Connecting Paired Texts - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Connecting Paired Texts - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Connecting Paired Texts - By

00:0-1 Hey , guys , this is Mrs Wohlers . Today
00:02 we're gonna learn about connecting text with paired passages .
00:06 Today you will be responsible for reading , thinking about
00:11 what you are reading and achieving by making connections between
00:15 texts . Connecting text involves using background knowledge , comparing
00:23 and contrast it peps and synthesizing information . Here's how
00:29 we're going to do this . First we're going to
00:31 read both passages . Did you understand them ? Then
00:35 explain . How are they connected ? Next , analyze
00:38 How are they similar and different . Finally , determine
00:42 the answers to the questions . Let's try it now
00:47 . We're going to read two passages . Follow along
00:49 and think about how they're connected . What's the same
00:52 ? What's different ? But are mammals mammals ? Air
00:58 living creatures that have several characteristics in common ? First
01:01 , all mammals have hair . Some have thick hair
01:03 , while others have thin and wispy hair . Mammals
01:06 also give birth to live young that are smaller versions
01:08 of themselves . Their babies do not hatch from eggs
01:10 . Mammal mothers also nurse their young by giving them
01:13 milk from their body to drink . All mammals have
01:17 four limbs . Some walk on all fours , but
01:19 others can walk upright . Mammals also used lungs to
01:22 breathe and have vertebrae that make up a back .
01:24 Oh , some mammals , like whales and dolphins ,
01:26 live in the water but need to come to the
01:28 surface for air . Mammals can be found all over
01:31 the world . On every continent . People are mammals
01:33 , too . Reptile or amphibian Reptiles and amphibians are
01:39 the same and different in many ways . First ,
01:41 they're the same because they both have backbones and are
01:43 cold blooded . This'll means that their internal body temperature
01:46 cannot heat up or cool down on its own .
01:48 They both breathe air , but some species can hold
01:50 their breath for a long time . To types of
01:52 animals air different because amphibians lead two lives . First
01:56 , they begin life in the water and eventually move
01:59 on the land while they're both hatch from eggs ,
02:01 Amphibian eggs are laid in the water and reptiles eggs
02:03 are laid on dry land . Amphibians go through a
02:06 metamorphosis , growing their parts as they turn into an
02:09 adult , while reptiles are born looking like miniature adults
02:15 . Now we're going to explain how they were connected
02:19 . The first passage was found mammals . Second passage
02:22 was felt reptiles and amphibians . Both passages described characteristics
02:26 of these types of animals . Now we're going to
02:33 analyze how they're similar and different . Mammals , reptiles
02:36 , amphibians all have backbones and breathe air . Reptiles
02:39 and mammals give birth to little versions of themselves .
02:41 Unlike amphibians , whose babies do not look anything like
02:44 small adults , mammals are different because they give birth
02:48 to live . Young reptiles and amphibians lay eggs .
02:52 Finally , we determine the answers to the questions .
02:55 The information presented in water , mammals and reptile or
02:58 amphibian supports the idea that a mammals air better than
03:02 amphibians and reptiles . The reptiles cannot live where mammals
03:05 do sea mammals , reptiles and amphibians can sometimes be
03:08 found in the same places or D animals hash from
03:13 eggs do not look like their parents . The answer
03:17 . You should have chosen Waas . See in .
03:21 In the first passage , we learned that some mammals
03:24 , like whales and dolphins , live in the water
03:26 . In the second , the amphibians begin life in
03:28 the water and reptiles begin their life in the land
03:31 and mostly remain on land . But do sometimes go
03:33 in the water . So all three types of animals
03:36 can sometimes be found in water . Okay , guys
03:42 , just remember , read both passages , explain how
03:46 they're connected , analyze how they're the same , indifferent
03:50 and use that to determine the answers to the questions
03:53 . You don't need it , but good luck .
03:55 I know you're going to be amazing . Created using
03:59 cartoon .



Connecting Paired Texts is a free educational video by .It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RI.4.9.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Connecting Paired Texts but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. RI.4.9 : Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably..





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