Syntax 2 - Trees: Crash Course Linguistics #4 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Syntax 2 - Trees: Crash Course Linguistics #4 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Syntax 2 - Trees: Crash Course Linguistics #4 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 Hi , I'm Taylor and welcome to crash course linguistics
00:02 . In episode three , we learned about how to
00:04 test which parts of a sentence , our constituents or
00:07 closely-related sub groups of words . So in the sentence
00:10 Taylor sees the rabbit , we know the rabbit is
00:12 one such constituent because we can substitute it for a
00:15 single word or pronoun like Gavin guy or then and
00:18 sees the rabbit is another slightly larger constituent because we
00:22 can move the whole thing up to the beginning of
00:23 the sentence in a cleft construction . It's seeing the
00:27 rabbit that taylor does . Now we want to take
00:29 it a step deeper . Let's figure out a way
00:32 to keep track of these groupings and extract some rules
00:34 that could help us find patterns between lots of different
00:37 sentences . Yeah , A simple way to keep track
00:50 of different parts of sentences is by drawing connections between
00:53 the words . For example , we could draw circles
00:55 around each constituent but circles get really big really quickly
00:59 as our sentences get longer . Or we could draw
01:01 brackets around each of the constituents brackets are nice and
01:04 compact , but they can be hard to easily scan
01:06 and understand at a glance . So instead linguists often
01:09 represent the structural relationships between words using a tree structure
01:13 diagram , sort of like a family tree with nodes
01:16 and branches . Tree diagram strike a nice balance between
01:19 being understandable and taking up a reasonable amount of space
01:22 . The nodes represent links between constituents , so it's
01:25 useful to label them . That helps us compare the
01:27 tree diagrams across various sentences and track the different phrases
01:31 in the sentence . Two phrases a constituent that's sort
01:34 of mid sized , it's less than a full sentence
01:36 , but often more than a single word . In
01:38 this video , we're going to meet some of the
01:40 common phrases that are the basis of english grammar .
01:42 For example , the difference between the phrases sees the
01:45 rabbit and just the rabbit is that sees the rabbit
01:48 has a verb in it so we can call sees
01:51 the Rabbit a verb phrase using the substitution tests we
01:54 talked about in the previous video , we can swap
01:56 the positions of taylor and the rabbit in the sentence
01:59 so they should both be the same kind of phrase
02:01 since both of these phrases have a noun in them
02:04 will call them noun phrases . The words , by
02:06 the way , is part of a class of words
02:08 that linguists call determine ear's , which also includes words
02:11 like uh this my one and every determiner is help
02:15 us figure out which specific instance of a specific .
02:18 Now we're talking about there's one theory of syntax that
02:21 actually argues there are determiner phrases as well as noun
02:24 phrases . Either way , these small words do a
02:27 big job . So let's label our tree with the
02:28 phrases and word classes to keep track of all of
02:31 this information . And the whole thing as we already
02:33 know is a sentence writing out noun phrase and verb
02:36 phrase every time gets kind of tedious . So linguists
02:39 generally abbreviate these as N . P . And VP
02:43 . And the same goes with N . For noun
02:45 , V . For verb and S . For sentence
02:47 plus debt for determiner tree diagrams . Let us see
02:50 the product relationship we talked about in the last episode
02:53 . The verb and object noun phrase are both together
02:56 within the VP . Even in languages that put their
02:58 words in a different order , the verb in the
03:00 objects still have this closer relationship . Let's take japanese
03:03 . For example , in japanese , the verb comes
03:05 at the end of the sentence . The verb is
03:07 still in the same phrase , the verb phrase as
03:10 the object so we can represent this in the tree
03:12 structure diagram by just giving the VP note a little
03:15 twist going back to english . Now here's another sentence
03:18 . Gavin Guy ate my cake . This new sentence
03:21 has completely different words from the first one , but
03:23 it has the exact same structure . So it's tree
03:26 structure diagram looks the same . We can make a
03:28 lot of sentences from just a few basic bits of
03:30 structure and this leads us to an interesting puzzle .
03:33 Let's try to figure out all of the possible structures
03:36 for sentences in english . In other words , let's
03:39 try to make a grammar of english grammar is a
03:41 description of how sentences go together . In a language
03:44 we could use a grammar to start to teach machines
03:47 to understand english or to compare the rules of english
03:49 to those of another language . Grammar isn't necessarily what's
03:52 actually going on in your head when you're saying a
03:54 sentence . That's still an open question that linguists are
03:57 researching and while we'll be focusing on a grammar of
04:00 english here , every language has one . Making a
04:02 grammar is actually a pretty big challenge . Let's start
04:05 out with a few sentences and figure out how to
04:07 describe their structures . Taylor sees the rabbit , the
04:10 rabbit ate cake and Gavin guy hopped . First we
04:13 notice that we can split each sentence into two pieces
04:15 and we can mix and match the front half in
04:17 the back half . We have taylor , the rabbit
04:20 and gather guy on one side and sees the rabbit
04:24 ate cake and hopped on the other . This structure
04:26 predicts that Taylor hopped and taylor ate cake and Gavin
04:29 Guy sees the rabbit should be okay sentences even though
04:33 they're not on our original list , based on my
04:34 linguistic intuitions as an english speaker , that's a good
04:38 prediction . And as part of our grammar , we've
04:39 established that sentences contain two parts . So what if
04:42 we split those sentences up like this instead ? This
04:45 predicts that the sentences Gavin guy ate rabbit ate cake
04:49 and the my cake should be possible and we know
04:52 as english speakers that they're not . We'd expect some
04:55 groupings to fail like this in any language we try
04:58 . So in our grammar of english so far ,
05:00 these sentences contain two parts , but it also matters
05:03 what those two parts are . Let's go back to
05:05 our list that works and highlight the noun verbs and
05:08 determine ear's in different colours . So for taylor sees
05:11 the rabbit will make taylor and the rabbit red for
05:13 noun sees blue for verb and the green for determiner
05:17 . Based on this , we could write a couple
05:19 of rules for english grammar . First we can say
05:21 that a sentence in english is made up of two
05:23 parts . A noun phrase plus a verb phrase .
05:26 A noun phrase is made up of a determiner plus
05:29 a noun and a verb phrase is made up of
05:31 a verb plus a noun phrase . But even though
05:33 those rules are a good start , they still need
05:35 a few tweaks . Not all over noun phrases have
05:38 a determiner in them . Sometimes it's the rabbit ,
05:42 but other times it's just cake and some of our
05:44 verb phrases don't have a noun phrase in them either
05:47 . Sometimes it sees the rabbit or ate cake ,
05:50 but other times it's just hopped , so we need
05:53 to indicate that certain parts of these rules are optional
05:56 , which we can do using parentheses . It has
05:58 a nice effect . The only thing that's absolutely required
06:01 in a noun phrase is a noun and the only
06:04 thing that's required in a verb phrase is a verb
06:06 . We call the required piece the part that the
06:08 phrase is named after the head and the less important
06:11 additions , the compliment . There are plenty more things
06:14 that we can add to a sentence which starts to
06:16 make a grammar even more complicated . For instance ,
06:19 take these ones the rabbit with a scarf hopped and
06:23 Gavin guy ate cake on the moon . You've added
06:25 two new phrases with a scarf and on the moon
06:29 . These phrases contain a determiner and announce , but
06:32 they also contain a proposition , a word that shows
06:34 the relationship of the noun phrase to the rest of
06:36 the sentence . So now we can make a rule
06:38 for a prepositional phrase which contains a proposition as the
06:41 head and a noun phrases , the compliment . We
06:43 also need to refine our rules for noun phrases and
06:46 verb phrases to allow for optional prepositional phrases so far
06:49 are grammar contains just four rules , but it's already
06:52 really powerful to find out how . Let's get into
06:55 the thought bubble . Hey look , Gavin I are
06:58 inside a thought bubble . Let's go into another thought
07:01 bubble . Cool . We're inside a thought bubble inside
07:03 a thought bubble . Let's go deeper . Now we're
07:06 inside a thought bubble inside a thought bubble . Inside
07:09 a thought bubble . We could just keep going .
07:11 We might get bored or run out of space on
07:12 the screen or get cut off by Youtube's time limits
07:15 . But in theory we could just keep embedding thought
07:18 bubbles inside of thought bubbles forever . Uh Let's pop
07:21 a few of these thought bubbles and get some more
07:23 breathing room . Okay , leave thought bubble and leave
07:27 thought bubble . Okay , now we're back in a
07:29 normal single bubble . Thought bubbles have the property of
07:32 Rikers asian . We can embed thought bubbles inside of
07:35 thought bubbles forever . Languages also recursive . Let's take
07:38 the phrase inside a thought bubble . Inside is a
07:41 proposition . So this is a prepositional phrase and a
07:44 thought bubble is a noun phrase . But inside this
07:47 noun phrase , a thought bubble . We can add
07:49 another prepositional phrase , let's say . It's also inside
07:53 a thought bubble and we can keep going . In
07:55 fact , we already did when we were describing the
07:57 recursive thought bubbles in the first place , we don't
08:00 always have to embed the exact same words recruiting just
08:02 means we can build structures inside of other structures .
08:05 For instance , the rabbit on the moon in the
08:08 solar system , in the Milky Way in the Universe
08:10 on friday hot . Their God goes thanks ! Thought
08:14 bubble and thought bubble and thought bubble are simplified .
08:18 Little set of four grammar rules is powerful enough for
08:20 Riker version but there's also some things missing adjectives like
08:24 big or purple adverbs like quickly pronounced like you or
08:29 me , sadly this video does not actually contain infinite
08:32 reclusive space but now that we're thinking like linguists we
08:35 can use our knowledge of language to continue to build
08:37 up a more complete set of rules . This is
08:40 just the start . But even with just four rules
08:42 , we can see that sometimes completely different words have
08:45 the same linguistic structure . Other times the same words
08:48 have different linguistic structures . We can see the similarities
08:50 and differences by looking at language from the perspective of
08:53 syntax , let's take these two sentences . Time flies
08:57 like an arrow means that the concept of time is
08:59 fast , like an arrow is fast . Fruit flies
09:02 like a banana means that these small insects are fond
09:05 of fruit . Both of these sentences have flies and
09:07 like in them . But these words have different structural
09:10 relationships with the rest of the sentence . In this
09:13 first treat flies is the verb and like as a
09:15 proposition in the second , tree flies as part of
09:19 the mountain phrase and like is the verb . We
09:21 can represent that difference by drawing diagrams . Don't stress
09:24 about the triangles . Linguists use triangles within a tree
09:27 to save space and represent constituents that are not the
09:30 focus of what we're talking about , But we can
09:32 see how these shared words occupy different parts of each
09:35 tree , or take the song about the mythical one
09:37 eyed , one horned , flying purple people eater .
09:40 This could mean a song about a creature that eats
09:42 any kind of people and has won I won horn
09:45 flies in his purple . Or it could be about
09:48 a creature that eats one eyed , one horned flying
09:51 purple people or something in between . Maybe a one
09:53 eyed , one horned creature that eats flying purple people
09:57 . Some of these beasts are a lot more dangerous
09:59 than others . Throughout this episode we've been using rules
10:02 and tree diagrams as a fairly simple way of representing
10:05 the structure of sentences . But there are lots of
10:07 other ways of representing the same sentences . There are
10:10 many theories of syntax which have different ways of representing
10:13 grammatical structures , each with their advantages and limitations ,
10:17 and there are some grammatical structures that thin tacticians haven't
10:20 even figured out how to represent yet . So far
10:22 , we've seen sentences with absurd meanings , but reasonable
10:25 grammar . Next time on crash course linguistics we'll go
10:28 deeper into meaning itself . Thanks for watching this episode
10:31 of Crash course linguistics . If you want to help
10:33 keep crash course free for everybody forever , you can
10:36 join our community on Patreon .



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