Present Continuous Verb Tense pt.4 - Outdoor Action Verbs: Fun English Grammar with - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Present Continuous Verb Tense pt.4 - Outdoor Action Verbs: Fun English Grammar with - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Present Continuous Verb Tense pt.4 - Outdoor Action Verbs: Fun English Grammar with - By mrsbrownrocks

00:00 I say ? I say , Well , now it's
00:04 time for some . Listen . Let e Are you
00:10 ready ? I am not very good . Number one
00:15 , They are flying . They are a good number
00:22 two . He is jumping . He is jumping Number
00:29 three , he is hitting . Hey , Hey !
00:37 Look , Patricia , It is flying . Oh wow
00:40 ! He is swinging iss good Number five She is
00:51 catching . She is good . Number six , she
01:01 is kicking . She is kicking for seven . They
01:08 are fighting . They are fighting Very good . Number
01:15 eight Cheap is sleeping . She it is walking .
01:26 Wow ! Nine She is crying . Uh oh a
01:41 They are swimming . They are swimming . Good number
01:49 11 . She is walking . She is walking number
01:58 12 . I am sure she is drinking . She
02:03 is drinking . Drinking ? I can throw very well
02:07 . Tired . She drinking a Peter . What are
02:14 you doing ? E a e number 14 He climbing
02:29 is climbing . He is crying . It is climbing
02:36 on you . He is throwing . He is telling
02:44 good . I am throwing number 60 . They are
02:50 eating . They are eating number 17 . He is
03:00 running . He is running very good . Well Hey
03:08 , Patricia , Can you dance ? Thank you .
03:10 Dance . I can't dance . I am dancing .
03:16 I can dance

DESCRIPTION: presents this English classroom Listen & Repeat using the present continuous verb tense and third person pronouns. • Learn outdoor action verbs in the present tense ((flying, jumping, hitting, swinging, catching, kicking, fighting, sleeping, crying, swimming, walking, drinking, smiling, climbing, throwing, eating, running)). • Practice listening and pronunciation of basic English sentences and grammar with this kids English cartoon. • Study basic English grammar using: '-ing'. • Repeat basic grammar patterns with native English speakers. • Kids Online English Channel teaches Children English as a Second Language (ESL) and foreign language (EFL). • Kids learn English online with fun educational videos that are effective at teaching English: visit to see more English videos plus games, virtual pets, and much more.


Present Continuous Verb Tense pt.4 - Outdoor Action Verbs: Fun English Grammar with is a free educational video by mrsbrownrocks.It helps students in grades 4.

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