The American Revolution: Crash Course Black American History #8 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The American Revolution: Crash Course Black American History #8 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

The American Revolution: Crash Course Black American History #8 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 Hi , I'm Clint smith and this is crash course
00:02 black american history , imagine living in a place where
00:06 your labor exists primarily for someone else's benefit . Now
00:10 imagine living in a country where emotions to pass laws
00:12 that would benefit your greater good largely go ignore it
00:16 . And when you feel like the governing body that
00:18 creates the laws that shape your life don't represent you
00:22 or your best interest , imagine being regularly surveilled and
00:26 watched by people with guns . Imagine being convicted of
00:29 crimes without a trial by jury . Imagine your sees
00:32 plundered your coast , ravaged your town's burnt down the
00:36 lives of your people destroyed and all of that on
00:39 top of having to pay taxes without having any sort
00:42 of meaningful representation . Oh , I'm sorry . Did
00:47 you think I was talking about black people ? Oh
00:50 no . I was actually going down the list of
00:52 grievances . The american colonists outline for great Britain in
00:54 the Declaration of Independence , which is interesting given what
00:58 so many of these same columnists would do to black
01:00 people both during and after the revolution . Now imagine
01:13 you're a black person living in colonial America and a
01:17 war for independence . Freedom and certain unalienable rights is
01:22 taking place right in front of you . But the
01:24 freedom being fought for is one that would largely only
01:27 benefit white americans , not you . The american revolution
01:32 . Hypocritical as it may have seemed to . Black
01:34 people did provide some opportunities for enslaved people to gain
01:38 their freedom . Some did so by fighting for and
01:41 aligning themselves with the americans , while others fled To
01:45 fight for the British . Over 200,000 people served in
01:48 the American Army during the Revolutionary War . Historians have
01:52 determined that anywhere from 5000 to 8000 of these troops
01:55 were of African descent . Some were forced to take
01:59 up arms when able bodied men were needed to fight
02:01 on behalf of the colonists . Others willingly did so
02:05 as a show of goodwill , hoping to convince in
02:07 slavery's that black people were americans too . And with
02:11 us also worthy of all the rights that these american
02:13 colonists were fighting for , for themselves . At the
02:17 same time , there were also a lot of black
02:19 people who calculated that They should take their chances fighting
02:22 for the British crown because it was actually the British
02:25 who seem more likely to widely enforce emancipation in the
02:28 event of their victory , it's estimated that some 20,000
02:31 black men would end up fighting for the British Army
02:34 , far more than the number who fought for the
02:37 americans , no matter which side they were fighting for
02:39 . Though there is no question that black people played
02:43 a significant role in the war and one of the
02:45 most important figures of the Revolutionary War was a black
02:48 man named Crispus atticks . And why was he so
02:50 famous ? Well , it said that he was the
02:53 first person to be killed as part of the revolutionary
02:55 costs man . For some reason , whether it's movies
03:00 in the 90s where 18th century revolutions , black people
03:03 always seem to be the first ones to go ,
03:06 but I digress so Crispus Attucks died during the Boston
03:09 massacre on March five , on a cold March evening
03:14 , british troops fired into a crowd of angry americans
03:17 who had been taunting them . Five colonists were killed
03:20 and the americans were absolutely furious . It amplified the
03:24 already heated tensions with the british and served as a
03:26 major catalyst for the revolution . A sailor and a
03:29 rope maker , Crispus Attucks hail from Framingham massachusetts .
03:33 As far as we know , he was a runaway
03:35 in 17 50 someone in Framingham put out an advertisement
03:39 in search of a 27 year old , 62 short
03:42 and curly haired mulatto fellow and though he was called
03:45 mulatto , a pejorative name that was given to people
03:48 of mixed white and black ancestry , addicts was likely
03:51 of african and native american descent . Let's go to
03:54 the thought of them . Christmas was at a local
03:57 tavern when an altercation between a few angry colonists and
04:00 a british soldier began escalating nearby . When the town
04:04 bell rang , christmas joined the swelling crowd to see
04:07 what all the commotion was about . At some point
04:10 , he stepped to the front of the crowd ,
04:11 wielding a large wooden stick , joining other armed men
04:15 ready to defend themselves against the british troops . There
04:18 are two versions of what happened next version one Samuel
04:22 Adams , leader of the Sons of Liberty and namesake
04:25 of the beer brand founded many years later , says
04:28 addicts was simply leaning on his stick when he was
04:30 shot by the british and that he posed no threat
04:32 to anyone in those moments before he was killed .
04:35 Version two according to an enslaved man named Andrew who
04:39 testified as an eyewitness christmas threw himself into the mayhem
04:43 , striking at least two soldiers before he was struck
04:45 down . Remember though that an enslaved persons testimony has
04:49 to be understood in the context of the power dynamics
04:52 at hand . In any case , what seems to
04:54 have happened is that as the colonist rain fire ,
04:57 well snowballs on the british somehow , whether accidentally or
05:02 deliberately a weapon went off . This started both the
05:05 crowd and the royal soldiers believing that their officer had
05:09 ordered them to open fire . The rest of the
05:12 soldiers started shooting at the angry mob of columnists .
05:14 The cause of christmas addicts death was to musket balls
05:18 to the chest thanks to bubble future U . S
05:21 . President john Adams served as one of the british
05:24 soldiers , defense attorneys . According to a trial transcript
05:27 , he said that addicts was a stout mulatto fellow
05:30 who's very looks was enough to terrify any person john
05:35 Adams man yikes . We should note though , that
05:39 this is part of a long history of making black
05:41 people seem beast like to justify the violence that was
05:44 used against them . Little did Adams know however ,
05:47 that addicts would emerge as one of the most significant
05:49 figures in the war , ultimately becoming a symbol of
05:52 black patriotism and sacrifice . There were several other black
05:55 americans who played a part in other pivotal moments during
05:58 the war . For example , Peter Salem , Caesar
06:02 Pharaoh , Salem Poor and Barzilai Lew served on the
06:07 American side during the Battle of Bunker Hill on June
06:11 17 , the Americans actually lost that battle , but
06:14 it was one in which they inflicted significant casualties to
06:17 the British , which gave them the confidence that they
06:19 indeed could go toe to toe with the royal adversaries
06:22 . But as we said , black people fighting for
06:24 the american forces wasn't always a given at first ,
06:28 the commander in chief of this whole thing . George
06:31 Washington didn't allow black men to serve in the military
06:35 because , well from his perspective and others , giving
06:38 weapons to thousands of enslaved black men and having them
06:41 fight alongside the men who enslaved them didn't seem like
06:45 the smartest idea , but as it became clear that
06:47 the colonist reservoir of white man power was dwindling .
06:51 It quickly changed his mind . Unfortunately for Washington ,
06:55 Fighting for the British was a more compelling prospect for
06:58 the majority of black people . On November seven ,
07:02 royal Governor Lord Dunmore promised freedom to enslave black people
07:06 if they ran away from their Virginia and slavery and
07:08 fought for the british . In the war Dunmore proclamation
07:11 announced martial law in the colony , declaring all indentured
07:16 servants , negroes or others free that are able and
07:19 willing to bear arms , they joining his majesty's troops
07:22 as soon as may be for the more speedily reducing
07:25 this colony to a proper dignity . The proclamation sparked
07:29 outrage in the colony and ignited a fierce rebuke from
07:31 the columnist . But even though Dunmore was hoping to
07:34 receive droves of men anxious to jump into battle ,
07:37 Historian Woody Holton tells us that half of those who
07:40 joined him and survived the war for women and Children
07:44 . The Ethiopian regiment , as Lord Done mars .
07:46 Military unit would be called was composed of around 300
07:50 black men who fled there in slavery's in Virginia .
07:52 Unfortunately , this unit went on to lose the only
07:55 major battle they fought , The Battle of Great Bridge
07:58 on December nine , Still , this unit , black
08:02 soldiers fighting for the british against the slaveholding colonists had
08:06 profound symbolic importance . One significant result was that it
08:10 inspired many other enslaved people to run away the british
08:14 though , aren't the only ones to employ this tactic
08:17 . In 1778 , Rhode island declared that they would
08:20 allow both free and enslaved black americans to participate in
08:23 the war , promising freedom to enslave men who would
08:26 join them , consisting of only 130 men . This
08:30 regiment was pretty small , but their service was held
08:33 widely for many black people , particularly those who were
08:37 enslaved who you fought forward during the revolution was less
08:40 about allegiance to any particular side and more a calculation
08:45 about your best opportunity for freedom . According to historian
08:48 Benjamin quarrels , the negroes role in the revolution can
08:52 be best understood by realizing that his major loyalty was
08:56 not to a place nor to a people , but
08:59 to a principle , no matter which side they were
09:01 fighting for . When enslaved people hope was to prove
09:04 that they were just as worthy of freedom as those
09:07 who were fighting alongside them . And this idea of
09:10 black people using military service as a means of legitimating
09:13 their claim and right to freedom is something that will
09:15 see come up again and again throughout all of american
09:19 history . In the midst of all , the rhetoric
09:21 about liberty and justice for all , what became clear
09:24 to many is that this revolution was largely intended for
09:28 white colonists . Independence . The emancipation of all enslaved
09:31 black people Wouldn't occur for another 80 years . What's
09:35 more losing the war nullified any promises the british have
09:39 made too many black people about gaining their freedom and
09:42 many of them even face re enslavement after the end
09:45 of the war , the british retreat left black people
09:48 in an incredibly vulnerable position . Runaways were prevented from
09:52 gaining passage on british ships and we're meant to be
09:54 returned to the custody of american officials . There were
09:57 many , however , that did make it onto british
09:59 ships , so they weren't necessarily destined for freedom .
10:04 Around 15,000 black loyalists ended up in places like Australia
10:08 , Sierra , Leone , Canada England , Jamaica and
10:11 the Bahamas . And despite the promises that have been
10:14 made , some of these passengers were re sold into
10:17 slavery in other british colonies . Unfortunately , the american
10:21 revolution did not result in the large scale of freedom
10:24 for black people in America as it did for their
10:26 white counterparts , and only a relative few were granted
10:30 the freedom they fought for and had been promised .
10:32 But what remains true is that without black people's contributions
10:36 on either side , the war would have looked fundamentally
10:38 different than it did . Black participation in the american
10:41 revolution would not be the last time black men would
10:44 fight alongside white men in wartime , even when they
10:47 weren't sure that they would be allowed to reap the
10:49 benefits of victory . And as I mentioned before ,
10:52 we'll see that military service and the prospect of freedom
10:55 for black people back home has a long complicated relationship
10:58 throughout american history and we'll learn more about that soon
11:02 . Thanks for watching . I'll see you next time
11:04 Crash course is made with the help of all these
11:06 nice people and our animation team is thought Cafe Crash
11:10 course is a complexity production . And if you would
11:12 like to keep crash course free for everybody forever ,
11:15 you can support the series at Patreon , a crowdfunding
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