Sine Cosine Tangent | SOHCAHTOA | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Sine Cosine Tangent | SOHCAHTOA | - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Sine Cosine Tangent | SOHCAHTOA | - By

00:0-1 the title of this unit trigonometry is greek for triangle
00:05 measurement . three of the most basic ideas in trigonometry
00:11 are the sign co sine and tangent ratios . The
00:17 sine cosine and tangent ratios can be defined as follows
00:23 . In right triangle abc the sign of angle A
00:28 . Is equal to the ratio of the length of
00:31 the side , opposite angle A . To the length
00:34 of the hypotenuse . So in right triangle abc the
00:39 sign of angle A equals Y over Z . Notice
00:46 that the abbreviation we use for sign is S .
00:49 I . N . Next the co sign of angle
00:54 A is equal to the ratio of the length of
00:57 the side adjacent to angle A . To the length
01:01 of the hypotenuse . So in right triangle abc the
01:06 co sign of angle A equals X over Z .
01:12 Notice that the abbreviation we use for co sign is
01:16 C . E . O . S . And finally
01:20 the tangent of the angle A . Is equal to
01:23 the ratio of the length of the side opposite angle
01:27 A . To the length of the side adjacent to
01:30 angle A . So in right triangle abc , the
01:35 tangent of angle A equals Y over X . Notice
01:41 that the abbreviation we use for tangent is T A
01:45 . N . An easy way to remember the sign
01:49 co sine and tangent ratios is to use the word
01:54 socotra . Sign is opposite over hypotenuse . Co sign
02:01 is adjacent over hypotenuse , and tangent is opposite over
02:06 adjacent .



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