Practiceth Grade Finding Theme - Worksheet & Printable

Tessa's mom works all day long during the summer months giving tours at a local museum. Tessa and her brother, Beau, stay home all day long by themselves. They fix their own lunch, entertain themselves, and keep each other company. They wished their mom didn't have to work, so that she could stay home and take care of them.

Kate's mom doesn't have a job. She stays home each day with her children. Every morning, she cooks a big breakfast for the family. Then, she watches television with her children and makes them take an afternoon nap. Kate's mom never leaves her children in the house alone. Kate wishes that her mom would let her be more independent and take care of herself. She resents being treated like a baby.

What is the theme of this passage?


Good always wins over evil.


Creative thinking can solve problems.


The grass is always greener on the other side.


Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Standard: RL.4.2

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.

Fred had never been to the dentist. All of his life he had heard horror stories about the buzzing drills, the huge needles, and the scary tools that the dentist used to torture his patients. Since none of his teeth were hurting, Fred just couldn’t understand why his mom was insisting on taking him to the dentist. She told him that it was important to visit the dentist each year to have his teeth checked and cleaned. This seemed silly to Fred because he cleaned his teeth everyday by brushing and flossing them, but nothing would change his mother’s mind. He found it hard to believe that she would think it was a good idea to take him somewhere to be tortured. However, he had no choice but to go.
On the way to the dentist, Fred’s imagination went wild. He pictured walking into a room with a huge chair that the dentist would strap him to. He could just see the dentist pulling out a huge drill and drilling his tooth while his mother and several others held him in the chair. By the time he got to the dentist’s office, he was shaking all over.
Surprisingly, the office was nothing like he expected. The dentist was friendly, and the chair was comfortable. It didn’t have any straps. He looked around the room and didn’t see any huge drills or torture devices. He was relieved when all the dentist did was look in his mouth, show him how to properly brush and floss his teeth, and give him a balloon. His mom made another appointment to have his teeth cleaned in six months. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as he had thought it would be.

What is the theme of the above passage?


Dentists are good people so don’t worry about seeing them.


Moms usually know best so trust them.


Things are usually not as bad as you think they will be.


An imagination is good but it can make things seem scary sometimes.

Standard: RL.4.2

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.

Opal walked into the store not wanting to do what she had planned. She knew when she took the makeup without paying for it that it was wrong. She felt so guilty. She knew she couldn’t keep the makeup. So, gathering all of her courage, she walked over to the security officer and confessed what she had done. He admonished her for shoplifting but let her off with a warning because she had been honest. She felt very relieved.

What is the theme of the above passage?


The unknown can be scary.


It is best to be honest.


Don’t cry over spilled milk.


Mom knows best.

Standard: RL.4.2

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.

Libby’s grandmother didn’t have much money, so she couldn’t buy Libby an expensive present for Christmas like her other grandmother could. She didn’t want to buy her a cheap toy that wouldn’t last long, but she just couldn’t afford the things that were on Libby’s wish list. She decided to make Libby a quilt. She was concerned that her granddaughter wouldn’t like the gift, but it was the best that she could do.
When Christmas day arrived, Grandmother went to Libby’s house. She saw all of the nice gifts that her granddaughter had received. She was worried as Libby began to open her present. Libby squealed with delight when she saw the handmade quilt. She ran and hugged her grandmother and thanked her. She ran and put the new quilt on her bed. The rest of the day she talked about how much she loved the quilt, especially since her grandmother had made it all by hand.

What is the theme of the above passage?


It is not the cost of the gift that matters but the thought and love put into it.


Expensive gifts are better than homemade ones.


Homemade gifts are as good as expensive toys.


Good manners have positive results.

Standard: RL.4.2

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.

Robin wished that her parents hadn’t decided to go to the beach for their vacation. She was afraid of the ocean. She knew they would want her to wade in the water and even swim in the ocean like she did in their swimming pool, but she was afraid of the waves. She feared that they would knock her down.

When Robin and her family arrived at the beach, Robin sat on a towel and began playing in the sand. Her dad begged her to wade in the water with him. She refused. She was so scared of the waves. Her dad and brother went into the water without her. She noticed that when a wave would splash them, they did not fall down. She began to notice young children laughing as the waves washed against them. Robin slowly walked to the water’s edge. She walked out a few feet. When the first wave started toward her, she closed her eyes. When it hit her, nothing happened. The water actually felt good. Her dad looked around and saw her in the water and smiled.

What did Robin learn in the above passage?


Waves are dangerous.


The beach is more fun than the ocean.


Beach vacations are no fun.


Have the courage to face your fears.

Standard: RL.4.2

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.


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