Multiplying Decimals | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Multiplying Decimals | - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Multiplying Decimals | - By

00:0-1 To multiply two decimals such as 16.1 times 2.4 .
00:05 1st line up the numbers and begin multiplying as if
00:08 we're multiplying two whole numbers . So we have 16.1
00:14 times 2.4 , four times 1 is four , Four
00:22 times six is 24 . So we bring down the
00:24 four and carry the two . Four times one is
00:28 four plus two is six , Moving to a new
00:31 row and starting in the 10s column two times 1
00:35 is two , Two times six is 12 . So
00:38 we bring down the two and carry the one .
00:41 Two times one is two plus one is three .
00:46 Now we add the two rows together . Four plus
00:49 zero is four , four plus 2 is six ,
00:53 six plus 2 is eight and zero plus three is
00:58 three . Finally , we determine where the decimal point
01:02 goes in our answer Since 16.1 has one digit to
01:06 the right of the decimal point and 2.4 has one
01:10 digit to the right of the decimal point . We
01:12 have a total of two digits to the right of
01:14 the decimal point in our original numbers , this means
01:18 that our answer will have two digits to the right
01:20 of the decimal point . So our answer is 38.64
01:26 , So 16.1 times 2.4 is 38.64 .



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