How to Deal with Missed Language Goals & Failure - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to Deal with Missed Language Goals & Failure - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

How to Deal with Missed Language Goals & Failure - By Learn English with

00:0-1 Hey everyone . Welcome to the monthly review , The
00:02 monthly show , I'm language learning where you discover new
00:08 learning strategies , motivational tips , study tools and resources
00:13 by the way , all the lessons and bonuses you're
00:15 about to see can be downloaded for free on our
00:18 website . So click the link in the description right
00:21 now to sign up for your free lifetime account .
00:23 Okay . Today's topic is how to deal with miss
00:27 language goals and failure . Have you ever failed to
00:31 reach a goal If you're planning on learning a language
00:34 as your 2021 new year's resolution or if you just
00:37 want to know how to get back up and recover
00:39 from language learning failure , then you'll like this episode
00:42 . So keep watching . Mm But first here are
00:48 this month's new free lessons and resources . First be
00:52 making mistakes , conversation sheet sheet , Do you know
00:55 how to respond to mistakes and conversations ? This brand
00:58 new cheat sheet will teach you all the must know
01:00 phrases for correcting others and asking for corrections downloaded for
01:04 free right now . Second , the 400 everyday phrases
01:08 for beginners . E books . This bonus e book
01:11 will teach you over 400 words and phrases related to
01:14 daily activities , like waking up , making breakfast ,
01:17 going to work for school and much more . Third
01:21 the shops around the city vocab lesson learnt how to
01:24 say mall supermarket restaurant , bakery and much more with
01:28 this quick vocabulary bonus . Fourth , do you know
01:32 how to express holiday greetings in your target language ?
01:35 Access this one minute lesson to learn phrases like happy
01:38 holidays and have a happy New Year Fifth must no
01:42 winter clothing vocab . Do you know how to say
01:45 jacket or scarf in your target language ? If you
01:48 don't , then this next one minute lesson will give
01:50 you all the words you need for winter clothing to
01:54 get your free resources , click the link in the
01:55 description below . Right now They're yours to keep forever
01:58 . Okay , let's jump into today's topic . Mhm
02:05 . How to deal with miss language goals and failure
02:08 . If you've ever set a goal , you've probably
02:11 dealt with failure . A lot of people set goals
02:13 around January when they said their new year's resolutions .
02:17 If you're planning on setting a resolution to learn a
02:19 new language in 2021 , you'll want to pay attention
02:23 . Now in this video , when we say failure
02:26 , we mean you set a goal but you don't
02:28 reach it . For example , if the goal was
02:31 learning 100 words in a month , either you learned
02:34 some words , meaning you took some steps or you
02:36 did nothing at all , meaning you learned zero words
02:40 . Failure usually happens for one of two reasons .
02:42 One , you set an unrealistic goal that's too hard
02:45 for you or your routine or your lifestyle . For
02:48 example , learning 1000 words in a month can be
02:51 overwhelming . For two , it could be for reasons
02:54 outside of your control . Maybe you got sick or
02:57 you're busy at work and have no time . Or
02:59 you're moving life can get in the way . So
03:03 how do you deal with failure ? Do you feel
03:05 disappointed ? Do you quit ? Do you keep trying
03:08 to leave us a comment and let us know ?
03:10 But if you want to succeed with your future language
03:12 goals , you'll need to change your outlook on failure
03:15 and learn how to recover . So here are five
03:18 ways to deal with missed goals . One ask yourself
03:22 , is this outside of my control or inside of
03:25 my control ? For example , you could be moving
03:28 , you might have overtime at work , you make
03:29 it sick and life might just get in the way
03:32 these situations are outside of your control , so there's
03:35 no need to blame yourself . If they were inside
03:38 your control , it's likely you set a goal that
03:40 was too hard or simply unrealistic for your current lifestyle
03:44 . Why ask this ? If the situation is outside
03:47 of your control , you should keep on going .
03:50 If the situation is within your control , you can
03:52 work on fixing it and we'll tell you how in
03:55 just a bit second , if you feel disappointed about
03:58 a missed goal , which is normal . Use that
04:00 feeling as motivation don't stop your language learning journey just
04:04 because you're feeling disappointed . Third , understand that this
04:08 isn't the last time you're going to fail , there'll
04:11 be goals that you'll hit and there'll be goals that
04:13 you miss . That's just a fact of life .
04:16 And in a way that's good news because you'll get
04:18 used to failing , you'll learn not to feel too
04:21 bad about it and you'll learn how to keep on
04:22 going . Fourth , understand that . As long as
04:26 you spend time on the language , that's good enough
04:29 . Goals are also meant to get you moving in
04:31 a certain direction . So as long as you made
04:33 some strides in the right direction , that's better than
04:36 nothing . So if your goal was to learn 100
04:39 words , but you learned only 2020 is better than
04:43 zero , you still started moving in the right direction
04:45 . And if you didn't reach 100 this time you
04:48 can hit 100 in the future . It's just a
04:50 matter of time , fifth recover from failure by setting
04:55 smaller goals . Why is that smaller goals ? If
04:58 you fail to learn 100 words , wouldn't it make
05:00 sense to try that goal again ? Or double up
05:03 , punish yourself and learn 200 to make up for
05:05 lost time in schools , when we miss homework ,
05:08 we have to make it up and stay on track
05:11 with new homework . This doesn't make sense with goals
05:14 . The reason is if you fail again , it's
05:16 because that goal is too far out of your reach
05:19 . Either you yourself can't handle it or your current
05:21 situation , like being busy at work or having a
05:24 private matter doesn't give you much time by aiming lower
05:27 . You can at least get back on track to
05:29 succeeding in reaching a goal , you're getting something done
05:32 and you're getting your confidence back up Because if you
05:35 couldn't reach 100 words last time , chances are you
05:38 won't reach it this time . So try 50 words
05:41 , 30 words , give yourself a chance to succeed
05:44 on your own terms and that's it . Don't let
05:47 the small failures keep you from making a big success
05:50 . Make your goals work for you . Let's recap
05:53 one more time . one . Ask yourself , is
05:56 this outside of my control or inside of my control
05:59 ? To if you feel disappointed , use that feeling
06:02 as motivation . Three understand that this isn't the last
06:06 time you're going to fail . Four understand that as
06:09 long as you spend time on the language , that's
06:12 good enough and five recover from failure by setting smaller
06:15 goals . If you're planning on setting a language learning
06:18 resolution for 2021 , let us know what it is
06:21 . Leave a comment . So thank you for watching
06:24 this episode of monthly review . Next time we'll talk
06:28 about how to get back on track after language learning
06:31 failure . If you enjoyed these tips , hit the
06:34 like button , share the video with anyone who's trying
06:36 to learn a language and subscribe to our channel .
06:39 We release new videos every week and if you're ready
06:42 to finally learn language the fast , fun and easy
06:45 way and start speaking from your very first lesson .
06:47 Yet are Complete learning program . Sign up for your
06:50 free lifetime account right now , click the link in
06:53 the description . See you next time . Bye .



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