affordable oral reading fluency database program for libraries - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

affordable oral reading fluency database program for libraries - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

affordable oral reading fluency database program for libraries - By

00:0-1 Hello , I'm Darcy from Lou . Most learning .
00:07 Does your library conducted story time sessions for your young
00:10 patrons ? Are you looking for ways to make story
00:14 time events , mawr engaging for kids ? Then here's
00:17 something you just definitely trust limos . Reading Buddy Program
00:21 is a revolutionary way to help kids become fluent readers
00:26 . It is an interactive and fun solution to enrich
00:29 story time at your libraries . It combines listening and
00:33 reading with speaking skills , making it a comprehensive learning
00:37 experience for your young patrons . Reading Buddy Program offers
00:43 ready made passages , stories , poems and much more
00:47 . Program leverages proven methodologies by incorporating reading , vocabulary
00:53 , practice listening and read along activities with the reading
01:00 buddy kids start with the cold reading where they read
01:03 a story allowed for the first time . In the
01:06 next step , they will learn new vocabulary words picked
01:09 from the same story . Then there is a read
01:13 along task that lets them do the reading activity along
01:16 with audio narration of the story . After completing ,
01:20 they are then asked to repeat the reading , and
01:23 this is referred to as the hot reading . Lastly
01:26 , they take a reading comprehension quiz to check their
01:29 understanding of the story . and words . This'll process
01:33 will ensure that your young patrons not only engaged at
01:37 all learning levels but also become fluent readers . You
01:41 can monitor their progress and see popular stories that air
01:44 helping kids Learn Program also allows you to easily invite
01:49 parents through an email to give them visibility to their
01:52 kids . Interaction with story time Parents can also see
01:57 the improvement reports that compare their performance on hot and
02:00 cold reading sessions . Interested in learning more ? Give
02:05 us 15 minutes and we will show you how Lou
02:08 most Reading Buddy Database program can improve reading fluency of
02:13 your library's young patrons through story time .



Affordable oral reading fluency database program for libraries is a free educational video by .

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