Phylogenetic Mysteries: Crash Course Zoology #12 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Phylogenetic Mysteries: Crash Course Zoology #12 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Phylogenetic Mysteries: Crash Course Zoology #12 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 you might not know this about me , but I
00:01 adore puzzles . So I guess my career makes sense
00:05 . And sociology is like one big wonderful jigsaw puzzle
00:09 . Well except that there are no helpful edge pieces
00:13 and lots of pieces can fit in more than one
00:15 place . Oh and we don't have the picture on
00:18 the box as a guide towards the right answer .
00:21 Just some blurry snapshots of different sections from fossils .
00:25 It's fun today . In 2021 we've gotten pretty far
00:29 in solving the zoology puzzle and have a general idea
00:32 of what the medicine family tree looks like , but
00:35 it's not perfect . Some species were and probably still
00:40 are misidentified and there are a lot of gaps and
00:43 missing details . But that's part of what makes psychology
00:46 so thrilling . All the times when evolution has stumped
00:50 or surprised us . The mysteries were still trying to
00:54 solve all of the animals that defy our human brains
00:57 and refused to be put in a neat little box
01:00 labeled carnivore , a or Parisot de castilla or whatever
01:04 . There's so much we have to learn so grab
01:06 some fossils . Fire up the DNA sequence er and
01:09 bring your best hypotheses . It's time to solve some
01:13 file a genetic mysteries . I'm Ray Wynne Grant and
01:16 this is crash course zoology . Yeah . Mhm .
01:27 You might remember from our first episode that fill a
01:30 chinese or file a genetic trees are diagrams that scientists
01:34 use to describe the evolutionary relationships between different animals ,
01:39 but they can also show where there are gaps in
01:41 what we know . Like . There are lots of
01:44 cases where we don't know or only very recently found
01:47 out exactly how a group of animals with a common
01:50 ancestor or clade fits on the Meadows . Oh and
01:53 file a genie . We call these file a genetic
01:56 mysteries . Animals whose traits could place them in multiple
02:00 groups or in groups that aren't actually related to each
02:03 other . And studying and solving file a genetic mysteries
02:07 tells us not just about that particular animals evolutionary history
02:12 , but also about how we've understood and studied animals
02:15 in the past . So being a zoologist can be
02:18 like being a detective , we get pieces of evidence
02:21 like what an animal looks like or what genes it
02:24 has and then have to figure out the series of
02:27 evolutionary events that explains that evidence . But we have
02:32 to be really crafty like Sherlock Holmes level , crafty
02:36 because that evidence isn't always super reliable . Lots ,
02:40 maybe most animals have wildly different body shapes and lifestyles
02:44 from their larval form early in their lives to their
02:47 adult form . And it can be really hard to
02:50 match the two if there aren't a lot of opportunities
02:53 to observe its whole life cycle . Like maybe that
02:56 animal is hard to find in the wild or maybe
02:58 it can't be kept in captivity . These are called
03:01 within lifetime . File a genetic mysteries and one of
03:05 the most enduring examples of baby animals going undercover and
03:09 fooling zoologists is the case of the missing baby eels
03:14 . Let's go to the thought , but people have
03:16 been catching and eating eels for a long time .
03:19 Like back in medieval England , monks often paid their
03:23 landlords with eels , which is very on brand for
03:26 months . Eels were church approved because at the time
03:30 no one had ever seen an eel engage in the
03:32 type of scandalous carnal relations that happened when animals make
03:37 other animals . Instead . Zoologist thought they formed from
03:42 mud and rain water or that adult eels just popped
03:45 out of other eel looking animals like hell pouts and
03:48 this eel mystery went on for a long time .
03:52 Even famous psychologist Sigmund Freud got involved dissecting hundreds of
03:57 eels in the spring of 1876 , trying to find
04:00 their gammy producing organs to prove eels used sexual reproduction
04:05 , but the baby eels had been there all along
04:08 . They were tiny , transparent flatfish called Leptis syphilis
04:12 . A decade after Freud's futile attempts , sociologists managed
04:16 to grow some captive Leptis syphilis into juvenile eels and
04:21 others observed the same thing in the wild . The
04:24 case of the missing baby heels was solved to be
04:27 fair , Eels have a really complicated life cycle with
04:31 five forms that look and act so different . It's
04:34 pretty easy to mistake them as separate species . Plus
04:37 eels move around a lot so you don't see babies
04:41 and adults together . It wasn't until 1904 that we
04:45 figured out European Eels breed in the Sargasso Sea thousands
04:49 of miles from their adult homes . Thanks about bubble
04:53 eels are just one example of an animal that goes
04:56 through big changes and lives in unknown places as part
05:00 of their life cycle , this type of knowledge gap
05:03 is really common in ocean living creatures because the ocean
05:06 is so big , it's difficult to not only know
05:09 how well the populations are doing but also how to
05:13 better conserve them for future generations , but for the
05:16 eels at least the case is closed , which brings
05:20 us to across sexes file a genetic mysteries with some
05:25 animals . The differences aren't so much due to age
05:28 , but sex Sculley and molder , cagney and lacey
05:32 . Agent K . And Agent J . Detective Media
05:35 loves to have two very different people work the same
05:39 case for drama , but at least they're both clearly
05:43 people . Some animal pairs are so different that they
05:47 don't even seem to be part of the same species
05:49 . Sexual demort is um is one . Different sexes
05:52 of the same species have physical differences beyond what gambits
05:56 they make , or sex organs they have . Sometimes
05:59 it's straightforward , like the female being much larger or
06:02 the male being more brightly colored , and sometimes the
06:05 differences between sexes aren't so much in how they look
06:08 , but how they act and behave , which can
06:11 lead to one sex being a lot less well known
06:14 than the other . Like in the case of the
06:16 lonely spiders , subtitle , Eight legs , but only
06:20 one sex of the 46,000 species of spiders described so
06:25 far . Almost 50% of them are known based on
06:28 a single sex , probably because one sex tends to
06:32 get itself into situations where it'll get scooped up by
06:35 zoologist , like wandering around looking for a mate .
06:38 And when we finally do get a specimen of a
06:41 different sex , it can totally change our understanding of
06:44 a species like in Seoul . A few gits aka
06:47 camel spiders , some species have females that are a
06:51 darker color , have different shaped mouth parts and differently
06:54 arranged hairs than males . They look so different that
06:58 they were described as a separate species for years until
07:01 a group of researchers from Iran put things together .
07:04 Another case closed beyond developmental or sexual diversity in animal
07:09 form . Another frequent cause of file a genetic mysteries
07:13 is that some animals are just so bizarre compared to
07:17 everything else we've seen before . Like sometimes a behavior
07:20 and adaptation is just so amazing that early zoologists Tikrit
07:25 , it couldn't have possibly evolved more than once so
07:28 that all animals with that trait must be related .
07:32 But as we've seen several times in this course ,
07:34 convergent evolution happens all the time even for fairly complex
07:39 traits . One example is termites which are you social
07:43 and live in mounds with a reproductive queen and non
07:46 reproductive soldiers , workers , and other highly specialized roles
07:50 . For a long time , they were grouped alongside
07:53 ants and bees in the order Hyman Abdala . Because
07:56 you sociology requires so many coordinated changes in an animal's
08:01 body and behavior That early zoologists figured it probably only
08:05 evolved once , but starting in the 1930s , bits
08:08 of evidence suggested termites weren't quite like ants or bees
08:13 . They had different microorganisms in their guts and baby
08:16 termites look a lot like a very different insect .
08:19 By 2008 , genetic evidence confirmed that termites weren't closely
08:24 related to bees or ants at all . And we're
08:26 actually highly social cockroaches . Re categorizing the taxonomy of
08:31 termites really brought into question the idea that a trade
08:34 could be too complicated to evolve more than once .
08:37 Amazing . What evolution can do with a few 100
08:40 million years to experiment , even if everything is secretly
08:44 trying to evolve into a crab , One of the
08:47 many kind of crabs , horseshoe crabs is a key
08:51 figure in another mystery . The case of the land
08:54 living in Rechnitz , horseshoe crabs first appeared in the
08:58 fossil record about 450 million years ago , and zoologists
09:03 are still arguing about who their closest relatives are .
09:06 Until recently , the case seemed closed . Horseshoe crabs
09:11 are definitely an arthropod , and their mouth parts and
09:14 body plan put them somewhere in the class of callous
09:17 arata , which would make them distant cousins with the
09:20 more famous kaliska rates are rack needs like spiders and
09:24 scorpions . At one point in evolutionary time , all
09:28 Callister , it's lived in the water like horseshoe crabs
09:30 do today . But since all Iraq needs live on
09:33 land , their ancestor must have undergone one of life's
09:37 monumental evolutionary events , leaving the sea once and for
09:42 all . So horseshoe crabs must have split off from
09:45 the callous aerate family tree beforehand putting them in their
09:48 own very ancient order , Zef Okura . But in
09:52 2019 , a long overdue genetic study turned the case
09:56 upside down . Horseshoe crabs weren't distant cousins of Iraq
10:01 needs many parts of their D . N . A
10:03 matched that of hooded ticks , spiders and camel spiders
10:07 , which means rather than cousins they are Iraq needs
10:10 . So if horseshoe crabs didn't diverge from Iraq needs
10:14 before they moved onto land , that means either that
10:18 Iraq has evolved to live on land more than once
10:21 or that the ancestor of horseshoe crabs were on land
10:25 once and then re evolved all the adaptations to live
10:29 back in the ocean . We finally had horseshoe crabs
10:33 figured out for like two months . And then another
10:37 group of researchers published another genetic study that pulled an
10:41 epic zoology , you know , reverse card . They
10:45 made some corrections and poof horseshoe crabs were definitely back
10:50 out of the Iraq needs and never lived on land
10:53 . So again , we finally had horseshoe crabs figured
10:57 out for like four months , then double reverse ,
11:01 yep , another bigger genetic study that for the first
11:05 time tossed in three truly obscure Iraq needs . Micro
11:10 whip scorpions , a rare order of mites and short
11:13 tailed whip scorpions . Horseshoe crabs were aquatic . Iraq
11:17 needs once again and this back and forth , goes
11:21 on and on and on . No one really agrees
11:24 what a horseshoe crab is or if it once lived
11:27 on land . But plenty of zoologists are still working
11:31 on the case . Being a scientist really does take
11:34 some finely tuned sleuthing skills . You take all the
11:38 evidence you can get and use it to unmask the
11:40 truth in zoology . We make our best guesses about
11:44 how something evolved or why it works the way it
11:47 does , solving these types of file a genetic mysteries
11:51 . Sometimes takes a lot of time and new technology
11:54 and underscores the power of evolution . Next episode will
11:58 talk about another common culprit and file a genetic mysteries
12:02 , unexpected gene sharing between different animals and what that
12:06 means for our understanding of how we define what a
12:10 species even is . Thanks for watching this episode of
12:14 Crash course ideology , which was produced by complexity in
12:17 partnership with PBS and nature . It shot on the
12:19 team Sandoval Pierce stage and made with the help of
12:22 all these nice people . If you'd like to help
12:25 keep Crash Course free for everyone forever , you can
12:27 join our community on Patreon .



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