Label Figures and Draw Diagonals Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Label Figures and Draw Diagonals. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Label Figures and Draw Diagonals.

5.7 Proving that Figures are Special Quadrilaterals (Practice)

By AutenMath

5.7 Proving that Figures are Special Quadrilaterals (Practice)

Significant Figures in Measurement


Significant Figures in Measurement

Significant Figures with Counting Numbers and Measurements

By Tyler DeWitt

When and how do you actually use significant figures in math and science problems? Here, we'll look at the different between measurements and counting numbers.

3.1 Congruent Figures (and Transformations) (Lesson Only)

By AutenMath

This is a lesson verifying congruent figures through transformations.

5.7 Proving that Figures are Special Quadrilaterals (Lesson)

By AutenMath

5.7 Proving that Figures are Special Quadrilaterals (Lesson)

Significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Introduction to significant figures. All Khan Academy content is available for free at

Finding Area of Complex Figures

By MuchoMath

The instructor demonstrates how to find the area of complex figures consisting of one or more rectangles. They show how to break the figure up into two different figures and then add the areas together. The first figure is in the perimeter video so to find the missing sides you could watch that video or just go on in this video and they give you the measurements. They discuss the formula for area of a square and rectangle and use this to find the area of the two figures and then add them together. They also discuss why the area is label as cm squared or inches squared. Then other examples are shown. Video is good quality and good for all students as review or initial learning of the concept.

More on significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Understanding the "rules of thumb" for significant figures. All Khan Academy content is available for free at

Multiplying and dividing with significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video takes us through some real world examples of when we should use significant figures when multiplying and dividing. An important note: never consider significant figures until you have reached your FINAL ANSWER. Otherwise, rounding too early will produce more uncertainty about your solution.

Nets of 3D figures

By Khan Academy

Admittedly, nets of polyhedra sounds like the title of a bad sci-fi movie about man-eating, muti-headed fish. But in reality, nets of polyhedra are just 2D objects that wrap around 3D objects, like wrapping paper around presents.

Congruent Figures Part 2 - Proving Triangles Congruent - Definition of Congruent Triangles

By MrPilarski

YouTube presents Congruent Figures Part 2 - Proving Triangles Congruent - Definition of Congruent Triangles, an educational video resource on math.

Addition and subtraction with significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video shows us the rules for adding and subtracting measurements to show our level of accuracy. Note that the rules for addition/subtraction with significant figures are VERY different than the rules for mulitplication/division. Think about which number is the most precise!

Decompose figures to find volume

By Khan Academy

Find the volume of an irregular 3D figure by dividing the figure into two rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

Decompose figures to find volume

By Khan Academy

Find the volume of an irregular 3D figure made up a unit cubes by dividing the figure into two rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.

14 - Reference Angles Explained - Sine, Cosine & Unit Circle - Part 1

By Math and Science

Quality Math And Science Videos that feature step-by-step example problems!

08 - Calculate Sin, Cos & Tan w/ Unit Circle in Radians - Part 1

By Math and Science

Quality Math And Science Videos that feature step-by-step example problems!

15 - What is a Logarithm (Log x) Function? (Calculate Logs, Applications, Log Bases)

By Math and Science

Quality Math And Science Videos that feature step-by-step example problems!