The MA Educator Evaluation Framework: Goal Setting - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The MA Educator Evaluation Framework: Goal Setting - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

The MA Educator Evaluation Framework: Goal Setting - By

00:05 The second step of the evaluation cycle is goal setting
00:08 and planned development . At this point , educators have
00:11 completed their self assessments and have proposed at least one
00:15 student learning goal and at least one professional practice goal
00:19 that will be the backbone of their educator plans .
00:22 It's important to remember that goals aren't meant to encompass
00:25 every aspect of an educator's craft or roll . They
00:29 are meant to target a set of priorities identified through
00:32 the self assessment process . Student learning goals are driven
00:36 by the needs of the students for whom an educator
00:39 or team has responsibility , student data shapes and informs
00:43 student learning goals . These goals are typically measured using
00:47 a variety of student performance measures . Professional practice .
00:50 Schools are driven by the needs of the educator or
00:53 team as they relate to the standards of effective practice
00:57 . These goals might reflect an educator's experience level or
01:01 a new instructional initiative . A strong goal is a
01:04 smart goal . These smart criteria help answer important questions
01:09 about a goal such as why is this topic or
01:12 focus ? Important ? What or who will benefit and
01:16 how ? When will I achieve this goal ? How
01:20 will I demonstrate progress towards this goal ? How will
01:24 I know the goal has been achieved once smart goals
01:28 have been developed . The next step is to build
01:30 the educator plan around the goals . Working together ,
01:34 the educator and evaluator , identify action steps , a
01:38 timeline and evidence to be collected over the course of
01:41 the cycle that will support progress toward each goal .
01:44 The educator plan also includes the supports and activities that
01:48 the educator will leverage over the course of the cycle
01:52 goal . Refinement and planned development takes place early in
01:56 the school year to allow educators the opportunity to maximize
01:59 the use of supports identified in the plan . While
02:02 the dates may depend on local bargaining and on the
02:05 time frame for self assessment , educator plans should generally
02:09 be finalized by mid to late october . Again ,
02:12 collaboration between the educator and the evaluator is critical during
02:17 the step to ensure the goals are well thought out
02:20 , smart and aligned to district in school priorities ,
02:22 And the educator plan represents a road map for the
02:26 rest of the cycle . Mm . Yeah .


Members of ESE's Teacher and Principal Advisory Cabinets describe the purpose of and process for completing Step 2 of the 5-step evaluation cycle, Goal Setting, including how this step connects to the rest of the cycle.


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