What is a prime number? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

What is a prime number? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

What is a prime number? - By tecmath

00:0-1 Hello . Welcome to this video series . Looking at
00:01 indices and crimes in this particular video . What we're
00:04 going to be having a look at his prime numbers
00:05 and composite numbers . So let's start with a definition
00:10 . A prime number is accounting number that has exactly
00:13 two factors itself and one accounting number by the way
00:16 , these are just numbers 123456 numbers that you count
00:21 with . So let's have a look at a couple
00:23 of examples here of some prime numbers . So the
00:25 number three is a prime number . And what makes
00:28 three a prime number is while the only numbers that
00:31 go into three or three and one . Okay because
00:36 three times one is three but no other numbers go
00:38 into three . So this makes three a prime number
00:41 . Another example of a prime number is seven .
00:44 Okay . Because the only numbers are going to seven
00:46 A seven and one . So another prime number is
00:50 two and two is a pretty special prime number because
00:53 it's the only even prime number . The only factors
00:56 are going to to to and itself and this makes
00:59 it into a prime number . But you got to
01:01 think for every other number well themselves and one will
01:05 go into it . But also the number two of
01:07 it's an even number will go into it . So
01:09 too is the only even number that is a prime
01:11 number . And you'll see this in a second when
01:13 we have a look at composite numbers . In fact
01:15 , let's have a look at composite numbers right now
01:18 . So let's now have a look at composite numbers
01:21 . A composite number is a number that has more
01:23 than two factors . An example of this is six
01:27 . Six is a composite number because it has the
01:29 following factors . The numbers one and six going to
01:33 61 times six is equal to six . But we
01:36 also have two other numbers are going to six which
01:38 are two and three because two times three is also
01:42 equal to six . So because six has four factors
01:46 six is a composite number . You can also look
01:49 at it as I was saying before six is an
01:51 even number . That's not too . And we straight
01:53 away . No , that it too is going to
01:55 go into it . So we can also know that
01:57 little clue there , that six is going to be
01:59 a composite number . What about we have a look
02:02 at another example . What about the example of 15
02:06 ? They're 15 is a composite number . It has
02:08 the following factors one and 15 But the other numbers
02:12 are going to 15 are three and 5 Because it
02:17 has more than two factors . 15 is also a
02:19 composite number . And just a little hint here when
02:22 you're looking to see whether a number is prime or
02:24 composite apart from also just being an even number that's
02:27 not too You can look for this little clue if
02:29 the number finishes in a five or a zero and
02:32 the number is not five because five is a prime
02:35 number . But we also know that any number that
02:38 is divisible by five ends in a five or a
02:41 zero . So it's a good little clue for looking
02:44 for composite numbers . If the number finishes in a
02:46 five or a zero and the number is not five
02:48 , it's going to be a composite number . So
02:50 now let's have a look at a couple of examples
02:53 . Are these following numbers prime or composite ? So
02:55 let's have The first number . Is 11 . Is
02:58 it a prime number or a composite number ? So
03:01 what factors does 11 have 11 has the following factors
03:04 one And 11 ? Because it only has two factors
03:09 it's going to make 11 a prime number . Hopefully
03:13 you got that right . What about another example ?
03:16 What about the No ? 12 ? Okay . What
03:20 factors does 12 have ? So 12 has a whole
03:23 bunch of factors and you probably think of these really
03:25 quickly . We have one And 12 . But you
03:28 also have the numbers two and six because two times
03:32 six is equal to 12 . But we also have
03:34 the numbers three and four . So we know that
03:38 12 is a composite number . The other thing which
03:41 might have given this away is because 12 is an
03:43 even number . That's not too . We also could
03:46 have said pretty much straight away that 12 was a
03:48 composite number . What about one last example ? What
03:52 about a really hard example now , what about we
03:54 go the following number 1032 . Is that a prime
03:59 number or a composite number ? So you can look
04:02 at this straight away and say , well , we
04:04 know that this is a composite number and what tells
04:06 us this without working at any of the factors .
04:08 Because it finishes in her too . We know that
04:11 this number is going to be a composite number without
04:15 doing any calculations here , because 1,032 will go into
04:19 it and 2 516 will go into it without doing
04:24 any other factor trees or anything like this . We
04:28 know that this number is indeed composite . So hopefully
04:31 you're gonna be okay with these sorts of numbers here
04:34 anyway , we'll see you next time . Bye .



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