Critical Thinking Vocabulary - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Critical Thinking Vocabulary - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Critical Thinking Vocabulary - By

00:0-1 what is critical thinking ? How do we use it
00:03 when reading and writing ? Listen to this classroom conversation
00:08 and learn about some vocabulary related to critical thinking .
00:13 So last night you read a newspaper article for homework
00:20 . How did it go ? I thought it went
00:25 well , I could understand the main ideas in the
00:29 article . Everyone in my study group did too .
00:33 We weren't confused about what the author was saying .
00:38 Great . I'm glad to hear that you understood the
00:42 article . Well , that's important for our next activity
00:48 now that you understand the article , I would like
00:52 you to analyze it and form your own opinions about
00:57 it . You'll be using your critical thinking skills .
01:03 I put up some questions on the board to help
01:07 you think about the article more . You'll discuss these
01:12 in your reading groups . I heard a lot of
01:20 great ideas in your group discussions . So I would
01:24 like each group to share some of their ideas with
01:27 the whole class . We all have different things to
01:31 say about the first question , but I think I
01:34 can synthesize our ideas to support one opinion . Great
01:39 , let's hear it . So what does critical thinking
01:44 mean ? Let's talk about critical thinking and other vocabulary
01:48 related to it ? Critical thinking is carefully analyzing and
01:54 understanding an issue or topic objectively to understand means to
01:58 know and follow what is red or what is said
02:03 to analyze , means to read something more closely and
02:07 in detail in order to learn more about it .
02:09 To synthesize means to combine two or more ideas together
02:14 into a single idea . How have you used critical
02:17 thinking in classes ? This is american english . Thank
02:22 you for watching .


Encouraging critical thinking skills in the classroom allows students to carefully analyze and understand an issue or topic objectively. This video will show a classroom conversation where a teacher facilitates critical thinking in her classroom.


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