parents, are YOU making those *mistakes!* over their POOR Math grades? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

parents, are YOU making those *mistakes!* over their POOR Math grades? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

parents, are YOU making those *mistakes!* over their POOR Math grades? - By TucsonMathDoc

00:0-1 let me ask you a question if you try to
00:02 come back home with a C . Or D .
00:04 On the report cards for math , do you a
00:08 immediately get really , really mad and send them and
00:12 grown them to their rooms or be email there teacher
00:16 and basically politely say , hey , what's wrong ?
00:20 I thought you have this under control or c ask
00:24 you child , hey what's going on ? I thought
00:27 you were doing the homework aren't you ? Or d
00:30 lay there , lose sleep and worry and not knowing
00:35 what to do . Hi , I'm dr phoenix pan
00:37 of performance coach at Georgia Math . My passion is
00:42 help you wipe away math peers . I have an
00:46 option for you but before I get to the option
00:49 e let me share with you a little bit about
00:52 what I learned . I work when it comes to
00:54 math grades . What matters if you really think about
00:58 it , Grace are actually men made , you might
01:01 be asking , what do you mean by that ?
01:04 Good question ? Good grades are byproduct of a good
01:08 learning process and to get a good grades . One
01:12 really have to start with a good sound and really
01:17 efficient process . Learning process . Think of it this
01:21 way focusing on grades instead of process is kind of
01:27 like putting the cart in front of horse . What
01:30 you really want to do is get the horse in
01:32 front the cart and then the cart . Well carrie
01:37 greats . Now we want to create an efficient and
01:41 effective learning process and then the Grace is gonna come
01:45 on its own because you know it already the war
01:48 over grades is really waste of your time . Right
01:53 ? I mean has any fight over grades ever produced
01:56 a good grades or reduced any fracture frictions in your
02:00 household ? Think about it right ? So to turn
02:03 this around , one must really focus on the process
02:07 as opposed to the grades . Now you might be
02:09 asking . Okay so far so good . It makes
02:12 sense . How do I do that ? Which is
02:14 the right question to ask . So remember earlier I
02:19 talked about the option e the option E starts by
02:23 taking your child out of for an ice cream or
02:26 movie nights or however you spend time with the child
02:29 and you want to do that so you can start
02:31 a conversation with your child to build a better learning
02:35 process . So what does it look like ? Another
02:38 good question . Here's a simple way . A simple
02:41 place to start . Right . You want to start
02:44 a daily routine with your child when it comes to
02:46 math asking four questions . The first one is what
02:51 did you learn today ? And listen really carefully ,
02:53 Pick one or two topics that kick you only interested
02:56 and ask three more follow up questions . The first
03:00 one , what's that like literally ask them , what
03:02 are they talking about ? Second one , ask them
03:05 , what would you use that ? And the 3rd
03:08 1 , can you explain it to dad when he
03:11 comes home or to mom when she comes home or
03:15 two brothers , sisters or even a stuffed animal .
03:17 It doesn't really matter what matters . Is a child
03:20 has a tendency to think a little deeply if you
03:23 ask them to explain it to something else to someone
03:26 else . Now this works best when don daily often
03:32 it takes about five minutes for younger kids or maybe
03:34 10 15 minutes for older kids , you shouldn't take
03:37 longer than that . If you didn't get it done
03:39 in one day , just continued the day after .
03:42 So at this point you might be asking so what
03:46 am I looking for when I do do the daily
03:48 checkup two things for you . This is really an
03:52 information gathering experience . So you can uh stay on
03:58 top of it and you can stay current and probably
04:01 see the potential potholes , the math potholes that's coming
04:05 down the way or your child . This is really
04:09 a self reflecting time to really think about it ,
04:12 where they actually learned now . I know this takes
04:16 a little more extra effort , but I promise you
04:20 it's so worth it because you will be able to
04:23 sleep better knowing that you are helping your child to
04:27 build a good learning process for years to come .
04:31 Well that's it for today . Thanks for watching .
04:34 I'm dr pan come back for more sessions and tips
04:37 on how to wipe away math tears to make the
04:40 mass journey easier for your child . Hit the like
04:43 button and subscribe and share until next time . Happy
04:46 parenting .


I make short videos so learning math can be easy and fun.


Parents, are YOU making those *mistakes!* over their POOR Math grades? is a free educational video by TucsonMathDoc.

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