36 place ? We all eat ? Right , But have
00:41 you ever wondered why we eat ? I mean some
00:45 animals only eat plants , others just eat other animals
00:50 . And some creatures eat both plants and meat .
00:53 But the thing is all animals , including humans eat
00:57 and we don't just eat because we're hungry or bored
01:01 or tired or it tastes good . Although I could
01:04 really go for a slice of pizza right now .
01:06 We eat because we need food to live more .
01:09 Exactly . We need the energy that food gives our
01:11 bodies to grow , move and stay warm . You've
01:14 probably figured this out already from the things you've heard
01:16 about how and when we eat , like you've probably
01:19 heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the
01:21 day or you might know that runners will carb load
01:24 before a big race , but food is necessary for
01:27 all living things all the time . You may have
01:30 noticed that your collection of cool rocks that you have
01:32 under your bed never needs a lunch of club sandwiches
01:35 and baby carrots . That's because they're non living things
01:38 , but food is most definitely a necessity for animals
01:41 and plants to even though we don't think of plants
01:44 as eating because they don't have mouths , they still
01:47 need food to grow and repair themselves just like we
01:50 do . In fact , plants make a nifty model
01:53 that can help us understand how the energy from food
01:55 affects living things . To see how food affects plants
01:58 . We can test what happens when they get more
02:00 or less food . Plants get most of their food
02:02 from the sun , water and carbon dioxide in the
02:05 air more on that another time . But to test
02:07 how food affects plants for yourself , you can use
02:10 liquid plant food that way you can control how much
02:12 food or nutrient supplant gets . So consider this little
02:15 investigation . So you have two little plastic cups filled
02:20 with potting soil and you planted a lima bean seed
02:22 in each one . Then you give each plant a
02:25 different amount of food . Plant number one would be
02:27 your control . That means you don't give it any
02:29 additional food at all . Just a little water and
02:31 sunlight and it'll do what plants do all on its
02:34 own . Then you can make plant to your extra
02:37 food plant , Ask your parents for some liquid plant
02:39 fertilizer and add the recommended amount to plant two .
02:42 Now , if you kept watering and feeding your plants
02:44 the same amount for say four weeks , what do
02:47 you think would happen ? Would you expect both of
02:50 the plants to grow the same amount or would one
02:52 grow more than the other ? If so . Which
02:55 ones ? Well what you find is that plant to
02:59 grow bigger than plant one ? Because living things need
03:02 food to give them energy so they can repair themselves
03:05 and stay healthy . And in this case grow so
03:08 with more food plant to got more energy and that
03:11 allowed it to grow bigger now , go eat your
03:13 vegetables . Okay , so food is energy Plants can
03:16 make their own food while many animals swipe the energy
03:19 from plants by eating them . But what happens to
03:22 that energy once it gets eaten up ? Well ,
03:24 you might say that it gets all tangled up in
03:27 a food chain and you are part of it .
03:32 Not everybody likes the same kind of food , right
03:35 ? That's probably a good thing . I mean ,
03:37 all the more pizza for me . But whether we
03:39 eat milkshakes or mangos , pizzas or pairs , tacos
03:42 or toast , we use the energy that's in our
03:45 food to stay alive . But how did that energy
03:47 get into our food in the first place ? The
03:50 answer is that energy flows between living things . It's
03:54 almost like each form of food is a link in
03:57 a chain . A food chain . You might have
04:00 heard that humans are on the top of the food
04:02 chain because we eat pretty much every thing and except
04:06 for the occasional video game monster and maybe the odd
04:09 bear , nothing tries to eat us . But what
04:12 is a food chain ? Exactly . A food chain
04:19 is a model that shows how energy flows between living
04:22 things . You can think of animals and plants in
04:25 the same food chain as all living in the same
04:27 neighborhood , which scientists call a habitat . And they
04:31 all have a job to do interacting with each other
04:33 day in and day out together . They form a
04:36 kind of system , a self contained collection of different
04:39 things that all work together as a whole . And
04:42 they also interact with the non living stuff around them
04:45 , like the water , the air , the ground
04:47 and the sun put it all together . And what
04:49 do you get a special system called an ecosystem and
04:53 food chain ? Show us what eats what in an
04:56 ecosystem . Now everything that's alive is in a food
04:59 chain including you my friends and actually most living things
05:03 are in more than one food chain depending on what
05:07 or who they're munching on at the moment . I
05:09 mean you don't eat the same thing for dinner every
05:11 night , do you ? Didn't think so ? Now
05:14 let's see how a food chain works by making a
05:16 diagram of how these interactions happen in nature . First
05:24 all of the energy that's in a food chain starts
05:27 with the sun . I can't stress that enough .
05:29 People plants take the energy from the sun's rays and
05:32 change it into chemical energy . So when a nice
05:35 patch of lush green grass starts to grow , it's
05:38 capturing some of the energy from the sun to do
05:40 it . Then when an animal like a rabbit wanders
05:43 by and nibbles on that grass , the energy from
05:46 the plant is transferred into the rabbit's body . Now
05:49 , if a hungry hawk decides that the rabbit would
05:51 make a yummy supper , then the energy from the
05:53 rabbit is transferred to the hawk . And in this
05:56 ecosystem nothing is large or brave enough to take on
05:59 the hawk . I mean just look at her .
06:02 So we've hit the top of the food chain and
06:04 we've just made a nifty model of it . Mm
06:07 hmm . Yeah . Yeah . So a food chain
06:12 is a model that shows how energy flows between living
06:15 things in an ecosystem . Energy in the food chain
06:18 starts with the sun which has turned into chemical energy
06:21 by plants . And this energy moves up the food
06:24 chain as animals eat the plants and then other animals
06:27 eat those animals . And speaking of energy , I'm
06:31 starving . So I'm off to take my place in
06:33 the food chain . See you next time . So
06:36 a food chain is really a model of how energy
06:38 flows among living things in an ecosystem . But in
06:41 the real world , things are a little more complicated
06:44 than just rabbit eats grass and hockey . It's rabbit
06:47 . So let's see how the flow of food and
06:50 therefore energy works within a habitat where many different plants
06:54 and animals live . Picture of polar bear in the
07:00 desert . Know what you're imagining is way too cute
07:03 . Take off the sunglasses and the swim trunks there
07:06 . He's hot , he's hungry . He's downright miserable
07:08 . Why is he such a grumpy bear ? Well
07:11 , it's because he's not where he belongs . There
07:13 aren't any tasty seals to eat , no cold water
07:15 to enjoy and no snow to sleep in the desert
07:18 isn't his habitat . You know that a habitat is
07:21 the area where something lives , but from polar bears
07:23 to porcupines , animals don't just need a place to
07:26 live . They also rely on the other living and
07:28 non living things around them to survive . And life
07:31 looks different in different places around the world . So
07:34 what makes a habitat a home ? Well , what
07:40 do you need ? I need sandwiches , pancakes ,
07:43 carrots , maybe some nice peaches . So I need
07:46 food and I need water . I need a place
07:49 to live and I need a place to film crash
07:51 course videos . You could say this is my habitats
07:54 . Animals need these things to food , water ,
07:57 shelter and space to live for animals , their food
08:00 comes from their neighbors . The other living things in
08:02 their habitat . You know that plants and animals all
08:06 fall somewhere along the food chain , which is a
08:08 model we use to describe the flow of energy between
08:10 living things . But the real world is made up
08:12 of lots and lots of food chains . And those
08:15 chains can get kind of messy . I mean ,
08:17 look at our polar bear . Sure . His favorite
08:19 food is sealed , but in a pinch he'll eat
08:21 walrus , dead whales , birds , eggs . And
08:24 if he has absolutely no other choice plants , the
08:27 polar bear is at the top of multiple food chains
08:30 and that's not unusual . Most animals don't just eat
08:33 one thing and neither do I . I'm at the
08:35 top of the pancake food chain and the carrot food
08:38 chain . It just so happens . I prefer pancakes
08:41 . So you can see how food chains are actually
08:43 all tangled around with each other with many different ones
08:46 overlapping . Kind of like a web . So we
08:48 call this a food web . Food webs are big
08:51 tangled systems that include every plant and animal in a
08:53 habitat . And as you might guess , all food
08:56 webs are different . Let's compare two different habitats to
08:59 see how the food webs play out . Mm hmm
09:05 . First we'll go back to our old stomping ground
09:07 . The forests . Let's begin with , you know
09:10 , these people , the plants , trees , grass
09:12 and other plants that change energy from the sun into
09:15 sugar . But then you have some animals that eat
09:17 other animals . This is where things get a little
09:19 more complicated . Today , an owl makes a mouse's
09:21 lunch . But tomorrow it may be a rabbit .
09:23 Today . A snake snacks on a squirrel . But
09:25 a few days later our our friend might make a
09:27 meal of another meat eater like the snake . Finally
09:30 , the D . Composers , insects , fungi and
09:32 bacteria are breaking down whatever is left over from uneaten
09:36 rotten fruit to left over animal carcasses as they break
09:39 down matter , they provide more nutrients for the plants
09:41 . It's a bit of a different story up in
09:43 the arctic . I mean , look at all that
09:44 ice , I know what you're thinking . Where are
09:46 the plants ? How do we have a food web
09:48 without plants ? Zoom in on the seawater ? Zoom
09:52 way in further . Further stop . Can you see
09:55 those tiny plants they're called phytoplankton ? And just like
09:58 plants on land , They convert energy from the sun
10:01 . Really , small creatures called zooplankton eat the phytoplankton
10:05 in all kinds of small fish dying on the zooplankton
10:07 , larger fish eat the smaller fish . There are
10:09 big marine mammals to beluga , whales eat fish while
10:12 humpback whales eat the tiny plankton and krill . And
10:14 what else eats fish , seals . That's our polar
10:17 bear's favorite food . But up here , you can't
10:19 afford to be picky . So we may have to
10:21 nibble on some whale carcass if necessary . As for
10:23 D . Composers , there aren't many bugs or earthworms
10:26 in this cold climate , there are bacteria , but
10:29 since it's so cold , the D composers breakdown matter
10:31 much more slowly than in the forest . Yeah .
10:38 So you can see food webs and the ecosystems that
10:40 support them look different in different parts of the world
10:43 . Depending on the habitat conditions , flat or mountainous
10:46 land , more or less water . These seemingly small
10:50 changes in habitats affect what kind of plants and animals
10:53 live there up in the arctic polar bear has the
10:55 right conditions to keep him happy . First , he
10:58 fits into his food web perfectly . The food that's
11:00 available to him has enough fat and protein to keep
11:03 his energy up . Second , he fits into his
11:05 habitat perfectly . He has the body adaptations to not
11:08 just survive but feel really comfortable in the super cold
11:11 . A polar bear isn't built to survive in the
11:13 desert or the forest . So let's put our poor
11:15 polar bear back where he belongs . I was starting
11:17 to feel bad for the guy . Now we're getting
11:19 somewhere . An owl might eat a rabbit one day
11:22 in a mouse the next just like I might have
11:24 pasta for dinner one night and the next night have
11:27 a nice caesar salad . So the flow of energy
11:29 among living things doesn't just go in a straight line
11:32 . Every living thing in a food chain might eat
11:35 or be eaten by someone else in another chain .
11:38 So when you look across a whole ecosystem , the
11:41 flow of energy is not so much a chain as
11:43 it is a web . The last time we put
11:49 a polar bear in the desert and I still feel
11:50 bad about that . The good news is that in
11:52 real life a polar bear probably won't just wander into
11:55 the Sahara , but not everything stays in the same
11:57 habitat all the time . A new species might come
12:00 into a habitat species might die off . Even the
12:02 habitats themselves can change as a result of things like
12:05 floods and droughts . Point is habitats . And the
12:08 food webs they support can get out of whack and
12:10 sometimes it's not pretty . Let's look at what happens
12:13 when an ecosystem gets out of balance . Yeah .
12:18 Thank you . Last week we learned that a habitat
12:21 is home to a tangle of food chains called food
12:23 webs . The animals depend on each other for food
12:26 but they don't just need each other . They rely
12:28 on the non living things in the habitat . To
12:31 this interaction of living and non living things in a
12:33 habitat is called an ecosystem . The things in an
12:36 ecosystem are all connected just like when you touch one
12:38 part of a spider web and the whole thing vibrates
12:40 . When one link in the food web is threatened
12:42 , it can shake up the whole ecosystem , let's
12:44 see what might happen . For example , if an
12:46 ecosystem loses a species . Mhm mm . Since we're
12:53 talking about food webs , I think we should look
12:54 at spider monkeys , they're called spider monkeys because they
12:57 hang upside down from their tails with their arms and
12:59 legs dangling . This is somehow completely adorable . These
13:02 primates live in a tropical rainforest habitat , which is
13:04 just bursting with some of the coolest creatures out there
13:07 . Two cans , jaguars sloths as we learned last
13:10 time these animals need each other to survive and spider
13:13 monkeys happened to play a particularly important role in the
13:15 rainforest food web . They eat mostly fruit , which
13:18 contains seeds . And we know that seeds are how
13:20 plants make more plants . When a spider monkey snacks
13:23 on a berry , he gets to enjoy the tasty
13:25 fruit while also doing the plant a solid favor .
13:27 When the monkey moves on to another part of the
13:29 forest and passes the fruit , he leaves the seeds
13:33 behind , wait a while and then what you have
13:36 a new plants ? Imagine thousands of monkeys eating thousands
13:38 of fruits every day . More monkeys equals more plants
13:42 and trees . Those trees support lots of other animals
13:45 , insects and sloths eat those plants to and more
13:47 spider monkeys , insects and sloths mean more food for
13:50 carnivores , leopards dying on the sloths and spider monkeys
13:54 while frogs eat the insects and of course our d
13:56 composers like fungi and bacteria break down leftover plant and
13:59 animal matter . So we're talking around 50,000 plant and
14:02 animal species that rely on these plants . Now imagine
14:05 the spider monkey population starts to decline . Maybe they're
14:08 hit with a strange new disease or maybe humans over
14:11 hunt them . If the monkeys underground to eat the
14:12 fruit than the seeds aren't scattered around in the forest
14:15 stops growing , leaving fewer fruits for fewer monkeys .
14:18 Not only that fewer plants means less food for other
14:20 animals , like insects and our sloth friends . That
14:23 means the insect and sloth numbers start to decline and
14:26 that means less food for the animals that eat them
14:28 all of a sudden . None of the animals in
14:30 our ecosystem have enough to eat all because of the
14:33 loss of one species . Do you see how this
14:35 could get really bad , remove one piece of the
14:37 food web and you might knock down the whole thing
14:40 . That's bad news for us to the good news
14:42 is that ecosystems want to be in balance after a
14:45 natural disaster , like a forest fire or a flood
14:47 . Things might be wacky for a while , but
14:50 habitats can usually get back to normal . But if
14:52 things get really bad , the habitat might change forever
14:56 . The old species will leave searching for a better
14:58 place to live . New species will come in ,
15:00 life will keep going , but it won't look the
15:03 same in every ecosystem . The plants and animals are
15:10 connected . You can't mess with one species without affecting
15:13 all the others . Food webs are delicate like spider
15:15 webs . We don't want to be all crazy pants
15:17 and just go knocking them down . Now you have
15:19 the whole picture . All living things need food for
15:22 energy . If they can't make it like plants ,
15:25 do they have to get it by eating other living
15:27 things . On a small scale , you can think
15:29 of this flow of energy as a food chain ,
15:32 but on the broader scale , it's more like a
15:34 food web no matter how you look at it .
15:37 Food is energy and energy is life . If you
15:41 enjoyed this , check out the rest of our channel
15:43 and subscribe



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