Closely Related Words - Succeed and Success - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Closely Related Words - Succeed and Success - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Closely Related Words - Succeed and Success - By

00:0-1 Yeah . When have you experienced success ? How did
00:04 you succeed ? Listen to this conversation about determination and
00:09 learn about the difference between some closely related words like
00:13 success and succeed . Mhm . I really liked your
00:18 presentation in our science class today . It was a
00:21 success . Thanks . I felt like I succeeded .
00:26 I'm usually really nervous during presentations , but I've overcome
00:30 my fear . I felt more confident today . It
00:34 showed how did you become more confident ? It took
00:38 a lot of determination . I practiced my presentation every
00:42 day . Sometimes I practiced on my own and sometimes
00:45 I practiced with friends . It was part of my
00:49 everyday routine . Yeah , there were some closely related
00:54 words in the conversation we just listened to . We'll
00:57 start with success and succeed . Success is a noun
01:01 . It means an achievement or good result . His
01:05 book was a success . He had worked hard on
01:08 it for a long time . Succeed as a verb
01:12 . It means to achieve a result that you've wanted
01:15 . She succeeded in the race . She ran faster
01:18 than she ever had before . Now let's talk about
01:22 every day and every day . Every day is an
01:25 adverb spelled with two words . It means each day
01:29 they practise piano . Every day before the concert .
01:33 Every day is an adjective , spelled with one word
01:36 . It is used before . Now . It means
01:38 ordinary or happening regularly , running as part of her
01:42 everyday life . She's training to run in a marathon
01:46 . How do you work to achieve your goals every
01:49 day ? This is american english . Thank you for
01:53 watching .



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