Do you want to know how good your English is? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Do you want to know how good your English is? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Do you want to know how good your English is? - By Learn English with

00:0-1 how good is your target language ? Do you know
00:02 ? And do you remember all the words and grammar
00:05 rules you've learned ? If not , here's how you
00:07 can get your language skills assessed , improve your memory
00:10 and master the language faster . Check out our brand
00:14 new assessments study tool . Sign up for a free
00:17 lifetime account to access this brand new feature right now
00:20 . With assessments , you can take assessment exercises after
00:24 every few lessons . Get tested on the words and
00:27 grammar rules you learned in the last few lessons .
00:30 Get instant results and see how your language skills are
00:33 progressing . What makes the study tool so powerful .
00:37 First you remember more and learn faster by taking regular
00:42 assessments , you improve your memory through active recall ,
00:45 a science backed learning tactic . Second , you stay
00:49 engaged instead of passively letting words go in one ear
00:52 and out the other and third you can even get
00:55 your speaking and writing skills assessed by a real teacher
00:58 with a premium plus plan . Look for assessments inside
01:02 are recommended learning pathways on the site . So if
01:06 you want to get your language assessed , remember more
01:08 and master the language faster , then take advantage of
01:11 our brand new assessments , click the link in the
01:14 description and sign up for your free lifetime account right
01:16 now . Uh huh .



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