Principles of Journalism 1 - Gathering Sources - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Principles of Journalism 1 - Gathering Sources - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Principles of Journalism 1 - Gathering Sources - By

00:07 Welcome to Unit one . The principles of journalism ,
00:12 overview and gathering sources in this video . We will
00:17 define the idea of principles , Presents an overview of
00:22 the 10 Principles of Journalism and look at all the
00:25 principles that a journalist needs to think about when they
00:29 are gathering sources . First of all , it's important
00:34 that we understand what a principle is a principal is
00:39 a fundamental , a really important truth that is the
00:44 basis of something . So the principles of journalism are
00:52 the things that journalists have to remember to do all
00:55 the time . There are 10 fundamental principles of journalism
01:03 . We'll cover these principles over the next three videos
01:08 . The 1st 2 Principles , verification and objectivity are
01:14 important for journalists to remember when they are finding their
01:19 sources or information . The next four principles . Originality
01:26 , completeness , transparency and fairness are the principles that
01:32 a journalist needs to remember when they are telling the
01:35 story , meaning when they are actually writing their article
01:41 . The final four principles include restraint , humanity ,
01:47 accountability and empowerment . These principles are about how journalism
01:54 can impact people , meaning how people are affected by
01:59 the articles that are journalist writes . Don't worry if
02:03 you don't understand these words right now , we'll cover
02:06 all 10 of these principles in detail in the coming
02:10 videos . Let's start by talking about the principles that
02:15 journalists need to remember when they are gathering sources ,
02:20 meaning they are talking to the important people in a
02:25 story . For example , if there was a car
02:33 accident , a journalist needs to talk to the people
02:37 who actually saw it happen . We call these people
02:42 eyewitnesses . When the journalist is talking to these people
02:52 , they are gathering sources . Another example is when
02:57 a journalist wants to know more information for a story
03:01 and so they go to a library or research online
03:06 . This is also gathering sources . Okay , so
03:11 now we know what principles are and we also know
03:15 what gathering sources means . Let's talk about some of
03:19 the important principles that a journalist needs to remember when
03:23 they are gathering sources , verification and objectivity . The
03:30 first important principle is called verification . This is when
03:35 journalists make sure that the information they get is accurate
03:40 or true . How can they know if their sources
03:48 are true and accurate ? Let's look at these two
03:52 ideas . Being accurate means always having the correct facts
03:59 . Such as names , dates places . When a
04:03 journalist gathers sources by speaking to a witness or researching
04:08 documents , they should always make sure that they write
04:12 down the correct information so that it's accurate when they
04:17 use it in their article . We'll talk about how
04:21 to take accurate notes in future videos . How can
04:27 journalists verify a source to know that the information they
04:32 get is accurate and true . It's not always easy
04:37 , but they can consider these things . Is the
04:41 source primary meaning . Is it original ? If we
04:45 consider the car accident , we looked at earlier ,
04:49 an eyewitness is a primary source . While someone who
04:53 just heard about the accident is not , does the
04:58 source have expert knowledge for a car accident ? An
05:03 expert on road safety or an automotive engineer would be
05:09 a good source of information ? The second principle is
05:15 objectivity . This means reporting the facts without favoring one
05:22 side or another . However , objectivity can be difficult
05:32 to define . A journalist must think about the weight
05:35 of evidence , meaning that they should gather many sources
05:40 And if most sources say one thing and very few
05:44 say the other , they should give more importance to
05:47 the majority view . A journalist should not give equal
05:52 time or wait to an opinion based on facts that
05:57 are clearly not true . So in this video ,
06:02 we learned what a principle is And that there are
06:05 10 principles of journalism . We looked at the principles
06:10 of journalism that have to do with gathering sources ,
06:15 verification and objectivity . In the next videos , we'll
06:21 learn about the other remaining principles of journalism .


In this video, we will define the idea of principles, present an overview of the 10 principles of journalism, and look at all the principles that a journalist needs to think about when they are gathering sources.


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