Equation of a Circle | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Equation of a Circle | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Equation of a Circle | MathHelp.com - By MathHelp.com



In this example, we’re asked to find the midpoint of the line segment joining the points (10, 1) and (2, -7), so we use the midpoint formula, which states that the midpoint of the line segment joining two points is parentheses x1 + x2 over 2…comma… y1 + y2 over 2 closed parentheses. Our first point, (10, 1), represents (x1, y1), and our second point, (2, -7), represents (x2, y2). So plugging the given information into the formula, we have parentheses x1, or 10, + x2, or 2, over 2…comma…y1, or 1, + y2, or -7, over 2, closed parentheses. Next, simplifying in the numerators, 10 + 2 is 12, so we have 12/2, and 1 + -7 is -6, so we have -6 over 2. Finally we simplify our fractions. 12/2 is 6, and -6 over 2 is -3. So the midpoint of the line segment joining the points (10, 1) and (2, -7) is (6, -3).


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