One-Step Addition Equations | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

One-Step Addition Equations | - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

One-Step Addition Equations | - By

00:0-1 if we're asked to solve for X in the equation
00:02 X plus two equals six , what we're really being
00:06 asked to do is get X by itself on one
00:09 side of the equation . So if we take a
00:12 look at the left side of our equation , a
00:14 two is being added to X . So in order
00:18 to get X by itself we must subtract two from
00:23 the left side of the equation and remember from your
00:26 first rule of solving equations that if we subtract two
00:30 from the left side of the equation , we must
00:32 also subtract two from the right side of the equation
00:37 . So on the left side are plus two and
00:40 minus to cancel out and we're left with X On
00:46 the right side of the equation , 6 -2 simplifies
00:51 to four . So our answer is x equals four
00:56 . The nice thing about solving equations is that you
00:59 can always check your answer by plugging it back in
01:03 to the original equation . So here we're going to
01:07 plug a four back in for X . And the
01:10 original equation , And we get parentheses four plus two
01:18 equal six , Since 4-plus 2 equals six is a
01:25 true statement . Our answer checks and we know that
01:30 it's right .


This lesson covers number patterns. Students learn to find the next 3 terms in advanced patterns that involve figures, letters, or numbers. For example, to find the next three terms in the pattern A, Z, B, Y, __, __, __, notice that the first and third terms in the pattern, A and B, are the first two letters in the alphabet, so the fifth and seventh terms in the pattern will be the next two letters in the alphabet, C and D. And the second and fourth terms in the pattern, Z and Y, are the last letter and the second-to-last letter in the alphabet, so the sixth term in the pattern will be the third-to-last letter in the alphabet, X. So the next three terms in the pattern A, Z, B, Y, __, __, __ are C, X, and D.


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