3rd Grade Cause and Effect - Worksheet & Printable

Read the story and answer the question.

Brandon lived with his mother at one end of the forest. His school was at the other end of the forest. Every day he had to go through the forest to get to school and the forest was very scary.

One day he told his mother that he felt very scared to cross that forest. His mother said, “Don’t be scared,” “Your brother lives in the forest.”

“Whenever you get scared, you can always call him.” “He won’t answer you but he will see that no harm comes to you.” Brandon said, “Why did you not tell me about my brother earlier?” “What is his name?” His mother said, “His name is, Courage.” “Whenever you get frightened, call his name, and he will silently follow you to school and see that you come back home safely.”

The next day Brandon was happy to get ready for school. He was not scared as he went through the forest on the way to school. That day while coming home from school, he got scared when he heard the sounds of animals. He then remembered his mother‘s words that his brother would protect him whenever he was frightened.

Brandon called out ‘Courage, Courage’ with full confidence. Suddenly he began to feel better. He began to feel brave. He again called out “Courage, Courage.” He thought that his brother was silently following him, he began to sing softly and then loudly. He realized that he was not frightened after all. He crossed the forest confidently with courage. The only thing we need to have is confidence and courage in ourselves to move ahead.

What is the effect of Brandon calling out "Courage, Courage" when he is walking through the forest?


He is no longer scared to walk through the forest.


He scares away the animals in the forest.


He warns his brother that he is coming.


He feels more afraid.

Standard: RI.3.3

Domain: Reading: Informational Text

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.

Read the story and answer the question.

Brandon lived with his mother at one end of the forest. His school was at the other end of the forest. Every day he had to go through the forest to get to school and the forest was very scary.

One day he told his mother that he felt very scared to cross that forest. His mother said, “Don’t be scared,” “Your brother lives in the forest.”

“Whenever you get scared, you can always call him.” “He won’t answer you but he will see that no harm comes to you.” Brandon said, “Why did you not tell me about my brother earlier?” “What is his name?” His mother said, “His name is, Courage.” “Whenever you get frightened, call his name, and he will silently follow you to school and see that you come back home safely.”

The next day Brandon was happy to get ready for school. He was not scared as he went through the forest on the way to school. That day while coming home from school, he got scared when he heard the sounds of animals. He then remembered his mother‘s words that his brother would protect him whenever he was frightened.

Brandon called out ‘Courage, Courage’ with full confidence. Suddenly he began to feel better. He began to feel brave. He again called out “Courage, Courage.” He thought that his brother was silently following him, he began to sing softly and then loudly. He realized that he was not frightened after all. He crossed the forest confidently with courage. The only thing we need to have is confidence and courage in ourselves to move ahead.

Who causes Brandon to have the courage to walk through the forest?


His mother


His brother


His teacher


No one

Standard: RI.3.3

Domain: Reading: Informational Text

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.

Read the poem and answer the question.

Camels are bumpy,
Their backs are all lumpy,
Giraffes are long- legged and meek:
Bears are so growly,
Hyenas are howly,
Dolphins are slippery and sleek.

Kangaroos have a pocket,
But no way to lock it,
Their babies can look out and peep,
But monkeys are funny
I wish I had money,
Enough to buy one and keep.

Based on this poem, what would the narrator most likely do if he was rich?


Buy a new house for his family.


Buy a monkey


Buy a kangaroo


Buy a zoo

Standard: RI.3.3

Domain: Reading: Informational Text

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.

Read the selection and answer the question.

Good manners can be seen at home, at school, on the playground and at the dining table where we eat out meals. A well mannered person is polite and gentle when he talks.

Every one likes a person who is polite and good mannered. Good manners are always liked by everyone and bring good rewards.

All that is right pleases everyone. Therefore we should do what is right always. We should always remember to do what is right.

A boy or girl who constantly comes late for any work cannot be depended upon. People do not give him any important work for they do not know whether he will come on time or not. A person who is always late loses his friends.

All of us make mistakes. When we make a mistake we do not like to be punished for it. We like to be forgiven. Therefore, we too should forgive the mistakes of others. Forgiveness is a great virtue.

It is easy to make a mistake, but it is not easy to forget that mistake. If we make some mistake, we should feel sorry for it. We should also apologize to the person whom we have hurt.

We should not cheat in an examination. Cheating always does more harm than good. We should not keep bad company.

How would the person telling this story most likely react to a child who had good manners?


He would give the child a reward.


He would ask the child to teach other children how to have good manners.


He would punish the child.


He would ignore the child.

Standard: RI.3.3

Domain: Reading: Informational Text

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.

Read the poem and answer the question.

I quarreled with my brother
I don’t know what about,
One thing led to another
And somehow we fell out.

The start of it was slight,
The end of it was strong,
He said he was right,
I knew he was wrong!

We hated one another.
The afternoon turned black.
Then suddenly my brother
Thumped me on the back.

And said, “Oh, come along!
We can’t go on all night-
I was in the wrong.”
So he was in the right.

-by Eleanor Farjeon

What was the effect of the narrator's brother apologizing for the fight?


The siblings continued to argue.


The narrator also apologized.


The siblings stopped talking to each other.


The siblings stopped fighting.

Standard: RI.3.3

Domain: Reading: Informational Text

Theme: Key Ideas and Details

Description: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.


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