YES, it's POSSIBLE to Turn Older Students' Math Around - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

YES, it's POSSIBLE to Turn Older Students' Math Around - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

YES, it's POSSIBLE to Turn Older Students' Math Around - By TucsonMathDoc

00:0-1 total frustration declining math scores , lost desire to do
00:05 anything with math heating . Given the thought of looking
00:09 at math completely lost in the sea of variables ,
00:14 numbers and equations , homework time with parents who try
00:18 to help end up being tears and total frustration .
00:22 Both this is literally a testimonial from one of my
00:27 students . When he started with the program . If
00:30 this sounds familiar to you , you are not alone
00:35 . Hi , this is dr penn host off wiping
00:38 math tear away . Today we're talking about can older
00:41 students Math . He turned around this students who I
00:44 just read is 1/9 grader struggling with math . Let's
00:49 get on with the topic . Now older kids struggle
00:53 more with math . It feels more hardship than younger
00:57 students because math is sequential by sequential . What we
01:02 really mean is that math topics are built on top
01:06 of each other . So if a child missed the
01:08 beginning subject or beginning concept earlier , then it starts
01:14 what we call an avalanche of academic debt . It's
01:19 similar to a credit card debts . So that not
01:22 only you have to pay for the interest , you
01:24 have to pray for the principal . So each week
01:27 and you're just paying the minimum balance , the principle
01:31 is not touched , but in a similar way academic
01:34 debt . If you don't go back all the way
01:36 to fix where it started the principal part , then
01:40 a debt academic debt will just keep on getting heavier
01:44 and heavier for older kids who are struggling with math
01:49 . Can they be turnaround in one word ? Yes
01:52 . Absolutely . Yes . Now you will have to
01:55 work a little harder but the effort is so worth
01:58 it . More importantly you have to work smart and
02:02 working on the right kind of stuff . So today
02:05 let me share with you with you two strategies and
02:09 give you some tactics to go along with them .
02:12 For strategy . Is this center yourself and become your
02:17 child's math coach ? Think about a coach . What
02:21 coach do they don't really get on the tennis court
02:23 or basketball court with the students or the player ?
02:27 Right . What they do is they have an overall
02:30 game plan . They might have opponents analysis , they
02:35 might know thee nutrition facts , they might know the
02:38 exercise routines to help the students and the player to
02:41 get the most out of the game Well , in
02:44 a similar way , you want to position yourself to
02:46 become a math coach for your child , to guide
02:49 them through this math struggle . How do you do
02:51 that ? Four things First one do not panic because
02:56 if you panic , your child war most likely lose
02:59 hope . Second , do not fight over the grades
03:04 . That's just a power struggle we really want to
03:07 do is become their mentor and learn to listen to
03:10 them , gain their trust so they will share with
03:13 you what it feels like to struggle with Math ,
03:15 whether they going through and what do they think that
03:18 they got stuck on ? What was the we back
03:21 topic that they lost confidence in Math ? You want
03:26 to find that out ? 3rd thing is that own
03:30 up . Once you gain the confidence , you want
03:33 to own up and share whatever you might have ,
03:37 MS looked or overlooked or contributed to their math struggle
03:43 , you want to do that because this will give
03:46 them the sense that they have a mentor . They
03:48 have someone on their side to work through this difficult
03:52 time with them . And the last thing look for
03:56 always constant opportunity to bring out your child shine from
04:01 with them . Confidence is contagious . If you can
04:06 help your child built and cultivate that confidence , that
04:11 confidence will spill over to something that's difficult . Their
04:14 math struggle . Okay , that's the first strategy ,
04:17 basically center yourself and become their math coach . Once
04:21 you get onto the same page with them and you
04:24 earn their trust and you can now tackle the math
04:28 concepts itself . How are you going to do that
04:31 ? You're gonna do that by finding the right help
04:34 for them now , what do I mean by right
04:35 help ? It's really instinctive to go out , look
04:39 for tutor who can help with the homework . But
04:41 often that actually is counterproductive because it adds more load
04:47 to kids . You want to find someone who not
04:50 only can do the math , but willing to go
04:53 all the way back with the child as far back
04:56 as needed to plug in and fix that foundational host
05:00 , the Math foundation host because math is sequential and
05:04 that's the only way to fix it . So if
05:07 you do all this , let me share with you
05:09 what happened to my student . This is what he
05:12 wrote his mother Casey after completing the program , his
05:17 grades ones first from these within a few weeks and
05:22 then went to seize and I want to be on
05:24 his final , he got in an a and his
05:28 final exam itself is 100 and 10% cases fully regained
05:33 his confidence and maximizing his potential . In conclusion .
05:39 Yes , absolutely . You can turn back their math
05:42 . Yes . You need to do a little more
05:45 work and work smarter , but it's so worth it
05:48 until next time . Happy parenting .


I make short videos so learning math can be easy and fun.


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