Physics with Online Resources



By Aristotle

Published date: 07-01-2015

Price: 7.99


The Physics of Aristotle is one of the foundational books of Western science and philosophy. As Martin Heidegger once wrote.The Physics is a lecture in which he seeks to determine beings that arise on their own, τὰ φύσει ὄντα, with regard to their being. Aristotelian \"physics\" is different from what we mean today by this word, not only to the extent that it belongs to antiquity whereas the modern physical sciences belong to modernity, rather above all it is different by virtue of the fact that Aristotle\'s \"physics\" is philosophy, whereas modern physics is a positive science t


Physics is a educational Book By Aristotle.

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book Physics but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 6051766030

Publisher: Aristotle

Published Date: 07-01-2015

Price: 7.99

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