Amazing Animals Around the World for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Amazing Animals Around the World for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Amazing Animals Around the World for Kids - By Homeschool Pop

00:0-1 adventure and fun . Here we come . We are
00:02 learning about amazing animals around the world . Like pandas
00:07 , elephants . We are going to learn some incredible
00:09 things about elephants , sloths . Here are some baby
00:13 sloths . Oh and gorillas . You'll learn all about
00:18 gorillas to okay , I can't handle the cuteness .
00:21 I just can't . And of course we have a
00:25 couple of surprise animals we are going to learn about
00:28 as well . You'll have to watch to the end
00:31 to see what animals they are 1st . Let's learn
00:36 about elephants . Ready ? All right , What are
00:43 elephants ? Well , elephants are huge mammals that have
00:46 a long trunk and big ears . Oh , look
00:51 at this elephant . Taking a walk through a field
00:53 . We mentioned the elephants are huge and when we
00:56 say they are huge , we are not kidding .
00:59 In fact , African elephants are the largest land animals
01:03 in the world . Okay . And you might be
01:06 wondering just how big are african elephants ? It's incredible
01:12 . African elephants can get as tall as 13 ft
01:17 and can weigh as many as £14,000. . That is
01:23 massive . Yeah . So if anyone ever asks you
01:29 , what is the largest land animal in the world
01:32 , you know what to tell them ? Mm .
01:35 The African elephant helping . Can they get as many
01:39 as 13 ft tall and £14,000 in weight . So
01:43 elephants are massive and African elephants are so big ,
01:47 they are the largest land animals in the world .
01:52 Mm Okay , but where can you find elephants living
01:57 in the wild ? Do you know ? Okay ,
02:02 why are we showing an elephant in a neighborhood ?
02:05 Okay , this is not the natural habitat of an
02:08 elephant . Okay . They don't live in neighborhoods .
02:11 Where in the world can you find wild elephants in
02:14 their natural habitats ? All right . We can work
02:18 with this a world map . Now , let's look
02:20 at the world map to find out where elephants live
02:23 in the wild . Well , elephants live in the
02:26 wild in parts of Africa , South Asia , and
02:30 Southeast Asia . Let's say those places again . And
02:33 make sure you look at where they are on the
02:35 map , elephants live in the wild in parts of
02:38 Africa , South Asia , and Southeast Asia . This
02:45 next fact is a fact you're gonna want to share
02:48 with someone . Okay , check this out . A
02:53 group of elephants is called a parade . Isn't that
02:56 a neat name for a group of elephants ? A
02:58 group of elephants is called uh parade . Now ,
03:07 if you ever see a parade of elephants , you're
03:10 probably going to see baby elephants in the parade .
03:14 Do you happen to know what baby elephants are called
03:18 ? Yeah , baby elephants are called calves . Can
03:23 you say that word , Cavs ? Baby elephants are
03:27 called calves . Now we are going to talk about
03:33 a very special part of an elephant's body called the
03:36 trunk . The long trunk of an elephant is super
03:42 helpful here . You can see an elephant using its
03:44 trunk to eat . That is how an elephant brings
03:47 food to its mouth using its trunk . An elephant
03:50 couldn't survive without its trunk . You see elephants use
03:57 their trunks to bring food and water to their mouths
04:01 . They also use their trunks to breathe and to
04:04 smell the trunk of an elephant . Not only brings
04:07 food and water to an elephant's mouth , but it
04:09 also functions as their nose . Elephants also use their
04:13 trunks to give themselves baths and more elephant trunks are
04:17 so important to the elephants . Mm . Speaking of
04:22 baths , elephants give themselves something called a dust bath
04:27 , It might seem strange to us . Right ?
04:29 Why would an elephant give itself a bath with dirt
04:33 ? But dust baths are a great way for elephants
04:36 to help their skin and to fight against nasty insects
04:40 called parasites . Isn't that awesome ? Yeah . For
04:46 an elephant taking a dust bath is a smart thing
04:49 to do . Which shouldn't be surprising because elephants are
04:53 incredibly smart . They are incredibly smart . In fact
04:59 elephants have a larger brain than any other land mammal
05:04 . That's right and their brain can get as big
05:07 as £13.13 pounds . Imagine a £13 brain , wow
05:15 elephants are so smart and their brains are so huge
05:22 . That is why elephants are famous for their incredible
05:27 memory . Elephants have an amazing memory . They can
05:31 remember places other elephants , things that happen to them
05:35 . They can remember people , they have an amazing
05:38 memory . Next time you have a test you could
05:41 think wow I wish that I was an elephant .
05:44 It was able to remember so much so easily .
05:47 But as people are , memory isn't as good .
05:49 We've got to work really hard for it but elephants
05:52 can remember incredibly well . Mhm . Okay . It
05:57 is time for our final elephant fact and it has
06:01 to do with what elephants eat . And the fact
06:04 is this elephants are herbivores Now . What's a herbivore
06:10 ? Mhm . Uh huh . Herbivores are animals that
06:14 just eat plants and that's what an elephant is .
06:18 An elephant is a her before an animal that just
06:21 eats plants . They don't eat meat . Do you
06:23 like to eat plants ? Cool plants are tasty and
06:30 healthy . Too awesome . Next let's learn about pandas
06:37 the thumbnail of this video How to panda on it
06:40 . This video opened with a panda . It's time
06:43 we learn all about pandas . Pandas are bears that
06:49 are easy to spot . They have huge black spots
06:52 around the eyes over their ears , their legs and
06:56 across their backs . These bears with black markings look
07:00 really cool , don't they ? Yeah , So you
07:06 might be wondering where Pandas are from Pandas are from
07:10 China . They still live in the wild in China
07:14 though there are Pandas that are in captivity in other
07:17 parts of the world . And this is interesting because
07:20 they live in China . It wasn't until 1869 that
07:24 the United States and europe found out about these amazing
07:28 bears , wow . Imagine that pandas were like the
07:34 best kept secret in the animal world for a long
07:38 time . Let's learn even more facts about these special
07:41 bears from china . Mhm . First let's look at
07:47 what a panda eats . It might be surprising to
07:51 you literally 99 of a panda's diet consists of bamboo
07:58 . That's right . They're carnivores , which means they're
08:02 able to eat me , but they just prefer bamboo
08:05 and they spend most of their day collecting bamboo ,
08:09 getting it ready and eating it . Yeah , when
08:15 pandas are in captivity , they generally eat a lot
08:19 of other foods . It can be difficult to supply
08:21 pandas with the amount of bamboo they need when they
08:24 are kept in other countries . But in the wild
08:30 pandas want their bamboo wow . This cartoon panda is
08:34 really going to town on this bamboo . Next we
08:40 are going to learn about perhaps the cutest babies in
08:43 the animal kingdom . Panda babies . Panda babies are
08:47 so cute . It could hurt your eyes . Not
08:51 really , but almost comment below if you think panda
08:54 babies are the cutest in the animal world , Panda
09:02 babies , like the babies of other bears are called
09:05 cubs . That's right . And unlike the nice little
09:09 cartoon right here , the father isn't involved in raising
09:13 the cub . The mother alone raises the cub .
09:18 Mhm . We mentioned that the panda fathers go on
09:23 and do their own thing . The reason they like
09:26 to do that is because pandas are solitary creatures .
09:30 They enjoy being alone . While there are times when
09:34 a panda , maybe in a group , pandas usually
09:38 prefer to be alone . Now we need to warn
09:41 you here , seriously , get ready for the satisfactory
09:49 we have ever shared . It is going to sound
09:52 mean , but that isn't our fault . We aren't
09:54 the ones that did this . Okay . All right
09:56 . You have been worn okay here it is .
10:02 A group of pandas is called an embarrassment . Yes
10:06 . A group of pandas is an embarrassment of pandas
10:11 . No wonder pandas like to be alone . They
10:15 don't want to be called an embarrassment . Some people
10:18 don't like this term , so some people call a
10:21 group of pandas a bamboo , a bamboo of pandas
10:25 . But the name of a group of pandas actually
10:29 is an embarrassment . There are actually people that are
10:38 petitioning to change that because that's just not a very
10:42 nice way of saying a group of pandas . There
10:44 has to be a better way , a nicer way
10:48 to say a group of pandas than using the word
10:51 embarrassment . Okay , we're all good . Right ,
10:57 wow . So we learned that pandas like to be
11:00 alone and that when they are in a group ,
11:03 that group is called an embarrassment and they should probably
11:06 change that word because it's mean , but that's just
11:09 what they're called . All right now we are going
11:12 to talk about sleep . That sounds fun . Mm
11:19 So here is our question , how much do pandas
11:22 sleep ? That's a good question . How much do
11:26 you think ? How much do pandas sleep ? This
11:33 might surprise you , but Pandas only sleep about 10
11:37 hours a day . That means Pandas sleep about the
11:40 same amount as most kids do . That's right .
11:43 You sleep about the same amount as a panda .
11:47 That's pretty cool . Pandas are very busy collecting food
11:52 and eating can take up a lot of time in
11:56 their day . They can usually only fit in about
11:59 10 hours of sleep and rest . Yeah , wow
12:07 , these truly are amazing animals . We love pandas
12:12 and want to make sure we protect them . But
12:18 Pandas were once considered an endangered species . That was
12:22 because their numbers got so low . As recently as
12:25 the 1970s there were only about 1000 Pandas living in
12:30 the wild . That's it . Just 1000 , thankfully
12:34 . In 2,018 The number is about 1900 Pandas .
12:40 So the numbers have been increasing . Mhm . One
12:48 of the biggest challenges for pandas is their habitat has
12:52 been shrinking as more and more land is developed .
12:55 The land that pandas call home continues to get smaller
13:00 and smaller . Remember pandas like to have their space
13:04 and enjoy being alone but the land and forests they
13:10 call home have decreased substantially . The good news is
13:14 there are organizations that fight to protect not just the
13:19 pandas but the areas they call home . While pandas
13:26 are no longer considered endangered , they are still considered
13:30 something called a threatened species , which means we have
13:35 to continue our efforts to protect and defend them .
13:43 Okay , next we are learning about sloths get it
13:50 because they move slowly . Oh we're getting ahead of
13:53 ourselves , sloths are medium sized mammals that live in
13:59 the trees . Yeah , they live in the trees
14:02 there tree dwellers , that's where their home is ,
14:06 there at home in the trees . Okay , so
14:11 where in the world can you find these fascinating mammals
14:15 that live in trees called sloths ? If you wanted
14:18 to see a sloth , where in the world would
14:21 you have to go ? Mhm . You would have
14:27 to go to central and south America . That is
14:30 where sloths live , sloths live in central and south
14:34 America , living peaceful lives in the trees . That's
14:39 pretty awesome . Here's where we need your help .
14:44 What are sloths known for ? Mm . Do you
14:48 know what is it about sloth that almost everyone seems
14:52 to know about ? What's the most famous thing about
14:55 sloths ? What are sloths known for ? Mhm .
15:00 Mhm . Yeah , sloths are known for being slow
15:05 , sloths move very very slowly which actually helps them
15:10 out . It's very important that sloths move slowly because
15:17 they are so slow . They save energy , the
15:20 foods they eat don't give them a lot of energy
15:22 . So it is very important for sloths to save
15:25 as much energy as they can . The slow movement
15:29 can also help them avoid being discovered by certain predators
15:34 . That's pretty cool if a sloth is discovered by
15:39 a predator , the predator better watch out . That
15:42 is because sloths have very sharp claws , sloths are
15:47 actually incredibly dangerous . Their claws can do a lot
15:51 of damage . They move slow but their claws do
15:55 a great job of protecting the slots . Okay ,
16:02 we get it , sloths are slow but just how
16:05 slow are they will catch this . The three toed
16:09 sloth is the slowest moving mammal in the world .
16:14 It's true . The other main type of sloth called
16:16 the two toed sloth is also very slow but as
16:21 we mentioned , two slots . It is an advantage
16:24 being slow . Hey , did you notice the sloth
16:28 baby in this picture ? Yeah right there . Oh
16:31 my goodness , little sloth baby . Another interesting thing
16:38 about sloths is that sloths have a very low muscle
16:42 mass , especially when you compare them to other mammals
16:46 . They are really different from muscle man ted ,
16:49 wow , you love lifting weights , don't you ?
16:52 Ted mm . Here is a cool question . What
16:57 do sloths eat while all sloths eat leaves ? Three
17:01 toed sloths only eat leaves , which to us might
17:05 sound boring but they make it work . Two toed
17:08 sloths can eat fruit , insects and even lizards in
17:12 addition to leaves . But one thing is for sure
17:16 they digest their food very slowly . But you might
17:20 have already guessed that they do everything slowly . Oh
17:27 this sloth is on the ground . Here is our
17:30 final fact about sloss . They have to be very
17:33 careful and they are on the ground . Many sloths
17:37 only go to the ground about once a week .
17:40 That's it . It is when they are on the
17:42 ground that they are most vulnerable and open to being
17:46 attacked . But remember their claws slots will definitely fight
17:51 back very slowly but they will fight back . Great
17:58 . Now we are going to learn about gorillas .
18:01 Yeah , gorillas are awesome . Don't . And here
18:06 is the first thing we're going to learn about Gorillas
18:09 . Gorillas are the largest apes in the world .
18:13 That's right . They are truly massive . Gorillas can
18:17 weigh as many as £430. . Hey do you know
18:25 where gorillas live ? Where in the world are guerrillas
18:30 from ? Uh huh . Gorillas are from the continent
18:38 of Africa . Gorillas live in a part of Africa
18:45 called Sub Saharan Africa . You might be wondering well
18:50 what is Sub Saharan Africa ? Yeah . Well the
18:56 northern part of Africa is made up of something called
19:00 the Sahara . It is a famous desert often called
19:04 the great desert . It is one of the largest
19:06 deserts in the world . It is so huge that
19:09 it is similar to the size of the entire United
19:13 States . Mhm . Sub Saharan africa is the area
19:19 of africa south of the Sahara . That is where
19:23 gorillas live . Yeah , gorillas live in the forests
19:30 of africa . Some live in the tropical forests of
19:34 sub Saharan africa , while others live in the sub
19:38 tropical forests . So if anyone asks you where gorillas
19:42 live , first of all , ask them , hey
19:45 , are you a fan of gorillas ? Do you
19:46 think they're pretty cool and then let them know that
19:48 gorillas live in the forests of sub Saharan africa .
19:56 Oh wow , okay . Here is a really interesting
19:59 fact about gorillas , just like humans , baby gorillas
20:07 are called infants . That's right . No , so
20:11 cute . Sweet little infants . These infants are super
20:15 cute and unlike human babies , they don't wear diapers
20:19 , okay , they don't and if they did ,
20:21 I wouldn't want to change them . Okay , wow
20:27 , okay , infants are cared for by their mothers
20:35 . The mother is the main caregiver in the infants
20:39 life . The main role of the father is to
20:41 protect the mother and the infant . Hey , this
20:48 is pretty cool . Gorillas live in groups called troops
20:52 . Isn't that interesting ? A group of gorillas is
20:55 called a Troop . Troops are normally led by a
21:03 gorilla called a Silverback . A silverback is a mature
21:07 male gorilla . When male gorillas get older , some
21:11 of the hair on their back turns the color silver
21:14 . Usually a troop is led by one silver bag
21:17 and the rest of the troop is made up of
21:20 female gorillas and their Children . There are examples of
21:28 troops that have more than one silver back , but
21:31 that is more rare . Typically there is one silver
21:34 back gorilla that leads the troop and protects the female
21:38 gorillas and the Children . Silverbacks are willing to give
21:43 up their lives for the troop and are very brave
21:49 . Okay , get ready for a shocking fact about
21:53 gorillas . Okay , it's going to shock you affect
21:56 so shocking . You will have to share it with
21:58 your friends and your family . Did you know ,
22:04 gorillas don't usually drink water ? That's right . Gorillas
22:09 don't usually drink water . Gorillas eat so much vegetation
22:13 that is rich in water that they typically get all
22:17 of the water they need from their food . Gorillas
22:20 love eating plants and vegetation when they eat plants in
22:25 the morning , the plants have the morning dew on
22:27 them , which brings even more water into their system
22:31 . While gorillas have the ability to drink water and
22:34 under some circumstances will , they usually get all of
22:38 their water from the vegetation they eat . Wow !
22:44 So gorillas eat a lot of vegetation . They live
22:48 in troops . They are the largest apes in the
22:51 world . And they live in sub Saharan africa .
22:56 Mm All right now let's talk about how gorillas get
23:01 from place to place . They walk in a very
23:04 special way . Gorillas walk on their knuckles . It's
23:08 called knuckle walking . Have you ever walked using your
23:13 knuckles ? It hurts after a while , doesn't it
23:17 ? It doesn't happen often , but guerrillas sometimes walk
23:21 on their two ft . Like we do if they
23:23 need to carry something or in a situation where they
23:27 feel threatened otherwise they walk on their knuckles . Mhm
23:33 . Gorillas are known for how they walk , but
23:36 they are also known for how smart they are .
23:39 Gorillas are such intelligent animals . They can create and
23:44 use their own tools . They are able to think
23:47 about the past and the future and have shown an
23:51 ability to learn and to use sign language . Oh
23:58 , Perhaps the most famous Gorilla ever was a gorilla
24:02 named Koko . She recognized about 2000 English words and
24:08 used sign language incredibly well . She died in June
24:13 2018 , just two months before we made this video
24:17 . Not only did she teach us a lot about
24:20 gorillas , but she made lasting friendships with those who
24:24 worked with her , she was an amazing gorilla .
24:29 Part of what makes guerrillas so special to work with
24:32 is not just their incredible intelligence but also their emotions
24:37 , guerrillas laugh and cry just like we do .
24:41 They form special bonds with family and they care deeply
24:45 about family and friends . Gorillas are awesome . Unfortunately
24:53 , gorillas are critically endangered and have to be protected
24:58 . There are laws that protect gorillas and many organizations
25:02 that work day in and day out to make sure
25:05 gorilla populations stay healthy and strong . We hope you're
25:12 having fun learning with us . Next we are learning
25:15 about polar bears . Cool polar bears are huge bears
25:22 that love the cold . They love the cold .
25:29 They live inside an area of the globe called the
25:33 arctic circle . You can see it right here on
25:36 this map . If you were to look straight down
25:39 at a globe , that area at the very top
25:42 is the area of the globe in the arctic circle
25:47 . Okay , now this is interesting . Only about
25:51 four million people live within the arctic circle . It
25:55 can be a difficult place to live because it's so
25:58 incredibly cold , but it is the perfect place for
26:05 polar bears . Polar bears love the cold which is
26:08 why the arctic circle it's the perfect home for these
26:11 amazing bears . Oh look at these two polar bears
26:15 , their friends , their friends just play nice play
26:18 nice polar bears . You may know this already ,
26:24 but polar bears don't just live in the arctic circle
26:29 . There are polar bears that live in other parts
26:32 of the world in captivity . That means they live
26:35 in places like the zoo habitats that human beings create
26:40 . We're going to share more about this later in
26:43 this video for now . We need your help with
26:48 an easy question . Can you help us ? What
26:51 color are polar bears ? Yeah . What color are
26:55 they ? Uh Yeah , they're the color white .
26:59 They're the color white . Now we have another question
27:05 for you . What color is there for ? Mm
27:10 Did you guess white ? A lot of people think
27:14 that polar bear fur is white because that is what
27:17 it looks like to us . But polar bear fur
27:23 isn't white . It is clear . Polar bear fur
27:26 is actually clear . That's right . So why does
27:30 polar bear fur look white to us ? Because not
27:36 only is polar bear for clear , it is translucent
27:41 , wow , what a word , translucent Can you
27:45 say translucent impress somebody today and say polar bear fur
27:50 is translucent . What does translucent mean ? Well ,
27:54 translucent means light can pass through it . Light passes
27:59 through the polar bear . For how cool is that
28:04 ? Isn't that incredible ? Light passes through the fur
28:09 and the fur reflects the light ? A polar bears
28:12 for always reflects light . Which is why there for
28:16 looks white . That is why a polar bear looks
28:20 white . Why it's a white bear ? Because the
28:23 light is passing through the fur and the fur is
28:27 reflecting the light pretty cool . Earlier we said that
28:33 polar bears are huge , but just how huge are
28:37 they ? Yeah , let's put it this way .
28:41 Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world
28:46 . That's right . Polar bears are the largest land
28:50 carnivores in the world . A carnivore is an animal
28:54 that eats meat . Male Polar bears can weigh up
29:01 to £1,500. . Female polar bears can weigh as many
29:06 as £1,000. . Polar bears are tall . To polar
29:14 bears could be as tall as 10 ft 10 ft
29:19 . Polar bears are massive . No wonder they are
29:22 the largest land carnivores in the world . Mm Part
29:31 of what makes them so big as their eating habits
29:34 . Their favorite food is seal meat . They love
29:38 eating seals . Polar bears love eating seals . They
29:42 can also eat walrus says beluga , whales or any
29:46 other meat they can find . Look at these poor
29:51 little seals , just relaxing . Don't you realize the
29:55 polar back and accommodate you up ? You look like
29:58 a snack . It looks like you're even on a
30:00 blank look out seals . Oh , that was a
30:07 close one . But let's switch the subject . Let's
30:09 talk about polar bear babies , just like other baby
30:16 bears . Baby polar bears are called cubs . Aren't
30:20 they cute ? These two cubs are playing . They're
30:22 so playful , cubs start out only weighing a pound
30:26 or two , but they grow quickly . Yeah ,
30:31 this is pretty cool mama . Polar bears teach cubs
30:35 their way of life and how to survive . You
30:38 know , tips on how to eat as many seals
30:41 as you can . You know , there were a
30:42 lot of them just kind of hanging out earlier .
30:45 You should go check those , you know , seals
30:47 out . They also teach their Cubs one of a
30:53 polar bear's favorite activities . Swimming . This is so
31:01 awesome . You may not realize this , but polar
31:03 bears are amazing swimmers . They're grey at swimming .
31:08 They can swim for miles and miles and they not
31:11 only swim to get from here to there , but
31:13 they also swim to relax to cool down . It's
31:17 amazing . They're great swimmers . It's official polar bears
31:23 are super cool . They are super cool . Yeah
31:27 . Yeah . Check this out . We learned that
31:32 polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world
31:36 . They are huge . Mhm . They live in
31:41 the arctic circle which is perfect because they love the
31:45 cold . We learned they have translucent for this .
31:52 Amazing for that allows light to pass through it and
31:56 it reflects that light . And that's why they look
31:59 white . That's why they look like white bears .
32:03 We learned polar bears love to eat seals , look
32:11 out seals , you look like a polar bear snack
32:14 . You look like a polar bear snack . And
32:18 we learned they are great swimmers . They can swim
32:22 for miles and miles , not just to get from
32:24 here to there , but they really enjoy it .
32:26 Sometimes they swim just to cool down and relax .
32:31 Mhm . Okay . We have one last fact that
32:35 this fact is really important . Polar bears are considered
32:39 a threatened species . Rising global temperatures have caused a
32:43 decline in the polar bear's natural habitat in the arctic
32:48 . We mentioned earlier that polar bears live in captivity
32:51 in different parts of the world and places like zoos
32:54 . But life in captivity isn't the same as life
32:57 in the wild . The awesome thing is that there
33:02 are organizations that are working to protect polar bears .
33:06 We want these amazing animals to live happy , healthy
33:09 lives in their arctic home . Mhm . Finally we
33:15 are going to learn about jag wires . Whoa ,
33:19 jag wires , Are you ready ? All right ,
33:22 let's begin . So what are jag wires ? Well
33:28 , jaguars are wild cats that live in the Americas
33:33 ? Yeah . Now you might be wondering where in
33:36 the Americas do jaguars live ? That's a good question
33:42 . Yeah . Well jaguars live in the southwestern United
33:47 States , Central America and south America . Seeing jaguars
33:52 in the Southwestern United States is rare , but it
33:56 does happen . Jaguars have been seen in California ,
34:00 Arizona and texas , but most jaguars live in central
34:04 and south America . One of the things that jaguars
34:10 are famous for is their size . That's right .
34:14 Jag wires are the largest cats in north and south
34:19 America . They are huge . Jaguars can weigh over
34:27 300 lb . That's right . A lot of their
34:30 weight is muscle . These are really strong cats .
34:36 Hey , they even have more muscles than you billy
34:42 . For example , the muscles in their Jaw are
34:45 so powerful , they can bite through a skull .
34:48 That's right . They have one of the most powerful
34:52 bites in the cat world . Their jaws are strong
34:55 enough to drag as many as £800 across the ground
35:00 . That's so strong , wow ! Next , we
35:06 are going to talk about what jaguars look like Besides
35:09 just cool . They do look cool . Don't be
35:15 jealous . Mr whiskers . Okay , you look cool
35:18 too . Most jag wires have a coat that looks
35:25 like a blend between orange and yellow , with lots
35:28 of spots , spots near the neck and head are
35:32 solid . The rest of the spots are generally more
35:35 colorful with brown inside . Mhm . You might have
35:41 realized this already , but jaguars look very similar to
35:44 leopards . It can be hard to tell the difference
35:47 between the two . A lot of people don't know
35:49 the difference between the two , but not . You
35:52 were going to share an easy way to tell a
35:55 jaguar from a leopard . It's all about the spots
36:01 . The spots on jaguars and leopards are called rosettes
36:05 . That's right . Rosettes . That's an interesting name
36:08 , isn't it ? They are called rosettes because they
36:14 are shaped like roses . That makes sense . So
36:19 what is the easy way you can tell the difference
36:22 between jaguars and leopards ? Well , jaguars have much
36:26 bigger rosettes . Not only that , but the rosettes
36:29 have black dots in them leopards have many more rosettes
36:34 than jaguars , but they are much smaller and do
36:37 not have the dots inside of them . There is
36:39 also a size difference . Jaguars are much bigger and
36:43 stronger than leopards . There are other differences , too
36:46 , but those are the main ones . So the
36:52 easiest way to spot the difference between a jaguar and
36:55 a leopard is looking at their rosettes . But why
36:59 do they even have rosettes ? What's the purpose ?
37:01 Well , rosettes are found on other types of cats
37:04 as well . Not just jaguars and leopards , but
37:07 why do they have them ? That's a great question
37:11 . Well , rosettes are important because they help a
37:14 cat camouflage . Part of what makes jaguars so tricky
37:19 to find in the wild is the fact that they
37:21 have these huge rosettes on their coats . We just
37:28 finished talking about what jag wires look like . And
37:32 while most jaguars look like that , some jag wires
37:36 don't . Yeah , there are jaguars that actually have
37:42 a black coat . That's right . They have rosettes
37:46 too , but it is usually really hard to see
37:49 them . These jag wires are called melon ist IQ
37:53 jaguars , melon ist IQ Jag wires . Can you
37:57 say that ? Yeah , melon ist IQ jag wires
38:01 . It means they have a dark colored coat .
38:07 There is a different name that most people call melon
38:10 ist IQ jaguars ? What do you think that is
38:14 ? Yeah , melon ist IQ Jag wires are usually
38:18 called black panthers . Black panthers found in central and
38:26 south America are melon ist IQ jaguars . Black panthers
38:30 that live in africa and asia are actually melon ist
38:34 IQ leopards . Black panthers are not their own species
38:39 . Black panthers are either leopards or jaguars . These
38:45 black jaguars , commonly called black panthers do very well
38:50 in the wild . They use their black coats to
38:53 their advantage by hunting at night . It is very
38:57 difficult to see a black panther while it is hunting
39:02 . Yeah . If you want to impress someone the
39:07 next time you hear about black panthers , just let
39:10 them know . Black panthers that live in central and
39:14 south America are actually melon ist IQ jaguars . If
39:18 they don't believe you , you can invite them to
39:20 look it up and they'll be like , what are
39:23 you an animal expert ? The next thing we want
39:28 to learn about our jag wire babies . Yeah .
39:31 So cute jaguar babies are called cubs . That's right
39:36 , cubs are born blind and can't see until they
39:41 are two weeks old . Jaguar cubs stay in the
39:45 same den that they were born in until they are
39:48 about six months old . Then a jaguar cub is
39:52 ready to go hunting with mommy . Once jaguars are
39:59 fully grown , they are usually very solitary . They
40:02 like to hunt and do things on their own .
40:07 Jag wires are hunters through and through . They not
40:11 only hunt on land but can hunt in the water
40:14 to . They are great swimmers . Whatever they catch
40:17 , doesn't have much of a chance . Remember what
40:20 we shared about the jaw of a jag wire ?
40:23 It can bite through a skull . Mhm . The
40:29 final fact we are going to talk about is sad
40:32 . The jaguar population has been declining and jaguars are
40:37 now considered nearly threatened . Like many other animals around
40:44 the world , jaguars have suffered because of deforestation .
40:49 Jaguars are also hunted by people . A problem that
40:52 has been difficult to stop . If the jaguar population
40:55 isn't protected , they might become a threatened species .
41:01 We hope you've enjoyed learning about animals around the world
41:04 with us , protecting animals , like the ones you
41:07 learned about is so important . These animals truly are
41:12 amazing . Special , thanks to our patrons who make
41:17 videos like this possible . If you would like to
41:20 support us and get cool homeschool pop tattoos , click
41:24 the link below this video or visit home school pop
41:27 dot com . As always , you are awesome .
41:30 We hope to see you next video .



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