Creating Consistent, Engaging and Interactive Learning Experiences with Loree for Canvas - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Creating Consistent, Engaging and Interactive Learning Experiences with Loree for Canvas - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Creating Consistent, Engaging and Interactive Learning Experiences with Loree for Canvas - By CanvasLMS

00:01 Welcome canvas fans to another exciting edition of the live
00:06 stream with our partners on this thursday afternoon , we
00:11 typically do these thursday at 12 30 Eastern time .
00:13 We're super excited to welcome Crystal Delta who actually owns
00:19 the platform , which is what we're going to spend
00:21 a lot of time talking about today . And we're
00:24 joined by our Crystal Delta partner , uh Deena here
00:27 , she is very excited to run this session .
00:30 She's waving . That's fantastic . So everybody knows .
00:32 Uh , and then we have new Caney I .
00:34 S . D . From texas . We were talking
00:37 a little bit about the storms earlier and they have
00:39 been relocated to home because of storms earlier , which
00:43 is uh , not ideal . But um , welcome
00:46 back to welcome back to the home life with Krista
00:49 , Greta Sonya and Melissa with us . We're so
00:52 glad you guys have joined us . And I am
00:54 thrilled because I'll be honest with you as somebody who
00:57 has used a lot of canvas lTI tools and programs
01:01 Laurie I'm not that familiar with . So I'm going
01:03 to be taking a ton of notes and I know
01:05 we have a lot of viewers with us today that
01:06 will be doing the same . So we're going to
01:08 jump right in and talk a little bit about who
01:10 we have today in our session from new Caney I
01:14 . S . D . Again , we have Greta
01:15 Lasagna Krista and Melissa . Greta is the director of
01:19 Digital Learning . Lasagna is the coordinator of digital learning
01:22 christa Learning specialist . Digital learning specialist and Melissa is
01:25 also a digital learning specialist and I have the pleasure
01:28 of introducing team Lori , our product owner here at
01:33 Dina . She is a lorry product owner , so
01:36 we're thrilled to have her as she can tell you
01:38 all about the product before we jump into the session
01:41 and then she'll kind of run things as we go
01:43 . But I appreciate you guys being here . Thank
01:45 you so much for giving us some time to discuss
01:48 Laurie and how it can help people use canvas .
01:52 Awesome . Thank you . Everybody from joining us from
01:55 all corners of the world . Myself included down from
01:58 Melbourne Australia . Uh , super , really quick intro
02:02 , I guess to to myself and the team .
02:05 As Eddie said , I'm the product owner of Laurie
02:07 uh , and we're located down here in Melbourne Australia
02:11 . So Crystal Delta is the company that has developed
02:15 Laurie the product . And I've been working with canvas
02:18 and canvas users for upwards of four years and it's
02:21 really throughout these experiences and these interactions that's led to
02:26 us developing lauri and lauri in a nutshell is a
02:29 wheezy wig course editor that allows educators and course designers
02:34 and Tia's hop into canvas create bold interactive learning experiences
02:40 with absolutely zero code , which was kind of key
02:44 for us watching some people go through those motions .
02:47 I wanted to really thank the new county team for
02:49 joining us today and I'll try and do as little
02:52 talking as possible , which those who know me know
02:54 that's a struggle . Um , but I really want
02:56 to kind of explore new candy and their journey with
02:59 Lori and how it's helped enhance their , their learners
03:04 experience , especially in particular over 2020 . And I
03:09 want to start off by , um , we've done
03:11 sort of a little bit of that high level intro
03:13 with Eddie and the slide , but um , for
03:16 those who don't know , new canny , extremely innovative
03:20 and you guys have been on on the canvas livestream
03:23 circuit before , so you're not newbies like myself today
03:27 , but I know you're forever innovating and I just
03:29 wanted to get a sense of , you know ,
03:31 especially , and in particular the the last 12 months
03:34 , what are some of the tools or one of
03:37 the main tools that you've introduced in your canvas environment
03:41 ? That's helped you along the way to deliver more
03:44 consistent content or service . You're educators that little bit
03:48 better . Yeah , so , um , so I'm
03:50 Greta and I'm the director of digital Learning for new
03:53 Caney iced tea . And um , we have been
03:56 canvas users for about six years and um , we're
03:59 a 1 to 1 district and we were pre pandemic
04:02 and then , um , and that was all grades
04:05 , but then great . 6 to 12 took them
04:07 home and elementary , they used to stay in the
04:09 classroom when Covid hit , we decided to send all
04:13 of our devices home . Then we completely went 1
04:15 to 1 P . K . To 12 and my
04:19 team , I have an amazing team . Um ,
04:21 all the ladies that are with me here today .
04:23 Um , and we knew from our past experiences of
04:27 campus where we wanted to go , we had a
04:29 five year plan and creating more consistent of course is
04:33 had more design , interaction . Accessibility was on our
04:37 roadmap and we were just kind of getting to that
04:40 point where we were starting to revamp a lot of
04:42 things , so this kind of propelled us way forward
04:44 on that timeline and um we are heavy users in
04:48 terms of we adopt products that we know that we
04:51 can sustain long term and that we adopt partners that
04:55 are that are partners with us in growing our new
04:58 Caney I . S . D . Visions , so
05:01 when we look at something that we knew we needed
05:04 a design platform , something that was easy to use
05:06 , we had some teachers dabbling in html , things
05:09 would break , things would go a little crazy things
05:11 wouldn't be accessible and we really just needed to have
05:15 some consistency , especially since now we were thrusting our
05:18 parents into the environment and our parents needed to know
05:22 , especially for the little guys , Where do I
05:24 go , what do I click on ? Because canvas
05:26 is amazing in that you can make it look like
05:29 whatever you need . So we can really custom tailored
05:31 things for our pre K students all the way through
05:35 our , our seniors , but still that parent who
05:38 has a peek , a student and a high school
05:40 student needs to know that it's similar in terms of
05:43 where do I go to get the information ? And
05:45 so as a district , we needed to make that
05:48 happen . We knew we needed a tool . Um
05:51 , so we are really big in terms of LTI
05:53 doctors , we have a lot of different tools that
05:55 we use and we really want to make sure that
05:57 we adopt a tool that it fully function . That's
05:59 not just like an LTI light tool that it's a
06:01 deep linking , integrated um tool that really becomes the
06:04 native part of campus . And Laurie , we looked
06:08 at lower , we saw it at in structure come
06:10 maybe a year before . We have a big pretty
06:12 bird and we're like , oh that's really exciting .
06:13 You know , we just knew that it was that
06:16 we could do at that time . Um it was
06:18 kind of like in the back of our minds like
06:19 that , something that we need . Um when Covid
06:22 hit , we really said these are the things we
06:24 need to make this successful , we're going to go
06:26 online learning and we're going to deliver a positive experience
06:30 for all of our users , we have to have
06:32 something . Um so we reached out to Lori ,
06:35 we looked at a couple of different things , but
06:37 Lori by far was just super friendly , easy to
06:42 use . The product team is amazing and support is
06:45 really huge with us and communication um and we're up
06:49 front in terms of like what we get today is
06:52 not what we want tomorrow , We want to know
06:54 that this is a constantly expanding platform and we want
06:57 to be on that journey with you , We considered
06:59 a journey partner together and um after having a lot
07:03 of demos conversations , we really felt that we were
07:07 meshing with with Laurie's vision and it fits with ours
07:10 and they have beyond exceeded our expectations for design platform
07:15 and really listening to our needs , especially coming from
07:18 a K 12 institution . Um I think there were
07:20 already higher end users of Lori , but now we're
07:23 going into the K 12 spectrum and there are things
07:25 that are different that need to be tweeting for us
07:27 to use it and that's really what brought us to
07:29 Lori . And if you look on this slide here
07:32 , you're seeing this is what our homepages looked like
07:35 . Um prior prior to Lori . So it was
07:38 a lot of um we knew it stuff open ,
07:41 we were using tables to put things in , we
07:42 knew that wasn't right and we took tables out and
07:44 we just had buttons and the buttons kind of got
07:47 out of hand with color schemes that it just really
07:51 wasn't a consistent user feel . I felt like students
07:55 were going into courses and somewhere well had a lot
07:58 of lot of buttons , somewhere too many buttons ,
08:00 we really just need it to make it clean .
08:03 Um and so with Lori we were able to ,
08:07 this is our first version of things . Um so
08:10 we wanted a lot too , since we started using
08:12 it . Uh we make district wide home pages .
08:15 So now when a parent goes to a secondary course
08:19 in elementary course there is a homepage , there is
08:21 a consistent flow um and and that makes it ,
08:25 we got a lot of feedback from parents and students
08:28 to and that really helped us to adjust . What
08:31 do we need this to do , what do we
08:32 need to say ? Um and making sure that it
08:35 was something that everybody could follow along with . Okay
08:39 , so I'm gonna let , I'm gonna like chris
08:41 to kind of talk about this . Um Krista and
08:44 and Melissa really are the ones that are Laurie in
08:47 house experts and lasagna and I kind of just give
08:50 a lot of feedback on a lot of vision .
08:51 I'm like , we need to look like this ,
08:53 this is what we need to look like to function
08:56 and they take it run with it . And my
08:59 team is a very collaborative team and I'm gonna let
09:01 them kind of talk about how we went from the
09:04 before to the after . Um using Laurie . Thanks
09:09 to these are actually melissa's designed . So Melissa ,
09:12 do you wanna do your thought process behind taking that
09:15 chemistry ? Uh , the teacher created without Lori and
09:19 into the district wide design that they have now .
09:22 Sure . So one of the biggest struggles we had
09:25 when Covid hit was all of our students . When
09:27 they went remote , they had anywhere from 9 to
09:30 10 courses inside of canvas . And it was finding
09:33 consistency across those courses for our students , especially for
09:37 our special pop students and the language barrier as well
09:40 . Since we have a large dual language population ,
09:42 I'm here in New Katie . And so the one
09:45 on the left is the original . What would be
09:47 an example of a chemistry homepage that the teacher created
09:50 um , with the buttons for the course And then
09:53 the one on the right is the one that we
09:55 were able to develop for the district . So every
09:58 course at the secondary level 6-12 started with the same
10:02 page . When the kids open it , there's the
10:03 header up at the top that will quickly get the
10:06 attention of their eyes so they can see what course
10:08 they're in . And then the buttons are the same
10:10 . So the student always knows where to go for
10:13 teacher contact information where the syllabus is with their assignments
10:17 as well as the modules for all of their work
10:19 . So it added that consistency that we needed ,
10:22 but not just for our students , but now for
10:24 our parents , because our parents , we had more
10:28 and more parents now involved in canvas with their students
10:31 work . And a lot of the support tickets we
10:33 were getting from parents was that they didn't know what
10:36 their students were doing in their class um last spring
10:39 because they didn't know how to find the content .
10:41 So by adding these buttons that were real simple with
10:43 the pops of color , it was able for our
10:45 kids and parents to see exactly what they needed inside
10:48 . Of course . Okay . And you Krista .
10:54 Yeah , so we did , we follow kind of
10:56 the same pattern for elementary and then one thing ,
10:59 um , if we can skip to , let's see
11:01 , slide eight , I think . So , one
11:04 of the other things that we did was we utilize
11:07 those canvas guides , both for students and for parents
11:10 , and we put those into a lorry interactive .
11:13 Uh , so Melissa actually created this page and it's
11:16 in every course across our instance , this navigating canvas
11:19 and it just has a little intro video for them
11:22 . And then we use a lorry interactive accordion to
11:26 build out those links to the guides . And so
11:28 when parents or students need help , this is their
11:31 first place that they go . So if they don't
11:34 know how to submit an assignment , they know that
11:36 they can come to this interactive , they can click
11:39 on the drop down menu for that and then linked
11:43 to the guides there . Um so adding in just
11:46 the aesthetic consistency , but also adding in those um
11:49 canvas help guides and making it really quick and easy
11:52 for them to access them . And these interactives we
11:56 found out were really great by accident because we Melissa
12:00 created this one . And then uh there was the
12:05 the moment in time where canvas had renamed all of
12:09 their help documents . And so some of those links
12:11 changed . Well , Melissa was able to go in
12:14 and change it on that one accordion . Change every
12:17 link one time . And it changed in every location
12:20 across our instance simultaneously . So we have used those
12:25 glory Interactive a lot specifically for that reason and that
12:29 we know we're able to really quickly change and correct
12:32 if there's anything that needs to be switched in that
12:34 information . Uh , so that has been a lifesaver
12:38 this year too . I love during this sort of
12:43 introduction here , you've all mentioned at some point some
12:47 of the different pains that you have incurred along the
12:50 way , whether it be trying to edit html ,
12:53 trying to create consistency using tables and to your point
12:57 christa probably not . Um , you know the most
13:00 exciting way that you could present the content to your
13:03 learners and I wanted to get a real sense of
13:06 seeing the journey that you've gone on . What would
13:09 you say are some of the biggest impact that you've
13:13 seen in establishing consistent look and feel and addressing that
13:17 quality and navigation and across all of your users ,
13:22 beit students or parents or teachers . And have you
13:25 seen an organizational benefit in going down that path as
13:29 well ? I think it's really been beneficial for for
13:33 of course our students , but also I can't underestimate
13:37 the importance of the teacher as well . Um It's
13:41 we're asking our teachers to do a lot right now
13:45 and designing something that doesn't always come natural to everybody
13:49 , but their content masters like our teachers , are
13:51 experts in what they do um in teaching in the
13:54 classroom and giving them templates to work with . And
13:57 that's mean that we're working going forward is providing libraries
14:01 of template so they can just plug in their content
14:03 . It really helps them to see that . How
14:05 do I deliver um an effective online lesson ? How
14:11 do I take it from just being a worksheet online
14:14 ? How do I up the rigor of it ?
14:16 How do I make it something that is more than
14:18 that ? Because that's when they were working with our
14:20 teachers as well . It's not just you can't do
14:22 what you did face to face on on canvas ,
14:26 it's not the same thing . Um , yet ,
14:28 now that we're back , um , primarily face to
14:31 face , we still use canvas every day in the
14:34 classroom and all of our , all of our classrooms
14:37 and we need to make it in a way that
14:38 a teacher knows where to click , student knows where
14:41 to click where to plug in my content and then
14:43 give them examples for this is how you use canvas
14:46 in a face to face environment . This is how
14:48 you still have students interacting in a classroom talking .
14:53 Yet they have a device to help them to navigate
14:55 and discover things on their own . So giving them
14:58 these templates and then a structure I think releases some
15:01 of the burden on that teacher to really have to
15:03 come up with all these things . And I know
15:06 that like there's a lot of teachers that we have
15:07 a lot of creative teachers as well and we want
15:10 to incorporate um cute design and things like that .
15:12 But then there are some things that go way too
15:16 far to one side um where its design overtakes the
15:22 importance of the lesson and the interaction and communication between
15:26 the students and teachers . So this really helps to
15:28 kind of pare that down . Um you also give
15:31 them a nice um classroom feel to canvas . So
15:34 I'm gonna let Krista and melissa treatment on that as
15:36 well . And lasagna . Yeah . I was on
15:39 a campus this morning for attending a planning session .
15:43 And I think the one thing that that don to
15:45 me about the importance of the consistency across the across
15:50 all of our instance are instances that it's easier for
15:54 the administrators for them too . Okay , because we're
15:57 going they're going from one grade level to the next
16:01 , and um they just are in and able to
16:04 get directly to the content and the ease of use
16:07 for someone that has to view multiple campus , multiple
16:11 um subjects in multiple grade levels . And so it's
16:15 easy for everyone to navigate that c the different content
16:20 across their campus or across the district , it helps
16:23 with that tremendously . Yeah . Mhm . Mhm .
16:30 Uh I was mute . The tagline of 2020 is
16:37 carried into 2021 . I really I'm loving hearing all
16:42 of the stories and all of the things that you've
16:44 been doing that have helped lead to navigation to ease
16:48 of of use and finding a way around the course
16:51 and also just how important that is for for learners
16:55 , but also to your point greater how the important
16:57 role that educators play in that in creating that really
17:01 remarkable online experience so that it can be mixed with
17:05 face to face and then , you know , learning
17:08 direct from home , you've talked a little bit about
17:10 interactives and how you've used those and greater . You
17:13 mentioned briefly their templates and creating that pack of templates
17:17 and wanting to share that and roll it out .
17:19 Are there any other sort of um either features of
17:22 Lori or other things that you've done using Laurie that
17:26 have helped you establish some of those global best practices
17:29 across new canny ? So I know one of the
17:34 things with Lori two point oh , that , you
17:37 know , we're just starting to roll out two point
17:39 oh , uh , to our teachers because they've they've
17:41 been using Original Lori this year . But one of
17:44 the things that we went through and did is uh
17:47 , we chose uh like our , what are they
17:51 called in here , Adina , Help me out .
17:53 We chose our fonts and kind of made our brand
17:56 kit in there . So like I put in all
17:58 of our district colors , so those colors are available
18:01 for teachers to use . We chose fonts and there's
18:06 thousands . Maybe we've integrated a group of font libraries
18:11 . So there's a lot of them going through and
18:14 finding fonts that are appropriate for our students . So
18:17 , um , with Lasagna . Now we're talking about
18:20 this yesterday with our lower grade . It's it's really
18:23 important for our pre K one students especially who are
18:28 using canvas because they are like our pre K kids
18:31 use canvas . Um , but it's really the font
18:34 is important to them . So a single story versus
18:37 a double story A is important and the shape of
18:40 the tail on a G . Is important . So
18:43 going through and finding those fonts and making sure that
18:45 our teachers and for elementary this year , um ,
18:49 we had a group of writers of curriculum writers in
18:52 canvas . So they didn't have students in a classroom
18:56 , but they wrote lessons in canvas and we pushed
18:59 out to the entire district through blueprints , but making
19:02 sure that they have was the the pieces that they
19:08 need to be successful and then also to provide accessible
19:11 content for all of our students . Um , and
19:13 it's , you know , the single story A doesn't
19:16 seem important until you're talking frequent kids . I don't
19:19 know that letter . Yeah , so I love that
19:23 and I didn't help you out because I didn't want
19:26 to interrupt . But you're referring to the lorry admin
19:28 portal so that ability to set your style manager ,
19:31 your tags you want tell us uh and all of
19:34 that so that it's universal across your whole instance .
19:38 I wanted to you just touched on briefly there christa
19:41 accessibility and I wanted to ask a question around accessibility
19:45 because I know it's something that's really important and has
19:48 become really prevalent , especially during a time where learners
19:51 did not always have they're educated there by their side
19:55 . Over the past 12 months would have been some
19:58 of the accessibility challenges that you faced across your team
20:01 or that you found some of your teachers have faced
20:05 and how have you gone about addressing these ? Mm
20:08 I think I'll start off then I'm going to cause
20:11 it to chris so accessibility is something that um it's
20:15 not new , but but I feel like um making
20:18 things accessible has not been a primary focus for teachers
20:23 . I feel like they didn't um uh they just
20:27 didn't know how to how to what what is that
20:29 , what do we do with accessibility ? Um and
20:32 when we have our students that are at home ,
20:34 we have to think about accessibility for not only our
20:37 student learners but also our parents as well . So
20:40 we needed something that we have to make sure that
20:42 we are thinking of uh you know , our links
20:45 or they put in properly , who knows that it
20:47 is a link . Um is the content appropriate for
20:49 a screen reader ? Do our videos of captions .
20:52 Um it's do RPGS , are they accessible ? Um
20:55 really thinking about those things now , um when we
20:59 choose our content um and choosing things that we work
21:02 with has become a key , it's a vital thing
21:06 . It's like the forefront of what we do now
21:08 as we're building something out . Um Is this something
21:11 that is now accessible for everybody that interacts with canvas
21:15 ? So um and that that it was a struggle
21:17 for everybody . Um and we kind of like had
21:20 to put people on the spot and say like we
21:22 can't do that , we got that may look cute
21:25 , but that is not accessible , and that's what
21:27 we're focusing on . We're focusing on making sure that
21:31 our learners are able to access what they need ,
21:34 understand what they're supposed to do . And we wanted
21:37 to do it in a beautiful way . We understand
21:39 that the teachers like really cute , but we have
21:42 to do it in a way that that are that
21:44 are learners and our parents are able to access the
21:47 content so I let everybody else try men on that
21:51 . I know for elementary , one of the big
21:54 things like that was a huge thing for us because
21:57 we wanted to be cute and pretty and um eye
22:01 catching and I love all of that also . But
22:04 when we started in the spring , one of the
22:06 challenges that we face is that we we were putting
22:10 the content out for the students , but we didn't
22:12 know who was at home helping support students what they're
22:16 learning . And so , um , when we were
22:18 , when we initially put things out , like one
22:21 of the things that we had to go back and
22:23 say to our writers that were writing the content ,
22:25 Well , yes , this student may not , but
22:28 we don't know parents or grandma or who's supporting them
22:32 at home . So , um , it's been at
22:34 our floor front . This has helped us tremendously because
22:37 now they say , I know you're going to say
22:39 this , so how , what are some other ways
22:43 that we can do it ? So I'm just proud
22:44 of all of our writers and our teachers , um
22:48 , and how well they adapted in such a short
22:51 amount of time because there is a lot of information
22:54 thrown to them and like chris has said , our
22:56 writing team , um , they've been phenomenal because there
22:59 are lots of changes and it was , we were
23:02 learning as we went and um , now they're fantastic
23:05 . Like they're , the things that they are creating
23:08 are absolutely amazing . I want to ask a bit
23:13 of a maybe loaded question . But do you feel
23:15 like over the past 12 months that you've seen an
23:20 uptake in student engagement and also staff engagement ? Maybe
23:25 parent engagement , especially over the past 12 months .
23:29 And some of the initiatives that you've been doing .
23:31 Yeah . If we look at our usage in uh
23:34 in our programs across the board , um , yeah
23:37 , everything is up and we , we aim to
23:39 put every single thing that we have in canvas .
23:42 Um , so it's a 12 district . We use
23:44 things like clever as well , but we put our
23:46 clever in canvas and we used two weeks and we
23:48 put them in campus so that that is the sole
23:51 point for everything . And um , and we ,
23:54 like I said like Lori is one of the things
23:56 like if we're gonna make this successful , we need
23:58 a design program . This is the one um that
24:00 we need . Uh , so there were several things
24:02 that we add it um , to our library .
24:05 Whenever we add something , we make sure that um
24:09 , like I said , like we're looking at long
24:10 term vision , we're not just looking for short term
24:12 we added and disappears . We wanna make sure that
24:14 our teachers know these are things that are here to
24:15 stay . So we added a number of key resources
24:19 and we talked to our partners and things are like
24:22 , we've never seen usage like this in the first
24:24 year and I understand it's a company here , but
24:26 I think it's also how we design our content .
24:29 Um , in terms of structuring it in a way
24:31 that our students are going to be able to access
24:33 and use it and it's not just like , oh
24:35 , you can go to the portal and click on
24:36 a link there . We , We embed everything for
24:39 our lessons . Um , you know , combined the
24:41 best of every tool that we have and give our
24:44 students lots of different ways to um , to learn
24:46 and interact with the content . So we've definitely seen
24:49 an uptick in um , in our canvas usage .
24:51 I mean we look at our usage numbers , it's
24:53 pretty steady across the board were enrollments about 16,000 And
24:57 so that usage is pretty steady across the board .
25:00 16,000 Logging in on a regular basis . Um and
25:04 they're like , I said , there were primarily about
25:06 like 85% back to school . Now . We have
25:08 just a small portion that's strictly virtual and um ,
25:12 it's still , our usage is still that high even
25:14 faster and they know the importance of it using ,
25:17 making sure that our students are prepared for whatever happens
25:20 in the future . There now prepared for that .
25:22 Um , and our elementary students , you know ,
25:24 I was looking at my , my daughter is a
25:25 first grader and she came home yesterday and she got
25:29 out her from book and she was going , she
25:31 just goes on , goes to canvas , click something's
25:33 our homepage . And she's like , look other than
25:35 this in science . And then she went to some
25:37 little thing they did because it was Saint Patty's Day
25:39 and they did a leper con thing . She's like
25:41 , I want to I want to tell you how
25:42 to catch a leprechaun and she's clicking on her interactive
25:45 books and another in canvas . But she knows where
25:47 to go because the design is so consistent and the
25:52 first grader , she knows like the imagery that we
25:55 put on our our buttons and things . She knows
25:58 that maybe if she can't recall , um , she
26:01 knows that that is her science course and she knows
26:04 that I'm here . It's going to take me into
26:05 my content and what exactly she's she's looking for .
26:09 So as a first grader , she's able to quickly
26:11 navigate and see everything she she gets and she's using
26:14 it on her own . No pressure for mom .
26:16 It's just like , mom , can I show you
26:18 this ? You certainly can . So yeah , we're
26:21 seeing more engagement with our students . And like I
26:23 said , are we perfect , We're not perfect .
26:26 We're beyond , You know , when it's right now
26:28 , every time we strive for what can we do
26:33 , what can we do to be better ? Like
26:35 I said , we have a five-year plan , we
26:36 fast forward at least three years on that in a
26:39 matter of 12 months . Our goal now is to
26:42 really refine what we are doing . Um as terms
26:46 of activities in the classroom , how are we getting
26:48 our students to collaborate more ? How are we getting
26:51 them to be the owners of their learning ? They're
26:53 learning , how are we getting them to be the
26:56 creators and then as teachers learning how to assess what
27:01 they are , what they are able to develop on
27:03 their own , their own path . Um , and
27:06 , and really give them some , um , some
27:08 choice , um , and what they are doing .
27:10 So that's kind of path Ron now . But um
27:13 , Laurie is essentially like canvases , like our foundation
27:15 for everything . Lori is a key fine into that
27:19 foundation that we need , um , to build out
27:22 to make that experience happen inside the campus . Yeah
27:28 , I love that . Did anybody else in the
27:31 team ? Lasagna kristen melissa have any other thoughts they
27:35 wanted to share before ? Maybe we dive into a
27:38 little bit of a demo and get and get a
27:40 sense of how are you using Lori ? What are
27:42 you doing there ? Um , you know , show
27:45 us all , what are some of the things that
27:48 you kind of think about and go through on a
27:50 day to day when you use it all like Lori
27:53 within your cameras space . Yeah . No , I
27:57 think I can share my screen real quick and I
28:00 can run through a quick demo of what our elementary
28:03 writers are currently doing on a daily basis . I
28:07 know we had one of them um , share a
28:09 comment earlier . Like I'm using glory right now .
28:12 Uh , that's exciting . I sent her a message
28:15 and I was like , hey , nice . And
28:16 you know what you're watching on a little webinar thing
28:20 . That's cool . But this here , you can
28:23 see it . It's all in spanish Adina . We
28:25 have a huge dual language program in our district where
28:29 our students receive instruction in both english and spanish .
28:33 And it's , I think For most of it ,
28:36 most grade levels , it's a 5050 split . So
28:38 it's happen English spanish and it just continued its day
28:41 to day . They just switch languages . It's really
28:44 fascinating to me because I could not a magic .
28:47 Um but this is a lesson that was created uh
28:51 pre Laurie . So you can see , you know
28:53 , it looks on the page , I mean all
28:55 of the information is there , but um , we're
28:58 really struggling . This is for I believe kindergarten .
29:02 So as a five year old logging in and seeing
29:04 this like this , this is not holding my attention
29:07 at all . Um so what we did was we
29:10 created than some templates . Uh the templates are are
29:14 really easy or real simple actually , that's what I'm
29:18 trying to say . Not easy . They are easy
29:19 also , but they're they're just really simple um because
29:24 we want them to add in those interactive pieces ,
29:27 whether it's the lorry interactives or one of our other
29:30 programs to make it engaging for the students , but
29:33 keeping it simple on the page and nice and clean
29:37 . So when I train our teachers , I tell
29:39 them to open two windows . Because when Adina did
29:44 this with us the first time she said , Rule
29:46 number one is open to windows . So that's what
29:48 we do . Rule # one , Right , Adina
29:52 . That's pro tip one . You're right the rules
29:58 . So they would just do it . That's just
30:00 not . That's just kind of pro tip on laura
30:02 . I think that's a pro tip on life .
30:06 A and then like our writers , uh well ,
30:12 this is loading our elementary writers are all working with
30:15 one screen all year . And so every time I
30:17 say something I'm like , wait , what do you
30:18 mean ? You only have one screen ? That doesn't
30:20 make sense . How are you functioning with only one
30:22 screen ? But they are . So that's amazing in
30:25 itself . All right . So I'll just open up
30:29 this blank page that I made to rebuild on and
30:34 what we're gonna do is we're going to take this
30:37 content that they created and we're going to put it
30:40 into our Laurie uh Laurie template . So pulling in
30:45 the template is really quick . I created all of
30:47 these at the district level um and push them down
30:50 their global templates that any teacher can access . Let's
30:57 see , this is going to be I created different
31:00 ones . So they have assessment or like if it's
31:05 a quiz assignment direct teach , these are all things
31:08 that they words that they know and are used to
31:12 . And I went ahead and created all of them
31:13 in a one column version and then in a two
31:15 column version . Um So that way they have some
31:20 options there and the teachers can always edit and you
31:23 know , change the number of columns if they want
31:25 to add a third column , whatever they want .
31:28 But this is just a quick starting point for them
31:31 . So I just select my template that I want
31:33 to use and click add . Mhm . All right
31:38 . So now this is kind of the layout for
31:39 the templates that we made . Like I said ,
31:41 we kept it as simple as possible . Um these
31:44 little icons are the things that Greta was talking about
31:47 that her daughter knows what they mean . So they
31:49 know there's a different icon or assignments and assessments .
31:53 So they know that those are by looking at that
31:55 icon and the header right off the bat and that
31:58 banner up there . They know this is something that
32:00 I have to submit and so teachers have gone over
32:02 it with them . If you see this , then
32:04 make sure that you click submit at the bottom because
32:07 that is something that you're gonna have to turn in
32:11 and for our riders , what they're doing currently as
32:15 they are simply just copy and pasting their old continent
32:19 into this template . So we put in our objectives
32:24 and I said earlier before the call , this is
32:27 all in spanish . I don't know if it is
32:30 grammatically correct , I am trusting them , so hopefully
32:36 it is then that they build things and they review
32:46 and I'm just like , wow , yes , I
32:48 understand that . We are looking at our letters .
32:51 That's all I know , like like and one thing
32:55 that's another good thing that's really great about the templates
32:58 for teachers to is to make sure that they have
33:00 all the elements in here . Like they have an
33:02 objective , there are directions and this is where the
33:04 content goes because that's also think it's really important for
33:08 our our parents at home to what are we trying
33:11 to do . So it's making sure that those elements
33:13 are contained within all of our lessons . Yes .
33:17 And then you'll see here this original , the writer
33:20 who did this originally . Um , one of the
33:22 things that we've talked about this is the beginning of
33:25 the year identifying the out the letters of the alphabet
33:27 , But you'll see here , like she has her
33:29 direction spread out around the page . So she has
33:32 like direction number one , and then some content and
33:34 the direction number two and then some content . Uh
33:37 , so as they've been going through and redoing that
33:39 we've been consolidating all of our directions in one spot
33:43 , um , which really helps our parents . So
33:45 it's like , and our and our students to ,
33:47 but with the littles , our parents because now they're
33:49 not like , okay , I did the first step
33:52 and then they click submit at the bottom and they
33:53 didn't notice that there were four other steps below that
33:56 . Um , so this just tells him up front
33:58 like this , we're going to practice our letters and
34:00 then we're gonna watch this video , right ? Um
34:03 , and then I tell them I like to do
34:07 my videos side by side with some content , which
34:10 is why I chose the to column in this case
34:13 . Um , so I'll put all of my letters
34:16 over here as examples and switched to a single story
34:21 A because this is kindergarten , right ? Lasagna .
34:25 Yeah . Great job . Krista . I know Lasagna
34:29 was a kindergarten teacher , she , she's teaching me
34:31 things this year . I have a kindergartner for a
34:33 daughter and I'm like , Lasagna , is this normal
34:36 ? Um , but we'll we'll pull in this content
34:40 and then I , instead of putting that video there
34:42 , I actually made a little interactive for us today
34:47 . So let me add that in here . I
34:53 texted a friend and I said , if you're watching
34:56 this , I hope you're proud of me because I
34:57 made a little abc flip card with the A .
35:01 B . CS in spanish to add in here .
35:03 Um so this is a real cute little interactive for
35:06 the littles , especially because , you know , they
35:09 have all their letters and they can be formatted ,
35:11 but you know , you flip it over and you
35:13 have your uh your bumble bee and your picture on
35:16 the on the other side . And so that's just
35:18 something fun for them to do while they practice .
35:21 Um and then for our teachers , we actually use
35:25 studio as our video platform , which is not directly
35:30 linked in Lori . However , we have been able
35:33 to make that work . So what we have our
35:38 teachers do from here , we add our objectives are
35:41 directions , content , everything here on the template and
35:44 then we save , so we tell them , you
35:46 know , I tell them make sure there's two icons
35:48 on the bottom of Lori two point oh , and
35:50 they're very different from each other and it is very
35:52 clear which one is the trash can . So I
35:56 don't like the trash can click the little bull check
36:00 mark that says save to LMS and we'll save that
36:03 over and then we can go view it on our
36:07 page actually . So let me go open this in
36:11 another tab and then we'll look here what it looks
36:18 like on our campus page . It's not over yet
36:23 . Refresh . Yeah , I guess . Yeah ,
36:29 yeah . All right . So on our cameras page
36:31 it looks like this uh the other thing that we
36:33 found really great with Lori and something that was not
36:37 possible before . Lori just are our teachers are not
36:42 coding experts . They cannot create pages that automatically change
36:48 when the window size changes . That is not something
36:51 that , that they have the knowledge to do ,
36:53 nor should they , because that's not their focus ,
36:55 that's not their job . So in Lori were able
36:58 to create these templates and have them put their content
37:01 in there and it doesn't matter what device they're students
37:04 are using , you know , we're 1 to 1
37:06 . All of our students have a Chromebook , however
37:09 , when they're at home , they might be on
37:12 an ipad or they might be on mom's cell phone
37:14 or whatever device they are using to access the content
37:17 at that time . We make sure with this ,
37:20 that it is going to look beautiful no matter what
37:23 size that window that they're looking at . Um And
37:25 that is that has been one of , I think
37:28 , to add to the other list of positive we've
37:30 had come from Lori this year , that's one of
37:32 them , for sure . Um And then from here
37:35 because we use studio , like I said , our
37:37 teachers can go in and edit on the page and
37:41 not change any of the other the other layout here
37:47 . Just leave it how it is , but we
37:49 can add in a placeholder , add that video that
37:53 we uh that we needed to link from studio ,
37:55 so I'm just gonna grab the first video that pops
37:58 up whatever it happens to be , and then we
38:08 save and so now our our students can have access
38:14 to that video , we can have it side by
38:16 side with um some content or some reflection questions ,
38:19 they can watch it here um and see the questions
38:23 and then go below that and do an activity .
38:25 And I could put below this in Lori side by
38:27 side with this interactive , some more questions or examples
38:30 to go along with that . Mhm . And one
38:34 of the things that were we're making sure that the
38:37 students have , they have a way to practice what
38:40 it is that they're learning . So it's not necessarily
38:42 where we're doing something for a grade , per se
38:44 . Not everything has to be a grade , but
38:46 it's a way for students practice their learning to self
38:49 check things like that . Um And it's a it's
38:51 a really great way to add that interactivity um into
38:54 the courses . Did I miss anything in that Dina
39:00 that you wanted to see ? I think that is
39:03 awesome . It's just um yeah , really cool seeing
39:07 other people in there playing and building . And I'm
39:11 looking at some of the comments and I want to
39:13 encourage anybody who might have any questions , please feel
39:16 free to ask them . Either address them to to
39:19 myself . Um The lorry t if you will ,
39:23 or to the new county team . But I really
39:25 just want to thank everybody for joining this session today
39:28 and you touched on on a couple of points during
39:31 the session and one was around um the support ,
39:35 I guess that you received glory and how important that
39:38 was . And I just want to say up front
39:41 honestly , um you know , we did a couple
39:44 of virtual training sessions and and refreshes after , you
39:47 know , the holiday , turkey christmas period , you
39:53 know , when we all come back in my days
39:55 interviews . Um But outside of that , I think
39:58 it's just such a dream watching um you guys dive
40:02 on in and I think more than anything we felt
40:04 like that's supportive friend in the corner going , you
40:08 guys got this , you can do it . Um
40:10 and it's been so wonderful for us to have that
40:13 experience and go on that journey with you . Um
40:16 , and see what you've been able to achieve their
40:19 within the space of 12 months , probably less than
40:22 just under 12 months having worry and , and the
40:26 impact that that has had and made , um ,
40:30 to your learners and , and to your staff and
40:33 to the parents . Um , I just , I'll
40:36 pause for a moment and see if anybody does have
40:38 any questions outside of this session . You can also
40:42 always email or contact us separately . If you do
40:46 want to learn a little bit more Adina , just
40:49 I'm going to just let her run the live chats
40:51 the rest of the day . Way normal . It's
40:58 early there , correct ? It is , it's nice
41:02 and early . It's approaching for 15 . This is
41:07 my prime time though . Hey , we've got lots
41:13 of comments coming in . Thanks for a great session
41:16 . New companies use of lori to facilitate canvas content
41:18 development looks quite impactful , awesome from will on youtube
41:23 veronica here said earlier , I love the templates ,
41:25 keep everything so organized and she's , she's one of
41:29 our writers . We didn't even know , we can't
41:40 even tell if we were doing this . It was
41:41 just magic . Yeah , we've got some thank you's
41:44 coming in and rolling . We obviously appreciate your time
41:47 . We know it's very busy right now in education
41:51 . We hope everyone is doing well and we really
41:54 appreciate Laurie and , and new Caney for being on
41:57 today on our partner Livestream . Until next time we
42:01 have another live stream today . I got to shamelessly
42:03 plug this at the end . Here we're rolling at
42:06 two p.m. Eastern talking career in tech Ed , remote
42:09 learning and career in tech Ed . It's been a
42:11 full day with johnson city schools and we're going to
42:13 do that once again coming up at two o'clock more
42:16 . Thank you's rolling in as always . Thank you
42:19 guys . We really appreciate you being on the livestream
42:21 . Thank you so much . Thank you .



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