Citizen Journalism - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Citizen Journalism - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Citizen Journalism - By

00:09 Hello Back in Unit one . We mentioned the role
00:13 of citizen journalism in today's digital media . In this
00:17 video , we're going to look at citizen journalism more
00:20 closely at the two main types of citizen journalists and
00:25 talk about the ways that ordinary citizens can get involved
00:31 . Citizen journalism refers to the way that ordinary members
00:35 of the public , not professional journalists , collect and
00:41 distribute information via the Internet . By doing this ,
00:51 citizen journalists can give ordinary people a voice . There
00:56 are two main ways that the general public can become
00:59 citizen journalists , one working on their own and to
01:05 working with news organizations . Let's look at these two
01:09 types in more detail . The first type of citizen
01:14 journalism is where citizen journalists work on their own ,
01:19 not affected by traditional media . Citizen journalists are not
01:24 adding to articles that already exist . They are creating
01:28 something by themselves . There are two main ways that
01:32 people can do this , one through social media Or
01:37 two by creating a blog or website . Many people
01:43 have a social media account such as facebook or twitter
01:48 by publishing photographs and opinions and sharing stories . The
01:53 public can help to report what is going on in
01:55 the world During the Arab Spring . In Egypt .
01:59 In 2011 , protesters used social media to coordinate their
02:05 demonstrations against the government . When a person feels strongly
02:11 about an issue , they might create their own blog
02:15 or website to share their opinions with other people .
02:21 This is an opportunity for someone to write more or
02:24 to continue with the same topic Over a period of
02:28 time with a website , a citizen journalist can use
02:32 different types of media to communicate their message . Some
02:40 citizen journalists work with existing news organizations . There are
02:45 three main ways to do this , commenting on articles
02:50 , crowd sourcing and live blogging , commenting on articles
02:57 refers to the comments that readers make on an online
03:01 news article . You can give your opinion on the
03:05 topic or comment on the article itself . Other readers
03:11 can reply to your comment as well as the original
03:15 article crowd sourcing means using a crowd a lot of
03:21 people to work on a project in journalism , it
03:28 means asking the general public to provide additional information to
03:34 complete a story . Journalists usually do this when a
03:39 task is very big and needs many people . For
03:43 example , if a very long document too long for
03:47 one person to read is made public , a newspaper
03:50 might ask it's readers to each reader part to check
03:54 the facts or look for details . Live blogging occurs
03:59 when something is happening live , such as a concert
04:02 of political meeting , a sports match or a severe
04:05 weather event like a snowstorm . If we take the
04:09 example of a snowstorm , online newspapers will ask the
04:12 readers to send in stories of how the snow is
04:16 affecting them . Along with photographs of the snow .
04:20 Readers might also talk about travel delays or places being
04:26 closed . So in this video , we looked at
04:32 the role of citizen journalists in the digital media .
04:36 We saw that there are two types of citizen journalism
04:40 working on your own , using social media , blogs
04:44 and websites , and working with news organizations by commenting
04:50 on articles , crowdsourcing and live blogging . Next ,
04:57 Well , look at ethics in the digital age .



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