Past Simple and Past Continuous - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Past Simple and Past Continuous - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Past Simple and Past Continuous - By Smrt English

00:04 Let's talk about some of the ways we use the
00:06 past , simple and the past continuous . We'll start
00:08 with the past . Simple . One of the ways
00:10 we use Thio the past simple for is to describe
00:12 finished actions in the past , things that are already
00:15 done . Look at the example . I didn't sleep
00:17 well last night , Shakespeare wrote . Romeo and Juliet
00:21 thes are singular events that happened in the past ,
00:23 and they're finished now . Another way . We use
00:26 it a very useful way for the past . Simple
00:28 is to talk about the order of events that sequence
00:31 how things happen . So look at this . I
00:33 woke up and took a shower . First I woke
00:35 up , Then I took a shower . He heard
00:37 a noise from downstairs , so he got up ,
00:40 put on some clothes and check the kitchen . The
00:42 herd get up , put on checked . All happened
00:45 in a certain order , and the past simple tells
00:47 us they happened one after another . We can also
00:50 use the past simple to talk about past states or
00:53 habits , things that we used to do for a
00:55 long time or used to be . When I was
00:57 a child , I played a lot of guitar .
00:59 That's a habit I had for a long period of
01:01 time . Every day she made my breakfast and took
01:04 me to school . She made my breakfast and took
01:07 me to school to things that happened again and again
01:09 , just like the present simple . Where we say
01:11 I work at a school means something that happens every
01:15 day , not just once . Yeah , when we're
01:18 just talking about past states and habits , don't forget
01:20 , we can also use used to . I used
01:22 to walk toe work when I lived downtown . Now
01:26 the past continuous gives us , um , the ability
01:29 to describe activities in progress before , and maybe after
01:32 a point in time . When she called , we
01:35 were cooking dinner . This means that cooking dinner was
01:38 happening in progress when the telephone call came . It
01:41 was happening before probably happened after at three AM I
01:45 was , of course , sleeping was sleeping when three
01:48 AM happened . I was in the middle of sleep
01:50 and I slept before I probably slept after I came
01:54 to school at 9 a.m. But the door was closed
01:56 and the class was studying . That means that when
01:59 I came , the studying is already in progress and
02:02 it will probably continue . I can also use the
02:07 sorry I can also use past continues to talk about
02:09 things that are happening ongoing actions in order to give
02:13 some background or context for what I'm saying . I
02:16 was sitting in my car and listening to music .
02:18 Suddenly a man knocked on my window . The sitting
02:21 and listening is just to give you an idea of
02:23 what was happening before , just before and when that
02:27 event , the man knocking on my window , happened
02:30 . It was such a beautiful day . The birds
02:32 were singing and the people in the streets were walking
02:34 to work that paints a picture of what was happening
02:37 at that time . The birds are singing . People
02:39 are walking to work just to create an image of
02:41 the background with setting . But we can also use
02:45 the past continuous to talk about temporary things or things
02:47 that air incomplete . In the spring , I was
02:50 sleeping on my friend sofa because I didn't have an
02:52 apartment , so this means for a temporary amount of
02:55 time . In the spring I was sleeping . They're
02:57 not the whole time , but generally I was living
03:00 with him on the flight home . I was watching
03:02 a movie . This means I probably didn't finish it
03:05 all , or I'm talking about in the middle of
03:07 it . If I said it in past simple on
03:10 the flight home , I watched a movie that means
03:12 I finished it . Okay , we can also use
03:14 it to describe the interrupted activity . The students were
03:17 taking a test when somebody knocked on the door .
03:20 So again , this activity stops because the knocking disrupts
03:23 the students . I was taking a shower when you
03:25 called , so I'm washing myself a phone call .
03:28 I jump out and try to get the call .
03:30 Most people were driving toe work when the earthquake hit
03:33 . Now , probably after the earthquake , they stopped
03:35 driving or pulled over or anything . Okay , Now
03:39 we can also use the past continuous to describe to
03:42 past activities happened at the same time , or one
03:45 that was in progress for all of the period of
03:47 time . So look at the example in the summer
03:49 , I was working for a great company . This
03:52 is a temporary action that happened in that summer .
03:55 She was wearing that shirt all day yesterday . We
03:57 want to say that for the whole day she had
03:59 that shirt on . I was sleeping , but he
04:01 was studied . There's two actions happening together . Me
04:04 sleeping . He studied . He was walking and listening
04:07 to his MP three player , two things happening at
04:09 the same time . Thanks for watching and we'll see
04:12 you in the next video .


Geoff presents the use of the past simple and past continuous tenses in the English language.


Past Simple and Past Continuous is a free educational video by Smrt English.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.1.B.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Past Simple and Past Continuous but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. L.4.1.B : Form and use the progressive (e.g., I was walking; I am walking; I will be walking) verb tenses..





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