Cyclohexanes: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #7 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Cyclohexanes: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #7 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Cyclohexanes: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #7 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 You can review content from crash course Organic Chemistry with
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00:05 devices . Hi , I'm tab okay Chakravarty and welcome
00:08 back to Crash course Organic Chemistry . What do Saturn
00:12 a diamond and Giant's Causeway in Ireland all have in
00:16 common hexagons . From honeycombs to the shells of tortoises
00:20 . Hexagons appear all over the natural world . Even
00:23 when you push bubbles together they'll make hexagons . But
00:27 the scientific reasons why hexagon seem to be everywhere are
00:30 debatable . Some people consider hexagons a space saving wonder
00:33 . For example , pencil companies realize they could pack
00:36 more hexagonal pencils in a box and save storage space
00:39 . So that's why every number two is hexagonal hexagons
00:43 are even in the arrangement of carbon atoms like the
00:45 close packed structure that gives diamond , it's famous hardness
00:48 and in graphite hexagonal sheets of carbon conducting one direction
00:52 but not the other . In this episode we'll uncover
00:55 the secrets of one of organic chemistry's favorite manifestations of
00:58 this shape . The cyclo hexane molecule . Yeah .
01:05 Mhm . Yeah . Yeah . As we learned last
01:13 time , cyclo alcanzar named like other alcan's except they
01:16 have the prefix cyclo . Right before the root name
01:19 . A plain old five carbon rings would be called
01:21 cyclops maintain . If we have just one substitute print
01:24 , we don't need a number . Like metal cyclops
01:26 maintain . But if there are two or more substitutes
01:28 , the carbons are numbered to give those substitutes the
01:31 lowest possible numbers and the substitutes are put in alphabetical
01:34 order . Like we normally do for example one methyl
01:38 to methyl cyclo painting . A cyclo al cane can
01:40 be named as a substitute to like when the ace
01:43 I click or no ring part of the molecule has
01:45 more carbons . Or if the chain has an important
01:48 functional groups . For example , for cyclo propel helped
01:51 one . I cyclo alcan's have two distinct faces because
01:54 they don't have free rotation around their bonds . In
01:57 a cyclo al came with two substitutes pointing towards the
01:59 same face of the ring , We add the prefix
02:02 cysts and if they point towards opposite faces of the
02:04 ring , we add the prefix trans . The most
02:07 common cyclo alcanzar , cyclo plantains and cyclo hexane is
02:10 because of what we talked about last episode . They
02:13 have low ring strain , so they're more stable .
02:15 Ring string comes from a combination of two things .
02:17 There's angular strain or deviating from the ideal angle of
02:21 109.5° for sp three hybridized carbons and there's two original
02:25 strain or having bonds in an eclipsed confirmation . Nowadays
02:28 we know it causes ring strain and we know that
02:30 high strain means more energy and less stability . But
02:34 organic chemists initially figured out ring strain and lots of
02:37 other things about chemical reactions by setting compounds on fire
02:41 . To see how let's go to the thought bubble
02:43 combustion reactions are when hydrocarbons burn in oxygen releasing energy
02:47 stored in their bonds . One way to think about
02:49 combustion is that plants incorporate energy from the sun into
02:53 molecules . So when we burn wood in a campfire
02:55 or ancient plants that became fossil fuels , it's kind
02:58 of like we're undoing photosynthesis . Besides using heat to
03:01 toast marshmallows , organic chemists can also measure the heat
03:04 produced in a combustion reaction to learn about the formula
03:07 of chemical compounds and the energy stored in their bonds
03:10 in the inner chamber of an instrument called a bomb
03:13 calorie emitter . We burn a compound measure the temperature
03:16 change and use that measurement to calculate the energy of
03:19 the reaction . Don't worry , it's safe , but
03:21 if there was a bunch of energy in a closed
03:23 system like this , that's bomb , hence the name
03:26 . Organic chemists use bomb calor imagery to quantify ring
03:29 strain by comparing the heat released from the combustion of
03:32 an al Kane with the cyclo al caine . Any
03:34 extra heat from the cyclo al Kane has to be
03:36 from the energy of the ring strain being released .
03:39 So we have to do a little math to get
03:41 there . For example , we can use a bomb
03:42 calorie emitter to burn a very long a cyclic al
03:45 cane and find that the average energy released per ch
03:48 two unit is 658.6 killer jewels per mole . And
03:52 when we burn cyclo propane , which we know is
03:54 a very strange ring , it releases 697.1 killer jewels
03:58 per mole per CH two units . So the ring
04:01 strain energy contributed 38.5 killer jewels per mole . We
04:05 have to multiply that by three for the three CH
04:08 two units in cyclo propane for a total of 115
04:11 killer jewels per mole . That's quite a bit of
04:13 extra energy packed into that ring . Thanks math and
04:17 thank you . Thought bubble through these sorts of combustion
04:19 experiments , the cyclo hexane ring was found to have
04:22 no ring strain , and cyclo plantain is pretty low
04:25 to both of these cyclo alcan's decreased ring strain because
04:28 their angular strain is relatively low in the pentagon .
04:32 The angles are 108 degrees and in a hex a
04:35 gone there 120 degrees . These aren't very far from
04:38 the company . 109.5 degrees for sp three hybridized carbons
04:42 . And even though flat cyclo alcan's would have bonds
04:44 in an eclipse confirmation , they can reduced orginal strained
04:47 by puckering , they poke certain atoms above and below
04:50 the molecular plane so they're not as lined up and
04:53 are slightly less strain . A puckered cyclo Pentium molecule
04:56 pokes one carbon atom above the molecular plane , forming
05:00 an envelope confirmation . We can see this a little
05:02 better by looking at a new and projection along one
05:05 of the bonds . The thing about any molecular drawing
05:07 or model is that they're static instead of the vibrating
05:10 moving molecule of reality . So the pucker of cyclops
05:13 maintain isn't stuck on one carbon . Each carbon takes
05:16 a turn poking above the molecular plane , so the
05:18 molecule is kind of constantly wobbling around . But cyclo
05:22 hexane is even more stable and free of ring strain
05:25 because it can achieve a puckered structure that has all
05:28 of the hydrogen staggered and all of the bond angles
05:31 at 109.5 degrees . This basically magical structure is called
05:35 the chair confirmation of cyclo hexane except instead of a
05:38 plush armchair that you'd want to take a nap in
05:41 . It's more like a crooked beach chair on the
05:43 deck of a cruise ship . Imagine a friend sitting
05:45 with their head up and feet down . The two
05:47 parallel lines in the middle are sort of like the
05:49 seat of the chair . And if we look along
05:51 those carbon carbon bonds , we can draw a newman
05:54 protection and see that the hydrogen are staggered . Cyclo
05:57 hexane can pucker in other ways too . With a
05:58 little bit of ring strain like in the boat confirmation
06:01 , which is also kind of honestly like a goofy
06:04 looking boat . In the boat confirmation . The foot
06:06 rest of the chair lines up with the head rest
06:08 to make a little nook . The angles between carbon
06:11 atoms are still 109.5 degrees . But now there's a
06:14 little too original strain . By drawing a Newman projection
06:17 . We can see that the hydrogen czar all eclipsed
06:19 , but there are also two flagpole hydrogen that are
06:22 sticking towards each other . To relieve strain from this
06:25 interaction . The boat twist a bit so the flagpole
06:28 hydrogen is don't get too close , sort of like
06:30 turning your head for a kiss to avoid smashing noses
06:33 . Most of the cyclo hexane molecules in a sample
06:36 will be in the chair confirmation . So it's really
06:39 important for us to learn how to draw them .
06:41 We'll practice here , starting with two parallel lines .
06:44 Next draw another set of parallel lines to make two
06:47 sideways vis . Then connect those two V . S
06:50 with the third group of parallel lines . That's the
06:52 base structure of the chair . Now we have to
06:54 stick in the hydrogen . Three on each face will
06:56 be straight vertical , up or down , and they're
06:59 all parallel to each other . These are called the
07:01 axial positions and here's a hint the V shaped points
07:04 made by the carbon atoms can help you figure out
07:06 if the axial bond goes up or down , the
07:10 V's pointing up have the actual hydrogen above the plane
07:13 and the downward vis have the actual hydrogen is below
07:16 the plane . And finally we add in three hydrogen
07:18 is that are parallel to the bonds one step away
07:20 , which are what we call the equatorial positions .
07:23 The equatorial hydrogen form a ring around the axle hydrogen
07:27 sort of like arts equator . This can be tricky
07:29 to wrap your head around with just words . So
07:31 we've color coded the equatorial bonds to the bonds in
07:34 the chair structure that they match . So that's one
07:37 chair confirmation . But because even low energy molecules are
07:40 constantly moving , cyclo hexane molecules are switching between confirmations
07:44 many times every second . There's one chair position where
07:47 a friend is sitting comfortably with their head up and
07:49 feet down , then there's the boat and finally there's
07:52 another chair position where their head is hanging down and
07:55 their feet are sticking up . Plus lots of in
07:57 between forms when the chair converts from one position to
08:00 the other , it's called the chair flip , but
08:02 that name can be a little misleading . A chair
08:05 flip does not mean we flip the chair upside down
08:07 and our friend falls out . We just moved their
08:10 head down and feed up . Also , all the
08:12 axial hydrogen is become equatorial hydrogen . A chair flip
08:16 also does not require bonds to be broken , they
08:19 just rotate to shift the bonded groups around . In
08:22 our all hydrogen example , both chairs are equivalent .
08:25 They're the same energetically and we might wonder why we
08:28 need to think about chair flips at all . But
08:30 let's say we swap out one of the hydrogen is
08:32 for a metal group to create metal cyclo hexane .
08:36 If we do a chair flip with this molecule ,
08:38 you can see how the metal group can switch between
08:40 an axial position or an equatorial position . And this
08:44 has chemical consequences for methyl cyclo hexane . The chair
08:47 with the metal group in the equatorial position has slightly
08:50 lower energy . So metal cyclo hexane molecules in a
08:53 sample will be in that chair confirmation as they're constantly
08:57 converting back and forth . To understand why the equatorial
09:00 metal group makes it slightly lower energy . We have
09:02 to go back to our good old tools , Newman
09:05 projections . Let's look along the sea carbon carbon bonds
09:08 in the middle . Now we can see that when
09:09 the metal group is in the axial position , it's
09:11 a ghost confirmation with respect to the head carbon ,
09:14 but in the equatorial position , the metal group is
09:17 in the anti confirmation . There's another important effect here
09:20 too . The axial metal group hysteric interactions with the
09:24 other two axle hydrogen above the ring . The crowding
09:27 introduced by pushing these groups together is called die axial
09:30 strain . This makes an energy difference between the confirmations
09:33 , as we learned in episode six and the equatorial
09:36 position is slightly prefer as more substitutes are added to
09:39 cyclo hexane . The interactions become more noticeable . For
09:43 example , let's consider cyst 13 dimethyl cyclo hexane .
09:47 If both of the methyl groups are sticking up in
09:49 the axial position , it's strongly unfavorable . Starik hindrance
09:53 kicks in and they feel crowded and uncomfortable . So
09:56 most molecules in the sample will be in the chair
09:58 confirmation where the metal groups are equatorial . But now
10:01 let's consider trans . 13 dimethyl cyclo hexane and both
10:05 chair confirmations . There's one axle metal group and one
10:08 equatorial metal group . So chair flips happen but neither
10:12 structure is energetically preferred over the other . There's an
10:15 axle metal group in each one as the group's on
10:17 the chair get even bigger and chunkier . The chair
10:20 confirmation where the substitution is in the equatorial position becomes
10:24 even more favored by the molecules . In a sample
10:26 neighboring atoms just get too crowded with too much dye
10:29 axial strain in the axial position . In fact ,
10:32 more than 99.9% of this compound has the turk bugle
10:36 group in the equatorial position . Now we've been drawing
10:39 a lot of chairs at this point and let's be
10:42 honest , you might want to flip a real chair
10:44 . I know that I do but take a breath
10:47 and when you're ready there's one more thing to learn
10:50 remember skeletal structures of cyclo hack sane . They look
10:53 like flat hexagon . So we also have to think
10:56 about how to convert a flat structure to a chair
10:58 drawing , especially when there are two or more substitue
11:01 ints . The first step is to see what the
11:03 flat structure tells you in this molecule . For instance
11:06 , we know the solid wedge means the metal group
11:08 is coming out towards us and the dashed wedge means
11:11 the isopropyl group is pointing into the screen . So
11:14 we have to make sure these groups stay on the
11:16 correct side of the cyclo hexane . When we draw
11:18 a chair , the metal needs to be above the
11:21 plane and the isopropyl needs to be below the plane
11:24 . Next we should number the carbons with the substitue
11:26 . It's just to help us keep track of them
11:28 . These numbers don't necessarily have to be aipac official
11:31 . It's just helpful when we switch from a hexagon
11:34 to a weird beach chair . And speaking of weird
11:36 beach chairs , it's time to draw the base of
11:38 the chair and number are carbon atoms . It's really
11:41 important that we number the same way we did on
11:43 the flat cyclo hexane . So if we numbered clockwise
11:46 on the flat drawing are numbers need to be clockwise
11:49 on the chair to then we can stick in place
11:51 , holder axial and equatorial bonds on the two carbons
11:54 that have substitue ints . After that , we can
11:56 use our reference numbers to know we should put the
11:58 metal on carbon one . So it's pointing above the
12:01 plane and it's higher than the hydrogen on the same
12:04 carbon . And we put the isopropyl on carbon three
12:07 , so it's below the plane and it's lower than
12:09 the hydrogen on the same carbon . The isopropyl group
12:12 is in an axial position , but it's way bigger
12:15 than the metal group . When we flip a chair
12:17 , all of the axial substitutes become equatorial and vice
12:20 versa . So we need to do a cheerful appear
12:23 to get that Chunky group in an equatorial position ,
12:25 which is what's energetically preferred . Let's keep our eye
12:28 on carbon two and pull it down . That forces
12:31 carbon three up and the isopropyl group moves into the
12:34 equatorial position but it's still below the plane . At
12:38 the same time , the metal group moves into the
12:40 axial position as carbon one pushes up and it stays
12:43 above the plane . The axial metal group has a
12:45 lot less dye axial strain than the chunky branched isopropyl
12:49 . So this is our more stable chair . So
12:51 the big takeaway in today's episode is to practice .
12:53 It helps to practice drawing cyclo hexane is , but
12:56 if you have a model that's even better because you
12:58 can actually change the positions of all the hydrogen and
13:01 see them go from equatorial to axial . And you
13:05 also get to play with the toy and see chemistry
13:07 like more visibly . And it's okay if all this
13:10 chair stuff doesn't make any sense immediately . It's hard
13:13 to wrap your head around and takes a lot of
13:15 practice . But it's really important to know our cyclo
13:17 heck Saints . These organic molecules show up in carbohydrates
13:20 , steroids , plant molecules , pesticides in so many
13:24 other things and the confirmation is so important to the
13:27 function of these molecules . Today we talked about how
13:30 rings pucker to relieve angular and original strain , how
13:33 ring flips make axial substitutes become equatorial and how more
13:37 bulky substitutes should be equatorial when drawing cyclo hexane in
13:40 chair confirmations because that's more energetically favorable . Next episode
13:44 will be moving on to stereo chemistry which can also
13:47 be tough and dreaming about eating all the sugar we
13:50 could want . which is actually pretty easy . Thanks
13:53 for watching this episode of Crash Course Organic Chemistry .
13:56 If you want to help keep all Crash Course free
13:58 for everybody forever , you can join our community on
14:01 Patreon .



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