Math Antics - Decimal Place Value - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Math Antics - Decimal Place Value - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Math Antics - Decimal Place Value - By Mathantics

00:03 Uh huh . Hi , I'm rob . Welcome to
00:07 Math antics . In this video we're going to learn
00:09 about decimal place value . As that name suggests .
00:12 It's related to regular place value so be sure to
00:15 watch our video about that if you haven't already In
00:18 the previous video we learned how to count . Using
00:20 just 10 different digits and a number of places that
00:23 represent different sized groups . For example if we needed
00:26 account , 235 apples . We use different number of
00:30 places for accounting by ones by groups of 10 and
00:33 by groups of 100 . The digit two in the
00:35 hundreds place represents two hundred's . The three in the
00:39 tens place represents three tens or 30 and the five
00:42 in the ones place represents five ones or just five
00:46 . It's a pretty amazing system . If you think
00:48 about it , it only has 10 digits , but
00:50 those digits can be reused in different combinations to count
00:54 any number from zero all the way to trillions of
00:57 apples and beyond . But as amazing as it is
01:01 , there's just one little problem with our number system
01:03 so far . What if you don't have a whole
01:09 apple in the place value video . We only learned
01:13 how to count whole amounts or what we call whole
01:15 numbers which is the set of numbers you get if
01:17 you start with zero and then count by ones 1234
01:21 and so on . But there are things besides whole
01:25 amounts , it's possible to have just part of something
01:28 like just part of an apple . And that means
01:30 they're in between amounts . You might have one apple
01:33 or two apples but you could also have something in
01:36 between that like 1.5 apples . How can the base
01:39 10 number system handle situations like that ? The answer
01:42 is decimal places . Decimal places are a way of
01:46 extending the base 10 number system so that it can
01:49 represent amounts that are in between whole amounts , decimal
01:52 places are just like regular number places except that instead
01:55 of using them to count groups , we use them
01:58 to count parts or fractions of things To see how
02:01 the base 10 system is extended with decimal places .
02:04 Let's look at the pattern of number places that we
02:06 saw in the last video . We started out with
02:09 a number of place for counting things one at a
02:11 time . And when we hit the limit of counting
02:13 with it , we used another number place on the
02:15 left side of it for counting groups of 10 .
02:18 By combining those two number places , we could count
02:21 from zero all the way up to 99 . But
02:24 when we needed to count beyond that we used another
02:26 number place on the left side of it for counting
02:29 groups of 100 . And when those places were maxed
02:31 out , we added a place for counting by groups
02:33 of 1000 and then by groups of 10,000 and so
02:36 on . See the pattern . Each time we added
02:39 a new number place it was located to the left
02:42 of the previous one And each time it represented groups
02:45 that were 10 times larger than the previous group .
02:48 Since the amounts that a number of places represent get
02:51 bigger and bigger as we go to the left ,
02:53 it makes sense that number of places for counting smaller
02:56 amounts like parts of something that are less than one
02:58 will need to go on the right side of the
03:00 once place , that's where the decimal places are found
03:03 . And just like the whole number of places can
03:06 go on forever To the left counting bigger and bigger
03:08 groups , the decimal number places can go on forever
03:11 to the right counting smaller and smaller parts or fractions
03:16 but if number places go on forever in either direction
03:20 then how do we know which places which I mean
03:22 ? If they all look the same or worse ,
03:24 if they're invisible then how do we know which digit
03:27 goes in which place ? Ah that's an excellent question
03:30 . We do have a problem . Now that number
03:32 of places can extend in both directions . Before when
03:36 we had only whole number of places that extended in
03:38 just one direction to the left , we knew that
03:41 the place that was furthest to the right was always
03:44 the ones place . But now we know that number
03:47 of places can extend in both directions . So we
03:49 need a new way to tell which places which what
03:52 we need is a point of reference , a place
03:55 that we always start from . And for that we
03:58 use a special symbol called the decimal point , which
04:01 in the United States looks just like a period .
04:04 Basically the decimal point acts as a separator . It
04:07 separates the number of places that are used for counting
04:09 whole values which are on the left side of the
04:11 decimal point from the number of places that are used
04:13 to count fractional values which are on the right side
04:16 of the decimal point . And that's why you don't
04:18 see a decimal point in every number . If there's
04:21 no decimal digits in a number like in the whole
04:23 number 25 then you don't need to show the decimal
04:26 point . It's safe to assume that the digit farthest
04:28 to the right is in the ones place . Of
04:31 course you could still show the decimal point if you
04:33 wanted to since it's always immediately to the right of
04:35 the ones place . But if there's no decimal digits
04:38 then we don't need to separate them from the whole
04:40 number digits . If a number does have decimal digits
04:44 then we call it a decimal number and the decimal
04:46 point helps us quickly recognize which digit is in the
04:49 ones place . For example if you see a sequence
04:52 of digits like this 1-6.53 you can tell right away
04:58 that the digit six is in the ones place because
05:00 it's immediately to the left of the decimal point .
05:03 That means this too is in the 10s place and
05:06 this one is in the hundreds place . Okay but
05:09 what about the digits that are to the right of
05:11 the decimal point ? We know that they must be
05:13 in decimal number of places . But what are the
05:16 names of those decimal number places ? And what values
05:18 do they count ? Well looking back at our number
05:21 place pattern , we see that each time we move
05:23 to the left the new number place counts amounts that
05:26 are 10 times bigger than the previous place . So
05:30 each time we move to the right , that place
05:32 should count amounts that are 10 times smaller than the
05:35 previous place . Since the ones place counts by ones
05:39 , the number place to the right of it should
05:41 count by amounts that are 10 times smaller than one
05:44 . The amount that's 10 times smaller than one is
05:46 called a 10th . It's the amount you get .
05:49 If you take one whole like one whole apple invited
05:52 into 10 equal parts , keeping just one of them
05:55 , 1/10 is what we call a fraction . And
05:58 fractions are written using a special notation that has two
06:01 numbers with the line between them . The number on
06:04 the bottom tells how many equal parts the whole amount
06:07 is divided into and the top number tells you how
06:10 many of those parts you have . So the fraction
06:12 1/10 is written like this , 1/10 . Getting back
06:17 to our apple counting example . Previously we could only
06:20 count whole apples but now that we have a number
06:23 of place for counting 10th , we can count 10th
06:25 of apples to we can use the once place and
06:28 the 10th place together to count amounts that are in
06:31 between a whole number of apples to see how it
06:34 works . Let's start our counting with one whole apple
06:37 and no 10th . That means that there will be
06:39 a one in the ones place and a zero in
06:41 the 10th place . But now let's start adding 10th
06:44 to that for each 10th that we count . We
06:47 increase the digit in the 10th place by one 1/10
06:51 . 2/10 3 10th 45 Let's pause for a second
06:55 to notice something important . Do you see that having
06:58 5/10 of an apple is the same as having one
07:00 half of an apple ? That's because five is exactly
07:04 half of 10 And the fraction 5/10 can be simplified
07:08 to 1/2 . That's why having 1.5 apples is the
07:12 same as having 1.5 apples . Pretty cool . Huh
07:15 ? Anyway , back to counting 6/10 78 and 9/10
07:20 . Now we have one whole apple and also 9/10
07:23 of an apple . But our 10th place is maxed
07:26 out with the digit night that's as high as it
07:28 can count . So what do you think will happen
07:30 if we add one more 10th , Yep those 10/10
07:34 combined to form one whole apple . And that will
07:36 cause our once placed digit to increase to a two
07:39 , we now have two whole apples . Even though
07:42 one is made up from slices , the amount is
07:44 still equal to one hole . See how decimal digits
07:47 . Help us count in between whole amounts . But
07:49 wait there's more more decimal number of places that is
07:53 the 10th place allows us to count in between the
07:56 ones . But what if we want to count amounts
07:58 that are in between the 10th ? The decimal number
08:03 places keep on going to the right and each time
08:06 they count amounts that are 10 times smaller than the
08:08 previous amount . So if the 10th place counts fractions
08:12 that are 1/10 of one , then the next number
08:14 of place over will count amounts that are 1/10 of
08:17 1/10 . 1/10 is called 100th . And it's the
08:22 fraction you get if you take a 10th and then
08:24 divide it into 10 equal parts . It's a very
08:27 small fraction and it's called 100 because it's the same
08:31 fraction you'd get if you take a whole and divided
08:33 up into 100 parts . So it's fraction form looks
08:36 like this one over 100 . Just like 10th could
08:41 be used to represent amounts that are in between the
08:43 ones . Hundreds can be used to represent amounts that
08:47 are in between 10th and just like if you combine
08:50 20th , they equal one . If you combine 10
08:53 hundreds , the equal 1/10 And the decimal number places
08:57 keep on going like that . The next number place
09:00 over represents fractions that are 1/10 of 100 . That
09:04 very small fraction is called 1000 because it would take
09:07 1000 of them to make one whole . And the
09:09 next place over is 10 times smaller than that .
09:12 It's called the 10,000th place . And then there's 100,000
09:16 place , there's the millionth place and so on .
09:20 So do you see how truly amazing our number system
09:23 is ? It can represent any whole number amount no
09:25 matter how big by adding bigger and bigger number places
09:28 to the left , but it can also represent amounts
09:31 in between those whole amounts with more and more precision
09:34 down to the tiniest fraction imaginable by adding more and
09:37 more decimal number of places to the right . That
09:40 is truly amazing . In fact it kind of makes
09:43 my head hurt just thinking about it . Of course
09:46 it could be this dog on pot to wear my
09:48 head all the time . Okay , so now that
09:51 you know how decimal places work , let's talk briefly
09:53 about how we can show their place value and how
09:55 we can write decimal numbers and expanded form a digits
09:59 value is determined by the place that it's in .
10:02 So if a two is in the 10th place ,
10:03 it stands for 2/10 which can be written with the
10:06 fraction 2/10 . If a three is in the 10th
10:09 place that stands for 3/10 or 3/10 . If a
10:13 four is in the 10th place that stands for 4/10
10:16 or for over 10 and so on . And just
10:19 like A two in the 10th place stands for the
10:21 place value 2/10 . A two in the hundreds place
10:24 stands for the place value to hundreds and A two
10:27 in the thousands of place stands for the place value
10:29 to thousands . Knowing that will help us write decimal
10:33 numbers in expanded form , like the one we saw
10:35 earlier . 126.53 . The expanded form of the whole
10:40 number part is easy . We learned how to do
10:42 that in the last video 126 is 100 plus 20
10:47 plus six . But now we need to add the
10:50 fractions represented by the decimal digits to . Since there's
10:53 a five in the 10th place that stands for 5/10
10:56 . So we need to add the fraction 5/10 to
10:59 our expanded for . But we also have the digit
11:01 three and the hundreds place which stands for 300ths .
11:05 So we also need to add the fraction three over
11:08 100 to our expanded form . All right , so
11:11 that's a basic intro to decimal number of places .
11:14 There's still more to learn about them and as you
11:16 can see , decimal number of places have a lot
11:18 to do with fractions which you may not have learned
11:21 very much about yet . But that's okay . Once
11:23 you do learn more about fractions it will help decimal
11:26 number of places make even more sense . And there's
11:28 several math antics videos about fractions that can help you
11:31 with that . Like our video called converting based infractions
11:35 . The main thing is you now know how the
11:37 base 10 number system works , which is really important
11:40 since it's used all the time in math . As
11:43 always . Thanks for watching Math Antics and I'll see
11:45 you next time learn more at Math Antics dot com
00:0-1 .



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