Times table Trick (Elevens) - Fast Mental Multiplication Math Trick - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Times table Trick (Elevens) - Fast Mental Multiplication Math Trick - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Times table Trick (Elevens) - Fast Mental Multiplication Math Trick - By tecmath

00:0-1 get and welcome to the Tech Math channel . The
00:02 question in this video is how fast can you times
00:04 by eleven's how fast can you times any two digit
00:07 number by eleven's ? Because it's something you should be
00:09 able to do instantly . And I'm going to show
00:11 you how right now . Okay , so What about
00:15 we had a question like 63 times 11 . How
00:20 would you get an instant answer to that ? The
00:21 instant answer being 693 . I'm going to show you
00:27 how to do this right now . So the way
00:29 that we get our answer is this , we write
00:32 our six . That's the first part of our answer
00:35 . We leave a space . We write the three
00:38 . That's the last part of our answer . And
00:40 then what we do is we add these two numbers
00:42 together . Six plus three is nine . That's our
00:46 answer . Pretty cool . Right ? I'll give you
00:49 another example . It's so easy . This I really
00:53 , really like this trick . Okay . I think
00:55 anyone could do this trick . Anyone could be a
00:57 journalist at the 11 times table . So Let's give
01:00 it another go . What about you give this one
01:03 a go . What's 32 times 11 ? Alright .
01:07 Hopefully you're getting the answer of three . We add
01:13 these three and 2 is five And then to 352
01:19 . How did you go with that ? Pretty cool
01:22 . Right . All right . Is it always so
01:25 easy ? Okay , occasionally you need to use your
01:27 brain , brain cells , your neurons a little bit
01:29 more and get those synapses working . And and that
01:33 sort of deal because occasionally you will need to carry
01:35 across numbers . An example of this uh would be
01:40 say something like what ? About 78 times 11 .
01:44 Okay , we write the seven down . We go
01:47 , I'll get a different color here . So we
01:48 write the seven down to get the first part of
01:50 our answer . And then what we do , we
01:52 have our last part of the answer here , which
01:54 is the eight . We add these guys seven plus
01:57 eight . We get the answer of 15 . So
01:59 to deal with this because we only have this little
02:01 space here , We put the five here and then
02:05 we carry the one across . So one plus 7
02:08 Is eight . The answer is 858 . Pretty good
02:14 . Yeah . Okay , I'll give you one more
02:16 example of that and then I'll leave you be and
02:18 uh let you uh hopefully get on and learn something
02:22 , even you . Something different . Um Okay ,
02:25 what about this one ? What about 57 times 11
02:30 . Okay . The instant answer to that is We
02:35 get our five . We add these two guys ,
02:39 We get 12 . So this is going to become
02:42 a six . That's going to be a two and
02:45 that's going to be a seven . All right .
02:48 Hey , look , I said , I'd leave you
02:49 be , but I'll show you just a little trick
02:51 that you can do this instantly in your head ,
02:53 even even quicker if you have to carry . So
02:56 you have something like 83 Times 11 . Now ,
03:01 what you might notice is if these two numbers ,
03:04 you might look at straight away and go , they're
03:05 going to be more than 10 . So instead of
03:08 writing a here , Add 1 to it , right
03:10 , a nine then what you do is you think
03:13 , well , what was the units answer to this
03:15 going to be , you know , it's going to
03:15 be a plus three is 11 . So the the
03:18 units answer was one and then three . That's the
03:22 way you can do it instantly in your head .
03:23 Ah look , I'm gonna give you one that you
03:26 can try to do in your head right now .
03:28 Okay . What about we do that ? What about
03:31 Oh , try and think on off the top of
03:33 my head , 67 times 11 . All right ,
03:37 so that's above 10 . So we're not gonna write
03:42 16 . We're gonna write a seven down . The
03:45 units , answer to 6-plus 7 Would be 13 .
03:48 So , three seven . Pretty good . Hopefully you
03:54 really like that trick . It's a great little trick
03:55 are for doing 11 times tables instantly in your head
03:59 . And what's more this actually works for ? Even
04:01 bigger numbers than 11 . As I'll show you in
04:03 a video that I'm going to link right up right
04:05 now . Okay , so this will work if you
04:07 try to do a number 7622 times 11 , A
04:12 similar trick works for that . 11 times tables are
04:14 so easy . All right , so , the next
04:17 time .



Times table Trick (Elevens) - Fast Mental Multiplication Math Trick is a free educational video by tecmath.

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