Netiquette Rules - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Netiquette Rules - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Netiquette Rules - By

00:0-1 Do you follow any online etiquette or Netiquette rules ?
00:04 Are your online security and well being important to you
00:08 . Listen to this conversation and learn about some netiquette
00:12 rules and synonyms for the words kind and security high
00:18 . And are you taking classes this semester ? Yes
00:23 , I am . I'm taking some literature courses .
00:27 I am too . Do you want to join my
00:29 online study group ? I think you'd like it .
00:33 Sure . Do you discuss the books we read in
00:36 classes ? Yeah , we do . And everyone is
00:40 kind to each other . We disagree sometimes , but
00:43 we're still consider it just like we are in class
00:47 . That's great . Is it a private group ?
00:49 It's on social media , but security is still important
00:53 to us for everyone's protection . We don't make personal
00:57 posts or mention personal information . Great . I'll join
01:02 . It sounds like a nice and safe fruit .
01:07 Let's talk about netiquette rules and some synonyms for kind
01:12 and security . The first rule is that it is
01:16 important to be as kind as you are in person
01:20 online . Some synonyms for kind are considerate and nice
01:28 . Mhm . The second rule is that it is
01:31 important to respect everyone's privacy online . This is necessary
01:37 for everyone's security . Some synonyms for security , our
01:44 protection and safety . How do you make sure you
01:50 have security online ? This is american english . Thank
01:56 you for watching .



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